Just let me put chips and wires in your brain bro

Let me do it bro

come on bro

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Normally, I'd say go fuck no, but for you? Sure, np bro.

cool bro

now i have control of your brain chemicals bro

thanks bro

I gotcha famalamadingdong

only if they are chinese

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It was a show about fucking nothing, as always. Damn, Elon, will you ever learn. Sure, it will convince consumers who are driven by emotions, but they it will not convince a business which is pragmatic by default.

Sure, my life sucks. Have at it.

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How the fuck did he grow his hair back?

Knowing Elon Musk personally, he would just use it to turn everyone against the Jew, so I for one welcome him chipping and wiring the brains of NPCs.

It's the lesser of two evils.

Either there's an AI that I have no prospect of controlling, or there's an AI that I might be able to

AI is inevitable and we are probably fucked either way

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