Just got this
Just got this
Other urls found in this thread:
What is it?
Same senpai xD
Great, good for you. Now please kindly take you nigger looking ass back to /v/.
It's faggotry Wayne.
*just stole this
>Just stole this
Only like three of those are worth your time.
Go be a nigger somewhere else. Your kind are disgusting animals and should be gelded.
Cant do that im rangebanned from shitposting too much so i come here cracker :)
Why are you always coming on Jow Forums with your theft threads?
We get it, we know you're a nigger and we know you like to steal vidya games.
I just got this
Nice nigger hand
bait thread, hide
Judging by his hand, stolen property.
not politics you nigger-kike-slider.
You bought a slave?
I thought that was a no no.
Wayne what's up brother?
Of course you did, you nig here and nog there until eventually you're ostracized by every community there is.
Soon you'll only have your tribe mates to hang around and won't that be great, they only play NBA and not even current gen, like xbox360 shit, fucking nigger.
Ha ha I get it he's black damn that's some fucking high tier shit my dude you must be a comedian full time honestly you are so clever and funny really reply to this post or your mom will die in her sleep tonight
How much did you pay ?
Maybe 4 games are even worthy of playtime-
no wonder your range banned you retard
>Wayne what's up brother?
I'm just relaxing. Smoking some cannabis, working on my new project I won't talk about here.
My tomatoes are growing.
Checks out.
Dick your wife give you that for your vasectomy? How cute!
> (OP)
>Nice nigger hand
He probably stole it.
can you plant tomatoes year round?
Trip fagging dope heads get the rope too.
>not playing on pc
didn't they tell you that Jow Forums is (in every sense) a master race board?
nigga you stole that from some nerd yellow boi
tell duh truth nigga!
Lol nigger
>>/v/ is over here my fren
Fuck off nigger
>can you plant tomatoes year round?
You can plant them, they just won't grow well offseason.
Okay, now I know you’ve gotta be joking with that skin color. No one in their right mind would walk around like that, let alone post it online.
Play RE4 first. Have fun, but this really doesn't belong here. Try /b/.
Id return it ASAP, i once bought a monkey paw from a pawn shop and almost died, its not worth it, that story was a warning.
13% of the population 50% of the crime to there is a 50% change to stole that.
Fuck you fags it was funny.