What did REI mean by this?
Get your fill
niggers dont like the woods mr chink, its a fact.
Blacks don't camp and while we're at it neither do women.
They're just trolling
Can we make a "backpacker's snare" that is just a noose made of organic fibers? Maybe mini burning crosses that we market as "organic tinder" made from coconut husk? A shelter that is basically a white hood with eyelets cut out... "To shelter your whole clan"... what would you guys call our brand?
Do black people actually go camping? In general I mean.
guess i'm boycotting another brand
Of course, biggot!
Kentucky fried Kentucky.
Lmao this, I've never seen a black man or a white woman with any other type of man in a national park.
Yeti is overpriced. Get your double walled insulated containers at Walmart... Ozark Trial. A FRACTION OF THE PRICE
Nigga gonna stuff her body into that box after the toll is paid
I saw a nigger in the woods once. He was just hanging out
It means reproduce with niggers and create the future mongrel slave caste like most advertising does nowadays.
he was looking to rob you but maybe you came off as a poorfag
He couldn't, someone with great foresight tied him to a limb by the neck.
It was a short leash, so short in fact that his feet couldn't touch the ground.
Sums it up nicely.
permanent sub 100 IQ working class
Every ad in the US needs to have a negro or some brown person. No exceptions are allowed to this rule, unless you are bashing white peoples.
>Do black people actually go camping? In general I mean.
nope. i will occasionally see them on a hiking trail though, like a group/family of blacks, and im always kind of surprised. i also occasionally see 300+ lb people on the hiking trails and im equally surprised.
>Yeti is overpriced.
yea i bought everyone in my family yeti products before i found out that they make their shit in china
REI started going after all vendors who had any real ties with the NRA.
Zodiac killer
Haha, man. I just realized how fucking rarely I've ever seen women out there on their own volition. And I've never seen a nigger camping.
Most women I know camp just for the pictures and the ability to claim the experience. They seem mostly miserable the whole time.
I'll admit, camping can be hard on the body, It's tough to sleep, the ground is hard, the temperature fluctuates, the humidity is uncontrollable. But camping is something I'd do on my own with no one else, and without taking a single fucking picture of myself. I get back into town with body ache, calloused feet and hands, smelling like smoke and body odor, and the rest of my week doesn't seem tough at all. My bed will feel like a cloud, and I'll be reminded of life's luxuries and how hard it can get.
And I sleep with a pistol by my side out there because it's also a reminder of where we stand within nature. Camping is a great reminder of these things, and frankly niggers and women aren't complex enough to appreciate them.