>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Jow Forums. Get a job. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
Democracy takes the brunt of the blame. Every time state power is expanded it's some trumped up reason to do with "the well being of the people". Nazis and commies both use this rhetoric, as did French revolutionaries. Fuck the people and fuck their ever hungry mouths.
Zachary Jones
Since when do we have a capitalistic order in Europe? Most countries had left to center left parties since the end of ww2.
That is an example if 2 sides give a single fuck about argumentation culture and just blame each other.
Asher Roberts
> capitalistic order for a while, now the capital has been concentrated into a few hands which are trying to fortify their position via a system change
Jace Adams
>system change Explain.
Mason Harris
accumulate shekels => expand power base => fortify position via institutalization
capitalism + free market is dangerous b/c other players may rise, so the power holders start to establish additional regulations to push newcomers down. Socialism is also great because the dumb sheep got more money to spend and the higher taxes means less newcomers.
Jason Nelson
What is it then? Capitalism or jews? Make up your mind faggot.
Owen Carter
>What is it then? Capitalism or jews? Make up your mind faggot.
> implying there was any contradiction lel
Kevin Ramirez
Then why is capitalism and the free market dangerous to them?
Levi Ortiz
monocausal subhuman
you are just pretending to be retarded, right? RIGHT?
Because their created system has more holes than a sieve. Dozens of good forces keep undermining their structures, some for the sake of good some just for the fun. Another reason is free market is too big to controll, otherwise they would have kick me out of buisness 2 years ago.
If capitalism is dangerous for them why is it also good for them? Or are you trying to say capitalism is bad for all of us? >jews created capitalism and the free market
Michael Phillips
I meant their power structure within the capitalism.
Caleb Hill
habt sex
Adrian Stewart
>If capitalism is dangerous for them why is it also good for them? Or are you trying to say capitalism is bad for all of us? What is time? > capitalistic system > can be overtaken by tribalistic (((Seilschaften))) > positions taken > accumulate money > now fortify this position by removing capitalism before creative entrepreneurs from the non-chosen people (i.e. gentiles) may rise in rank
Ayden Taylor
habe verkehr.
Angel Davis
>60% taxes >capitalism why do we even have capitalism discussions in germany ever? i mean discuss capitalism all you want, but whenever someone says capitalism is ruining western society i cringe hard about the low iq of such an individual making these claims.
Jeremiah Phillips
Systems like in the US with a capitalistic front and shadow system (FED...) is better, but I guess they figured by now that this is dangerous as well as new economies such as you see in the top tech company can accumulate power (here: via information).
What could possibly come out of other areas? > oh look towards China, goy, state capitalism works! We now need 80%+ taxes to fund space colonization for niggers and shiet
Xavier Richardson
the point is that it is a capitalistic system degenerating, which inevitably happens
Brody Morgan
heil germany hey kameraden i hope youre all doing fine
no it's not, it's a democractic system degenerating. our problems are caused because we live in mob rule. the root cause is bad morals. people don't have morals, so they don't care about the consequences of their actions. and the people who legitimize democracy are also digging their own grave, because they allow other people to vote over them. mob rule always will bring forth the worst in humanity, because you can simply overthrow others and steal their stuff.
Brayden Bailey
>we live in mob rule. I invoke the "iron law of oligarchy", even in post-war Germany we had an untouchable elite. I mean Thyssen is still there, so are many SS heads and henchman.
Morals is another factor and I agree that it is an issue, even a very important one.
> steal stuff Yes, will inevitable happen in (((capitalism))), as when the free market is not fair, envy will arise, and once the box of socialism redistribution is opened via "democratic" means it will start.
Why does the oligarchy allow this? Because of the reasons outlined above, it keeps competition away and what do the upper class care about the middle class anyway.
Now excuse me, I am off reading...
Isaac Hall
Which is predicated on influencing people with guns through governments. Which has nothing to do with capitalism. It has to do with governnment power. Banks wouldn't be as influential as they are if they didn't have ezb/fed issuing money for them and unlimited bailouts/ lenders of last resort. When did capitalism start? When grugg gave ugg a handful of stones for a basket of berries? Even plants and fungi trade resources with each other. At what point does capitalism differ from completely normal economic interaction between individuals?
Jacob Cook
>will inevitable happen in (((capitalism))) and the ((())) => because if there is a group trying to vie for advantages which are outside of actually producing values, but rather blatant leeching of others, then the system starts to degenerate as means are created to enable these ends (i.e. leeching)
And our oligarchy just joins it. If you think people Curio think highly of you, then you are mistaken. He has been leisure class is whole life, and will stay that way.
Luis Edwards
and Curio is one of the more honourable examples... von Storch thinks of your kind little more than a dirty worm. Even presumable "elitist" corp students are considered just expendable trash.
Yes thats true but you got me wrong there. Their Power structures aren't only banks or gouverment regulations. Their structur has to generate huge amounts of money to keep everyones mouth shut(Theory of the keys of power, the nobody-can-rule-alone law) and thats were alot of people start to undermine them. Its kinda a (mind)game. Not everything als leaked but a good amount of their money accumulation structures are even written in books. The game is to find a way how they don't benifit form your undermining, thats harder than it looks like because a good system is a closed system.
>has to generate huge amounts of money The biggest pool of money in the world is national debt. Here we are talking about EZB/FED again, i.e. governments and regulations working in tandem with banks.
Brody Powell
Depends on the meaning, It can mean have sex or meet friends. Or become a city and creat trafic.
Rothshild clan (proved to be one of the poorest of them) has more than 2 quintillion in the stock market shares, company shares, buildings, factorys, you name it.
Ask yourself why aren't royal families in the forbes list anymore.
Asher Turner
because the forbes list is nothing but a meme royal families remain listed why did rothschild close its investment bank in the late 80s? they could have bailed out their own family bank hundreds of times with their own "quintillions"
>Because they put their money somewhere else and did a controlled bail out. their money is not the most important part, they already put their power into "stones" which stand longer than some shekels... it is precisely what I was talking about
Aiden Parker
Thats something I can't comfirm.
Camden Martin
Oyy veyy
Lincoln Gomez
>Because they put their money somewhere else i am sorry but wealth distribution doesnt work that way you could deliver a killing blow to small countries economies with roughly about 100 billion
how come that rothschild vine estates in france are getting sold to chinese investors due to self proclaimed bankruptcy?
dont get me wrong i certainly wont defend (((them))) but such claimed wealth would totally appear publicly
For some billions google eradicate nearly everything from their site for you. Some years ago this tip got cut off again. Rothshild aren't nationalists they are like the rest of them globalists. They don't even identify themself as the normal human beeing. We are worthless in their eyes, minions if you want a word for it. An other reason why theire money doesn't show up is because they don't save countrys or do killing blows. That would be to much publicicy. Even without these strikes the norm can find their paths and follow their tracks. It would be more than idiotic to gather pubilicy while you are trying to creat a 1 world government and a 1 world system.
Adrian Kelly
Turk faggot your here?Here is how campagne is going.
Kill politicians who let people like you in. After that, we're coming for you!
Lucas Hill
>google eradicate nearly everything this is why i am using the tools of my company >follow their tracks every transaction is visible for any market observers
The kind of just shut the fuck up(to your frends) I don't like publicity kind. I really to have an own orbit around me. Call it childish I just don't like it and I'm so small that most of them don't even want the money.
Andrew Parker
really hate to have*
Brody Rivera
Bro how you didn't die after that 5th bottle of vermut? :D
Benjamin Allen
euhm i am always open towards splendid deals >vermut are u for real? i dont drink such crap
>What do you drink usually beer mostly whisky and vodka if i run empy kek recently i got fooled by my future waifu so i am back to coke again since 1 week kek euhm invest then?
>Ask to invest in an idependen worker who get screwed from turks, and chinese I think thats not a good idea fren. If shit still comes to germany like it does atm I don't know how long I can stay independend.
Ayden Ross
Any people from Vienna - I have a weird question. How do you feel today? I'll explain it later.
>"toes" I don't know where the surface beginns. Sometimes I wish I werein the uni and studied journalism or in any kind of researching like Archeology.
Juan Cox
>What happened? oh you dont want to know the whole story i would need much mure alcohol than that in order to tell u start your own comapny then?
DB is never cheap, but you could take a bus. They are cheap and you'll travel with the same shitskins you're also going to encounter in Berlin. It'll get you in the proper mood right from the start :-)
Christopher Moore
if you book very early you (book today travel in september) should get a good discount
Brayden Taylor
>What would a Kraut/pol meeting looks like? A bunch of cocain in the middle. Gin, rum, vodka, whisky bottles everywhere. speed in some anons pockets. Joints next to the cocain and a bunch of pole dancers dancing for money...