The only right wing party in Germany is the party with the lowest average IQ...

The only right wing party in Germany is the party with the lowest average IQ. Leftwing and libertarian parties have the highest.
>inb4 cope

Attached: studie-zeigt-afd-w-hler-haben-durchschnittlich-einen-geringeren-iq.jpg (710x491, 31K)

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libertarians are right you silly

it's because only slavs and volga "germans" vote for afd

Whats the name of that study.

Don't vote for the AfD!!1!!!11elf only University Professors vote for them
Don't vote for the AfD1121224315135 only dumb people vote for them

Supporting status quo doesnt take that much intelligence. Supporting communism takes immense mental gymnastics and IQ.

So stupid people don't deserve a vote, is that what you're saying?

And libertarians are just successful people who vote in their own economic interest.

Post sauce faggot

>source: ms paint