I'm waiting for the day when cispeople finally understand the difference between sex and gender

I'm waiting for the day when cispeople finally understand the difference between sex and gender

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Fuck that gay shit nigga

well, have fun

I'm looking forward to they day we gas you to death

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>sex and gender
We do, there isn't
Fuck off unless you can cite research that isn't related to John Money

A real trans nigga would never use an imagery of Plato to enforce his points


Хpвaти нa /пoл/y кaкo ce oceћaтe кaдa видитe oвy cликy?

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Gendernerates must being solved.

There is no difference. Stop redefining words to support your faggot agenda.

True. All this queers act exactly like toddlers

So who’s right? Feminists or transgender advocates? They can’t both be right.

Neither you retarded clownflag

I understand perfectly well how you perverted the meaning of the word "gender" in order to cope with the fact that you hate yourself so much you deny reality and turn into an abomination with sprinkles on top.

>CIS people
I reject your terms, i DEMAND you refer to me as your highness. Don't call me CIS it's your highness from now on!!!!

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There is no difference, the difference is a Social construct. Youve been memed

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Eat shit faggot

I'm waiting for the day when all trannies have finally killed themselves.

convert or be abandon in the hell you've made for yourself sinner

Well gender is only grammar related, sex is reality.

>making rocket science out of two genders

I'm waiting for the day when transpeople finally understand the difference between male and female

onako kako se ti osjećaš kad vidiš dačića kako pjeva erdoganu

Since there is none, there is nothing to be understoo.

Isn't it quite problematic that we have infinite number of genders but only two types of gender reassignment surgery?

cis is a term made up by faggots

The first image should be babbling lunatics screaming at each other in an insane asylum.

The second image should a tranny writing gibberish in shit on a black board in front of a group of confused normal people.

The ego and narcissism of trans folx people (yes, they fucking spell it that way). There are over 6,500 documented biological differences in males and females. Only 2 genders exist. C'est tout.

Docs should study the Dunning Kruger effect in trans communities.

It was invented by a pedophile named John Money who was responsible for the suicides of the Reimer twins

The irony being that Plato thought gays should be imprisoned and stripped of citizenship

There is not difference you fucking degenerate.
You either have male genes or female genes outside of a very small handful of genetic freaks.

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Imagine being that much of a nobody that the only thing that can give you a sense of identity is faking a mental illness for social media clout.

Thats the whole gender debate in 1 sentence.

Normal people should not change their language to accommodate retarded people.

Even talking about trannies, fags and "cis" "people": *pic related*

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I'm waiting for the day you faggots realize sex is the only thing that matters and any discussion about gender is ultimately pointless since no law should take it into account.

I'm waiting for the day when ignorant degenerates such as yourself pick up a Gnostic piece of literature, preferably Hermetica, and realize that there are ultimately two forces of nature. The structuring, authoritative or Masculine force and the Creative, nurturing, or Feminine force.

There are only two genders.

Take pride in it.

According to them, "Cis White" people are Godly, perfect, and normal.

I for one take incredible pride to be "privileged" and am grateful to be "privileged"

one is grounded in reality and one in fantasy

Im looking forward to the day all trannies die

German degenerate. I've been to your pathetic country. I'm never going back to that shithole.

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If I look at a dog can I tell what gender it is?

Sex and gender are different.

Sex is a biological reality. Outside of rare genetic defects, you either have an xx or xy chromosome. You can't change that. Gender is a set of norms that vary greatly from culture to culture. You can change that.

Choosing to be a different gender and adopting the mannerisms of said gender isn't unusual. It's actually pretty normal. It's the people who mutilate themselves and cut of their dicks in an attempt to change their biological sex who are in need of mental help

I'm waiting for the day you're not throwing your shit at the wall demanding the government use violence to force people to play along with your delusions, Xir.

this right here.

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And im waiting for the day when trans people are gonna be fucking massacred

I'm waiting for the day you seek treatment for your mental illness.

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I'm waiting for the day when you degenerates finally understand the difference between reality and fantasy.

I think it's quite fucking ironic that these degenerates created a fictional list of CIS privilege and they placed normal straight people at the top.. Am I supposed to feel good about that? I mean. Fuck yeah dude. I feel fucking awesome about that. I'm straight. I'm white. I'm fucking male. I was born with incredibly high privilege dudes! Fuck yeah. Who DOESN'T want to be privileged??

Oh, or is this like a reverse chart? Am I SUPPOSED to want to be a faggot? Am I SUPPOSED to feel bad for having privilege?

I think it's quite fucking ironic that I AM THE WHITE SUPREMACIST RACIST when this fucking ridiculous chart exists that quite literally discriminates against race, gender, and sexuality.

How much of fucking hypocrisy can you handle before it tears your dilated asshole apart? Fucking hypocritical bafoons.

The origins of the word gender was created by a metally unwell scientist who experimented on 2 boys from a young age to act girlish or to become a girl.
The 2 boys who were treated as girls, had their penises cut of and replaced with a vagina model and were instructed to be girls.
Ended up mentally ill and both of the boys suicided of their early age trauma.
In other words.
Transgenderism is a theory made by a horrible scientist who tested on 2 boys who later killed themselves.

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I'm sure when they do they will start cleaning out the fags.

Gender does not exist, or to be precise, it is synonymous with sex
There is no reason to believe your self-identification should be anyhow different from the biological reality of your body unless you're mentally ill or a special snowflake pretending
The mentally ill people do need help, and since there is no better treatment that transitioning available I am willing to accept them as identifying with the other sex, to some extend of course.

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grammatical organization, non falsifiable and thus not science
biological truth, hard science


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I think you need to get out more and actually play the part of the gender you were born with to understand sex.

Ez blud: Chromosomes.

Just listen to God's chosen country on this issue: edition.cnn.com/2019/07/14/middleeast/israel-conversion-therapy-intl/index.html

2 genders male/female. 2 sex male/female. There's normal people and then there are fucking queers. End of story. This is BIOLOGY, fags.

Reminder that people changed the Wiki page for the guy who came up with the theory about sex and gender being different to say that people widely accepted his theories despite him being mocked for them.


Beat me too it

I understand & even accept the difference between sex and gender and I will even concede that some people may be more like the opposite sex in their head. However, I think outward sex determines which pronouns I should use. If you have stubble and a dicklet, you're a he/him. Not a she/her. Period.

I'm waiting for the day when you go hang yourself filthy subhuman nigger


I like how they're hiding behind some kind of intelligence as an excuse as to why most people think they're batshit insane for wanting to carve a hole where their dick is.

Who is that cute "girl"?

My bad, mentally ill is not my native tongue

You are male or female or mentally ill. I completely understand the gender argument.

Who doesn't want somma this? OH BABY HUBBA HUBBA

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That is much to generous to the Jow Forums-tards

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That Will never happen to back to slavery Wagin

There isn't one, adhering new definitions to old words is nu-speak

It's easy: you have sex with the opposite gender.

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Left can’t meme

This pretty much sums up my view on it. Listen, we all have shit about our bodies that we want to change, that make us self-conscious around others, and in some cases that can seriously get in the way of our daily functioning.

If a woman doesn't "feel like a woman" because she has small tits, and wants implants, and that ends up making her more confident and improves her self-esteem, or makes her less suicidal - I don't really give a shit. Just as long as she doesn't go around making people call her tits real.

I just rejoice in them suicide rates for tannies. I lol every single day thinking about that.

TRANNIES, you stupid fuck

This one got me good.

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Here let me put this a way your retarded ass can understand r/quityourbullshit

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There are actually 2.1 genders. There is male xy see? the Y in the xy looks like a wiener hanging.
The female is xx....see the X is like the kunt vs the male Y wiener. BUT! There is the triple X female. These are the dumbfucker women. You'll find these defects on model runways,being stupidass feminists,and they are 1 in every 1000 women. They are responsible for screwing men over,and convincing regular xx females to be feminists and claim superiority over men.
They are the curse and enmity of the Bible. They are the shixas and they are usually "hot".
Everyone wantsa fuck em.
The pretty defects. 2.1 genders. Male female and the ones who inspire the MTGOW movement. Which is why the man needs to be the head of the household. Women are not equal even among themselves.

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"Gender" was invented by feminists in the 70s. Before that it was a purely grammatical term. Just like the concept of "racism", it's a leftist ideological construct, and white people need to stop fucking letting them dictate the terms of the debate.

Trans people don't understand it or at least aren't consistent with it

>Gender is a social construct! Sex is biological. Now give me my biological hormone treatments so I can change genders!
>Man and woman are genders! Male and female are sexes! Don't you dare refer to me as a male, I am a proud Transwoman!

*I'm waiting for the day when normal people can understand the difference between sex and mental illneses*

And in this image we see the 'cis' woman explaining that there is no fucking difference between the two to the trans toddler.
There is only a difference between 'sex' and 'mental illness'


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That would be tough considering such a distinction plainly does not exist.

I wanna see trans people in bikinis!
Them fukkrz are soooooo hot.
Mmmmm delicious! I love their barrel chested ribcages especially when they take those hormones and get those man titties they were going to get when they were older from eating all the BPA early. Sweet sweet pubescent man titties. I want to kiss his dainty feet! YUM! I'm spoogin thinking about it. IAnd their asses ....Ooo La la! That nice skinny ass! Those dents rightbeneath the hips! SO SEXY ! The makeup looks better on their ghiant browbones eespecially when they getthe hormones. It makes their skulls smaller! It makes their hips more delectable. They completely change in to a gal. Then I want to mate with it! The only hole they have is a shithole,and hell that's good enough for me! I want to marry one so I can swim in another guy's shithole for the rest of my life. In our old age that stretched out shithole will be even more fun to penetrate. We'll be so happy together. A mate from heaven. A fruitless mate. But so what? I'm helping a mentally ill d00d live out his fantasy of being a female that actually could give me a child and carry on my dna. I'm going for the shit ass boy on hormones because it's the new social norm. I don't want to be called transphobic so I'll marry a d00d as long as he wears makeup and hot panties for me. I want to leave him my entire fortune to because he has bore me little sppogestreams mixed with shit as the fruit of our LOVE!
To hell with the social constructs! Everyone was STUPID for thousands of years about the 2 sexes! It took 21st geniuses to finally bring us to the real truth. Progress always brings new genders! It's what happens when you are evolving in an intelligent way. Besides it's so kinky feel YOUR weiner being rubbed as is erects itself zooming past the silky panties! Woo hoo. I think I came thinking about all this.

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Fuck you, degenerate. There is only, and only ever has been two different genders.

Fucking degenerates like you, deserve to have your families shot in front of you, so you know your bloodline will not be passed down, then be beaten to death in the public square.

You fucking disgusting subhumans encourage bodily mutilation for children....CHILDREN....

I legit hope your child wastes away from a disease with no cure in front of you, and your life falls apart because of it.

say it with me,

gender: 2

sexual orientation: infinite

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Men have a penis, woman a Vagina. It´s not that hard.

Sexual orientation is also newspeak. You need to KYS too

Gender is a social construct whereas sex isn't. NEXT!


Rope yourself save your family the trouble

Faggot or not faggot that is the only option here