Unique position for Red Pilling

I have been given a unique opportunity on the presentation of diversity and other such corporate bs. I am planning on using it as an opportunity to red pill but I need to be subtle and coy about it. I am looking for strategies.

Attached: download.jpg (350x350, 63K)

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Don’t. Just don’t do it mate. Tell them everything they want to hear, hide your power level and keep your job/student position whatever it is.
It’s just not worth it, these commies are fucking viscous and will not stop until you are dying in the gutter. Any attempt to go against the grain is basically insulting their religion and they will purge you.

If you value your work/school/social life then don't. You'll just ruin yourself and not actually help anyone in the process

The redpill is a suppository.

The thing is. I am completely safe and in the clear. It is a commission and I have manged to do it anomalously. So I already have that covered. But it can become a key part of what goes into there propaganda.

Use extremely subtle sarcasm. Like very subtle.
What is the presentation about specifically?


Jewesses are cute, sexy, smart, wealthy, traditional, religious, have nice Khazar Milkers and White enough to have White babies with.

Jewesses are the real alternative to White women.

Take the Jewesspill anons. COME HOME ARYAN MAN!!

Attached: Laci Going Out.jpg (900x1200, 158K)

The beauty of the Jewish woman must not perish from this Earth.

Attached: Laci on a Date.jpg (1200x1199, 286K)

It is WRS almost all of them. The forms.

>The forms
wut nigger?

Who hurt you

>I am looking for strategies.

Hi, anom

Work Place Readiness look it up.

their beauty is a price i am willing to pay

>WRS = Work Place Readiness
wut nigger

Talk about the nasty jewish yentas first. Everyone hates them.

Attached: diverse.jpg (800x600, 371K)

Its the name they actually use on the forms. jobtestprep.com/work-readiness-skills-test

I love them though.

Attached: Abigail Stretching.jpg (1080x1168, 82K)

Ahh, makes sense.
Make snide remarks, like "looking for honesty, which is why we need more black people" or something

hard to give advice when we don't have any idea what the presentation format looks like. and i'm not going to look up whatever the fuck workplace readiness is, or what the s stands for. my off-the-cuff idea would be to present a bunch of super damning facts about niggers and women, but couch it in a way that you are presenting them with problems that they must solve. for example
>studies show blacks are responsible for 85% of workplace theft, and are terminated at a rate 3x higher than average. what are some effective ways to counter this prejudice against blacks?
wait for the dumbest answers in the world to come in, and you nod as though they're helpful and on-point. anyone with a brain is going to realize that policies aren't the problem--the nigs are the problem. or hit them with something like:
>females working the same job as men are shown to be only 65% as productive. what are some ways that we can level the playing field so females are not prejudiced against and made to work at such a lower productivity rate?

Your job will be much easier if you have a couple of friends that share your views. If not, try directly redpilling the friends who are closest to you. Then you can start thinking about activism and the bigger picture..

I already do that. I am actually just fine. this is purely to get input from the hive mind on how to subvert this.

Question and answers format. Paper test.

Agreed that much I was already planning.