I'm moving to Portland next week Jow Forums. What should I expect?

I'm moving to Portland next week Jow Forums. What should I expect?

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A bunch of faggots and drug addicts

Nude party!!! Pretend you're a liberal and get lots of sjw pussy.


Attached: 1560573467798.jpg (480x480, 46K)


Lots of aids

to get raped by a homeless man

Luckily I'm married but I will stay vigilant. Thanks for the heads up.

It sucks how shitty the homeless problem has gotten over there. It seems like the city is going on a downward spiral of homeless and antifa bullshit.

>never relax around blacks
>never relax around homeless
>never relax around meth-heads
>cops don't help unless someone maimed, murdered
>trannies everywhere
>Commies everywhere
>spics everywhere
>refugees everywhere
>rich snotty Jews and rich snotty Anglos in nice areas
>rent too damn high
>everything expensive
>reparations happy hours for blacks
>drag queen story time at library
>obese purple haired feminists everywhere
>corrupt business everywhere
>mayor total idiot