Holy kek, top bantz which one of you jap anons did this?
Holy kek, top bantz which one of you jap anons did this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck this seething zionist boomer MIGAtard. Ilhan is /ourqueen/
You new here? Japs have the best bantz
>Ilhan Omar the ADL shill
kys zionist.
Carlos Maza is your queen
Ummm what
And what does this have to do with Trumps tweet...
Have sex
Why you subhumans have this fetish for kweenz?
Are you trying to fit in or just took a walk during the siesta and cooked your brain?
kys disco tranny fuck
God damn it. They are our greatest trading partner.
>when a boomer randomly mentions japs because he thinks this is a Japanese website
Is this real?...If so....cool!
I thought those were your chinks overlords
Isn't this a transexual origami penguins dating site from Bangladesh?
He's quoting senator Kennedy of Louisiana.
#IceBae is my queen, faggot.
It’s because they’re completely content from getting laid so often in between teaching English lessons.
stop spreading this FUD fake as fuck image you brainlet, we've been through this and i've explained it to you
>the reason there are directions on a shampoo bottle
My fuckin sides!
>they're the reason there are directions on a shampoo bottle
top fucking kek thats accurate. still an honorary son of abraham though
> the four horsewomen of the apocalypse
There was a thread earlier called name my band about the four witches and that was one of the replies.
Does he lurk??
>someone took time to make this
I wonder why, schlomo
Lather rinse repeat. Always repeat.
Post this link EVERYWHERE MAKE this SMELLY CUNT Lose HER Thousands paycheck JOB
We the people ask the federal government to Call on Congress to act on an issue:
Conduct an Immediate Congressional Investigation Into Rep. Ilhan Omar
Created by A.J. on July 16, 2019
Bump. That's fucking funny.
slightly improved
>these petitions have never once accomplished anything
>but this time it will
Ayyy top bantz kek japs savage