Why do Latinas age so badly? Is it the tacos?
Why do Latinas age so badly? Is it the tacos?
Anthony Reyes
Caleb Davis
Please no bully tacos
Leave them out of this fight
Jack Ramirez
Genetic interaction with the BWC cum.
Andrew Lewis
Shut up beaner
Take your low IQ food somewhere else
Cameron Scott
Can we all agree that the burrito is superior to the taco?
Jack Parker
Nice shoop
Blake Roberts
Plz i warn you. No bully taco plz
Benjamin Wood
Theyre bigger... So yeah
James Martinez
yes, it's compact, holds innards better, and it feels nice to chew, i take a burrito over a taco any day
Bentley White
Yeah if you like anal warts.
Fuck outta here with this trash food.
And fuck spics.