Borders in the Balkans by 2030

Attached: balkans24.png (960x861, 200K)

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dream more sqhip


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I hope this really happens.

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Albanians are the worst balkan nation after s*rbs

rhey're basically the same

t. bearded men with black flags are bad.

Considering your population decline and your neighbors sharing memes about dabbing on you by 2030 you wont even have a country.

Please miss me with those Albanian tier memes and dont use machines made for humans again.

poke your head out hohol so deki can finally put you to rest

Attached: deki snajperista.jpg (1000x666, 76K)

Serbian chetniks are known for committing crimes comparable to ISIS including stuff like impaling a baby on a bayonet.

kys traitor

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This stupid nation is retarded

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Thank you for confirming the obvious ( that you are an Albanian ) by repeating Albanian propaganda. Now if you are such patriotic Serb-hating Albanian why do you hide behind a meme flag? Pretending to be not Albanian to make it look like someone else is standing up for Albanians? Eкc Дe лyзepy.

Attached: 29066671_202962870460590_4937206309960286208_n.jpg (948x669, 36K)

idc about you subhumans, genocide and fight each other all you want we are not part of your shitty states

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Attached: albania-gjirokaster-gjirokaster-men-in-traditional-costume-for-the-cp4yjd.jpg (640x451, 112K)

>Molio sam da me pusti, da sam jedinac u matere, a on me krenuo bosti bajunetom. Rukom sam zaustavljao bodež. Vidjela su se i crijeva iz rane na trbuhu. Vidio sam kako nabija i bebu na bajunet – prisjetio se vjerojatno najgoreg dana u životu Pivčević koji je preživio ležeći pet sati među leševima ubijenih.


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Macedonia is a fake nation, so called Macedonians are just Bulgarians that stole the name of a Greek region.

We don't want the monkeydonians.

well, but where is based Bosnia? :(

Why not they are actually ethnic Bulgarians like you?

Attached: pogrom-2004.jpg (700x486, 89K)

why are muslims such niggers?

Those are Serbs, just dumbed down by communism. We will gladly take them back.

Attached: Serbia_1000.jpg (733x880, 270K)

>spent almost all of its medieval existence as a vassal of byzantium without any notable achievements
>entire medieval heraldry borrowed from byzantium
>'''''their'''' cyrillic script was created and spread by bulgarians
>had an '''''''''empire'''''''' that didn't even last a single generation, left no notable traces or built anything of significance
>medieval core of the serbian state formerly known as raška now more popularly known as Sandžak, given its name by turks
>medieval core of serbian state is now majority muslim
>betrayed each other at the battle of kosovo
>betrayed crusaders in crusade of varna at a key moment in battle against turks dooming the entire balkan peninsula
>later fought extensively on the side of the turks
>230.000 registered muslims in serbia (excluding kosovo)
>150.000 registered gypsies in serbia, third largest ethnic group in the country
>spent half a millenia under turkish occupation
>over 8.000 turkish words in the serbian language
>got rid of the turkish occupaiton only after centuries of internal strife inside the ottoman empire and with extensive help from other countries
>first serbian dictionary caame to existence only in the 19th century
>chimped out 4 times in the 90's larping as crusaders, manage to lose each war
>kill a few thousand muslims but still lose kosovo to them, another center of medieval serbia
>kill a few thousand catholics and banish several hundred thousand from bosnia
>destroyed and looted over 300 catholic religious objects in the wars of the 90s throughout bosnia, serbia and croatia including monasteries, graveyards, churches that survived the ottoman invasions
>have to act as russian cockholders and use them as leverage for politics because they have made enemies from everyone in europe

Attached: serb_kebap_removers.jpg (657x1024, 128K)

>clay gain
>but we border albania now
Not sure about this. Also if you knew anything about anything, you would've properly marked Montenegro as a Chinese holding.

I call bullshit on that.
First due to large pro-fascist Albanian population Kosovo was not never liberated by Partisans or Chetniks during 2nd World War.
2nd Italians and Chetniks cooperating in 1942 even tho Chetniks didnt had a reason to cooperate with occupiers until 1943 Tehran conference where military aid to them was cut.
3. His body should be full of scars and im yet to see them.

Attached: 1943-territories.jpg (826x704, 485K)

Bulgarian is a meme ethnicity just as a macedonian
It was a mash up created by the turkic khans to unify the divided population into a common people, that were in no way related to each other.
The bulgarian ethnos(bulgar+slav+thracian) formed around the danube and assimilated everything on their conquered territory that spoke slavic
People from macedonia and shopluk are south slavs mixed with dardanians, celts, leftovers from rome etc; thracians and bulgars (the two components of bulgarian ethnicity) were never recorded living here when the slavs came
Thrace was never settled by slavs and its purely consists of slavicised greeks
Anything north of the balkan mountains is a tatar-slav-thracian, what is actually meant as a bulgarian
We dont need an identity created by mongols, thank you

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Regno Albanese belongs to Italy

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Cope, turkish roaches.

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Yeah take Albania but not Dalmatia. You must be south Italian.


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The Bulgarian nation is formed like most other European nations, like France for example. "Slav" on the other hand is a purely meme identity.

Shiptar scum concentration camps when?

I always find it funny how you people still fight among each other while your nations are dying.

Every time I feel sad I remind myself im not a dirty s*rb

>their entire national pride is formed on battle of kosovo, a battle they lost
>in a region that they don't even hold anymore

Austria, are you here? We've got work to do.

You just described how literally every nation is formed. French, Italian, Russian, German, English, etc. You simply added the word "meme" a few times there, for good measure.
Also, top lel having the thracians in the Danube valley, spreading from there, when the actual country and region of THRACE is south of the Balkan.

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Hot take: Bulgaria should border Hungary on the Danube.

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Ok, Koli, change of underwear. Another wet dream.

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Onward to glory.

Attached: hungarian and bulgarian cavalry.jpg (2122x1411, 631K)

Holy shit s*rbs BTFO

Honestly the meme that serbs are some glorious "le epic kebab removers" should die. They are scum, and one of the biggest collaborators of turks in the balkans.

>Kladovo / Kladovonal
Thats actually very, very close to where I imagine it being, at the Iron Gates. Its a natural geographical border between Bulgaria, Yougoslavia and Hungary, with the curve, the rocks, the elevation, the (then) demographics.

You won't exist in 50 years bro.
Good riddance.

Attached: and that's a good thing.jpg (663x644, 115K)

We dont want Moldova and whatever land you added never post this again.

>Correct Slovene borders
What magic is this?

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So you wanna complain about war crimes or brag about them? Use your national average 80 IQ to realize you cant do both. What a clown world we live in.

What do they have in common? Both got BTFOd by Serbia. Bring it on niggers.

Attached: creams.png (329x235, 129K)

If Serbia entered the EU this year, we wouldn't be the poorest country anymore. Nor the fastest shrinking, with how many of you will run away to the west.

Just saying.

Why would i care about nations? It is an artifical construct, which is never stable and constantly evolves. If you actually care about your people, you should have realised that we are pretty much the same by now and you should not hate serbs, greeks, albanians or whatever because it is your "patriotic duty". Focusting on our differences when we have so much similarities is what fucked up this place

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>correct Slovene borders
But thats not using the Isonzo as a border between Italians and Slavs.

>Why would i care about nations?
I don't know mate, I just assumed you care, seeing how you wrote a long post about it. Fucking retard.

I think you won't exist way before us, with losing territory every few years, kek.

Kosovo e independant.
Next Vojvodina is split between Romania and Hungary.
Nis to Bulgaria.

ive read in pre-modern times travelers described it as the entrance to Bulgaria

pretty damn cool, should build statues of Kubrat and Asparuh or something if it ever ends up in Bulgarian control

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you wont too

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Soča was never a border river.

And these numbers are from 98, you can imagine we lost some clay to shitalians from 6th century onwards

Attached: Map_of_Slovenian_minority_in_Italy_by_municipalities.png (1005x1755, 2.17M)

Hot take: how about you shut the fuck up, Bulgarshit?

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Borders of Balkan by 2031

Attached: Fixed.png (960x861, 141K)

Radu. Manners.

>that poll
I declared as an orc, by the way. Just to give you an idea about those numbers.

>not recognizing that copypasta bait

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>What do they have in common? Both got BTFOd by Serbia. Bring it on niggers.

Imagine being so fucking retarded

Why is b*lgaria still on the map?

what's the green patch between podgorica and sarajevo ?

Next phase, the WORLD.

Attached: xju3sskeojd21.jpg (1925x1601, 319K)

Kek @Italy. Fixed it for ya

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Holy shit I waited so long for this one, post the other version with Serbian Inland empire

Imagine being bulgarian

Attached: 30420036_132664080920994_9066936610070619138_o.jpg (1080x721, 104K)

it's nice being second only to greeks on the entire peninsula

Snowball magna croatia, fuck off shitskins we had enough of you for centuries, reckoning 2035.

Attached: 2035.png (960x861, 123K)

Imagine being proud about being a Bulgarian

Attached: the-faces-of-Bulgaria.jpg (2000x2500, 912K)

Don't need to, you should try though. But don't get carried away.

whiter than you ahmad

Serba in 2090:

Demilitarized zone around belgrade with 1million inhabitants.

NATO and albos all around it

Not exactly my friend,this is an accurate map with the true Slovenian borders

Attached: BIGcarveup_slovenia.jpg.jpg (600x536, 124K)

Why is Serbia no longer a thing but Montenegro is?

Sure thing gyppos.

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Janos. Behave

Can I interest both of you fine gentlemen with a good,cheap and reliable weapons to finish this conflict?

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is it hard to type with the shoes on

OP ran out of crayons to color Montenegro as well

Dont know, they look better than average serb in this pic though kek
rugala se vrana vrani

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>hey look there are gypsies in your country!
Wow I forgot how stupid poltards are

We all know how that ended my friend, don't push it or we'll have to fill the holes in the ground with your manlet bodies again

Attached: italians surrendering to yugo partisans.jpg (720x492, 120K)

there has been a terrible mistake my croat friend, I hope that you see it in my corrected map!

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You'll never win Bulgar. No matter what you do.
I'm sorry.

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