Why do the Japanese portray themselves as tall buff men in media? Is it propaganda?

Why do the Japanese portray themselves as tall buff men in media? Is it propaganda?

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no, its for westerners

It's just 80's meme. never mind.

Attached: 1562057390929.png (480x339, 235K)

But Jotaro’s only half Japanese. His muscles and build come from his Chad Anglo forefathers.
The only Jojo that can be said to be full Japanese is Gappy, and he’s a lanklet

Jotaro is a hapa

reverse hapa

That doesnt make sense
Wether a hapas father is white or asian hes still half asian as long as the other parent is white
AMWF or WMAF hapas are still hapas

Well since most of them are complete noodle arm manlets they have to go for that strong image somehow.

Normal hapas are from loser white dudes settling for gook puss.

Reverse hapas need the dude to be one hell of a Chang Thunderwang to be able to score a white girl. So they have better father figures.

Aren't everyone of Jojo everything except nips?