by ICE Director Thomas Homan.
She gets eviscerated.
It's unfair.
It's hard to watch.
Total savage flex by Homan at the end.
AOC *literally* left speechless.
I've never seen someone get more completely & embarrassingly destroyed

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It's like a UFC fighter beating up a child

He's been fighting illegal aliens for 30 years. She was a bartender until 5 months ago. No surprise. She is dumb as fuck and incompetent.

Nice bait

Lel I watched that the other day. He fucked her shit up. The look on her face is priceless. Its the look of realization . the look when we finally know you are in fact retarded.

nothing of the sort happened

She was only a bartender for a little over 18 months in order for the DemSoc Deep State to make a "por gurl frum da branx" back story.
She actually grew up as pedo bait in a gated community, the daughter of a wealthy puerto rican architect and his jewess coalburner.

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Nice meme flag, how's it feel knowing your team got BTFO'd

Checked and kek'd