Germanys new minister of defence

May I introduce to you. Our new minister of defence.
At this point, how the hell does my country even survive? How are we not completely overtaken yet? Is the rest of the world even more fucked that we can survive with these politicians?
And who the hell would go to the army when they are governed by a woman? Literally beyond eternal cuckdom.

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Why are there so many women in prominent powers in euroPOOR?

Just do channeling and move to Russia or something

I'm sure she's more than capable of a competent surrender.

Anyways, has she ever done porn? Helga does Hamburg? Anything?

The US spends all it’s moon money taking care of niggers and Germans but I’m repeating myself

There is nothing more useless and pathetic than Germans.
They always need Austrian leadership to accomplish anything.

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No seriously why ALL ministers of defence in Europe have to be women? here in Italy the last man must have been in charge 5-6 years ago
Is this some kind of diversity quotas to show women can handle military stuff etc.? i know the job of the ministers is basically backoffice for the finance of the military and not actually militar stuff, but it's still strange

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>Why are there so many women in prominent powers in euroPOOR?

Because 50% of the population is women.

>There is nothing more useless and pathetic than Germans.
Except Sebastian Kurz.

I would fuck her.

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Er errichtet jetzt ehrenamtlich Grenzzäune in seiner Freizeit.

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The first step is admitting you're cucked. Next step is to take steps to uncuck. I'm not saying NatSoc. But also not NOT saying NatSoc.

get out

once unstable dumb women are in charge of anything, whatever it is they're doing is doomed.

it's a shame that they decided to destroy our country.

you would also brush your teeth with a chainsaw, so im not surprised.

this isn't just any woman.

I'm currenlty 22 years old, and when I first heard of her I must have been around 13 years old, she was quite famous. she wanted to implement an internet filter that would quite literally just replace any problematic website with a traffic stop sign. she also made some retarded statements regarding violent video games.

then she got promoted to manage our military for literally no reason, and if you're reading Jow Forums you already know how that turned out. this woman fucks up ever single position she's in and keeps getting promoted.

Germany sucks at defense anyway.

germany died long ago b

She will open german borders and her legs.

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She is a hardcore communist, just like Merkel.
Really no surprise she got the job.

Hi boomer, stop telling me fixing myself will fix the world, thanks. Learn how reality works, stop living in your boomer "I know it all better" bubble.

Fucking German woman is a slavic tradition.

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Nation wreckers

She gets promoted because she is a dyke

Based bottom feeder. It's a tough job but someone has to do it

and fucking slavic woman is a turkish one

nobody wants to fuck Turkish women though

Germany is one big lawless mafia at this point.
Make the best out of it.

>AKK wird Verteidigungsministerin


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I will never understand why any person in society would want this. The normie brain is an absolute mystery. It's impossible to decrypt the motives behind all of this.
Why would anybody vote for this? Why the actuall hell, why?

Mit Leyen an der Spitze der EU und AKK and der Spitze der Streitkräfte, steht der EU Armee und dem totalen Genozid der Biodeutschen nichts mehr im Weg.

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Say goodbye to Deutschland

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what voting?
there never was a single election made, this was already agreed upon weeks ago.
I hate this Country For Fucks sake, I just want it to end here and now.

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Because no man who is competent wants to put up with this shit. It's the same in the medical field, you can expect 90% women in there soon and a collapse to happen.

80% of german voters vote for this. This country wants to destroy itself into ashes. It's incredible how this is even possible.

>How are we not completely overtaken yet?
But we have been since WW2, newfag.

>he thinks AKK-47 was voted in by the populace

>he believes in elections
>in Germany of all places
Let me guess, you're of the opinion every Ossi loved the SED, right?

The Holy Trinity of Despair.

Merkel, Leyen and AKK.

>At this point, how the hell does my country even survive? How are we not completely overtaken yet?

Because Germany, like the rest of Europe, is protected by the USA.

lets allow women into politics, what can possibly go wrong

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If you are stupid enough to vote for the CDU/CSU, then yes, you WANTED this. And this woman is basically the same as the greens, left and social democrats. People want this. They don't want any sane strong white man to rule, that's all they care about. They literally accept EVERYTHING, as long as it is not a strong, sane, rational, wise white old man.

Voting was never the answer

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dont you guys already have american bases around the country? doesn't that count as being overtaken already?

>How are we not completely overtaken yet?
You are, it's just that real occupation isn't a bunch of mongols running around killing everyone and burning everything, it's the occupied being denied the right to work for the benefit of themselves and their children and their people, and instead being mandated to do so for the benefit of the occupier, and it is to the occupier's benefit to remain as discrete as is possible. People are willing to accept their gradual decline into poverty and disposession as sexual liberalism selects for behaviours in which the people most able to do something about the issues are incentivized not to, as squandering heritage and sociopolitical infrastructure acts as a reliable signal of individual fitness, much like conspicuous consumption:
The people advocating women in military roles are also the same people who openly claim to want white people extinct. If the British could have found a way to conivince Napoleon or Wilhelm, or Hitler, or whoever, to replace all of their military leadership with women, we would have done so, as would any nation in any conflict or rivalry at any point in history. It's just a military campaign in it's own right, but on the part of external groups.

If you're such a chad, why don't you fix your country single-handedly?

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Just train and arm yourself like a pro. Don't outsource your security to the state, let alone forgo situational awareness.

If any war fighting is going to happen it'll be out on the streets in urban environments where you'll either kill or be killed by migrants or any traitors already among you.

What do you need an army for? You have American troops and American nukes

Seriously i think it's a good thing. Germany needs to be burned down completely otherwise dumb Germans won't understand whats actually happening here. Vielen geht es noch viel zu gut. I call a economic collapse within the next 10 years, all Mutts and Niggers will leave Germany, a far right Party will rule Germany and we will become a stronger and better Germany.

No. It's being held hostage by the USA.
The US Corporation has always been a landfill for Masonry, Jewry and niggers. And any American patriots have proven themselves to historically be thoughtless and simple minded attack dogs.

Actually my life was shit, used drugs, had a total peak low point and was completely fucked, then I recovered slowly and now I'm better off than ever before in my life, a complete new human. So, yes. It might actually really happen that way.
Catastrophes force you to grow.

Watch the news this fall.

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pls Anschluss us and give us a new Hitler

But if you don't suffer on your own terms as individuals then any suffering and its consequences will be dictated by those waiting in line to conquer (i.e. migrants). So while you may be pretty much out of the woods personally speaking, the German masses are going towards the cliffs of all cliffs.


you have to go back Radu

>need new defense minister
>fill position with the surrender gender

>At this point, how the hell does my country even survive?

It doesn't.

>How are we not completely overtaken yet?

You are. You idiots got overtaken in 1945 after autistically declaring war on 2 more empires while you were already at war with one. Now your country is a Globalist vassal state which will be erased off the map eventually and molded into an EU super-state. You fools seriously shouldn't have pissed away the battle of Britain and declared war on Ivan and Cletus. Autistically maasacering Shlomo instead of just deporting him put the nails in your coffin as the inherit guilt its given your people will prevent them from ever embracing nationalism again. Just come to peace with this.

meme flag

Meme flag.

giving women and niggers power was the worst decision ever

>instead of deporting them
What is the havaara agreement?

Femin virus

And that somehow means they are competent to do this sort of stuff why?

because fuck you mysoginist scum

Whites on a whole are cucked and everyone else is biding their time until you dumbshits let savages get their hands on the nukes

you want to fight over who has the worst one?

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Deutschland, Deutschland unter mutti...

Good. G*rmans deserves all this suffering.