>theyr national holiday is a battle they actually lost >in a region that isn't even in their country anymore And since they don't have a sea, their women like to go to nations like Bulgaria, Albania and Croatia, so their girls are getting dicked on the regular by bvlls
Also they are not white, they are a gypsy-turkish bitches. They were one of the biggest collaborators of turks in the balkans.
The "kebab remover" thing is a retarded internet meme with no basis in reality.
the one thing i really hate about serbia is that degenerate PINK TV my boomer mom watches all day, and their degenerate reality shows. A handful of degenerates is leading Serbia into a disaster, individuality there are a lot of good people there
William Jones
unironically yes fuck now, let's see a list of s*rve achievements while we're at it >start WWI >that destroys Germany and AH >destroy their own country almost a century later >give up half their clay to albozergs >about to give the rest of it too l m a o
Andrew Hill
Lmao s*rbs are literal dogfuckers what's wrong with them?
Josiah Perez
>Also they are not white, they are a gypsy-turkish bitches. This. Genetically pure Serbs are probably less than 30% of the population in mainland Serbia and RS
Sebastian Johnson
>and deport them to siberia Siberia has more Russians than Moscow at this point. Siberia is like 95% Russian and Moscow is barely 50%
We can send them to central and southern Kazakhstan so they can form armed groups there and maul subhuman kazagooks
I came here to say bulgarians are gay and should be used as slave labor. Now that I got out of my sistem I am willing to sell weapons for both sides in case of a war.
Hudson Cook
Just post the demographic statistics and the suffering will end
And I wonder how many of those 62% are actually Bulgarian and not some mongrels with gypo, greek and turk ancestry that claim to be Bulgarian on a census
Nathan Rodriguez
>Moscow is barely 50% Russian Support this. I was there this month. Away from tourist areas like red square/nikollskaya it had to be 90%+ white. If we only want to use the demographics of Яндeкc Taкcи drivers than maybe its 50% white
What? I'm curious how can Bulgarians tolerate being 50-62% in their own country. Not like Russian numbers are any better >Support this Millions of churka subhumans don't live within city centre - they live mainly in ghettoes. Man, almost THIRD OF FUCKING SCHOOL in Russia are almost exclusively NONWHITE
I stayed in химки, about an hour north of the city center. Either your churkas don't look like the ones in europe/America (dripping in fucking hijabs and other garb) or there is less of them than you think. In fact most of the non whites I saw looked Chinese but I think they were those indigenous Russian ice people because they spoke russian fluently
Robert Collins
It's not good anywhere. Those statistics are not reliable.
Jason Davis
>We can send them to central and southern Kazakhstan so they can form armed groups there and maul subhuman kazagooks How is the terrain there?If it mountains and not deforested suited for clan societies,sounds like a based idea.Fuck these Eastern Balkan subhumans.
>Political Islam, Migrant Crime, Terror Cells Challenge Putin Claims of 'Great White Hope' youtube.com/watch?v=kNNJBXrcOCU You do have plenty of turko-gypsy mongrel and gypsies and turks in their pure form though. It's fair to assume that Bulgarian numbers would be pretty low
Levi Bailey
>spic Indian Nigger invasion Ok now I know you're bullshitting.
Jace Johnson
Keep projecting gypsy
Dylan Reyes
>Believing in a picture without a source Even if its true It's cause people prefer just immigrating to western Europe and creating families there. Nobody wants to have kids in this shithole. Even gypsies are getting smart enough to gtfo. Also, checked.
Jayden Nguyen
>You do have plenty of turko-gypsy mongrel and gypsies and turks in their pure form though. It's fair to assume that Bulgarian numbers would be pretty low
Turks and Bulgarians may mix, Gypsies do not mix with anyone. Numbers are not a problem, quality is.
Juan Martinez
Hijacking time! This is now a Bulgaria Hate thread! Post your best tatar gypsy pics. Bulgayria the literal cancer of the Balkans, a Turkic race of gypsies and mongoloid goat fuckers.
>everyday i thank god i was not born a s*rb you are a bulgarian, aren't you guys more mutted than the serbs?
Elijah Sullivan
Don't know much about their terrain, but it seems to be mostly steppes with some mountain chains Man, there are niggers almost on every corner of Moscow and Petersburg handing out fucking printed ads and other shit like that. Wake up - Russian Federation is pozzed as fuck and Putin does a lot to turn us all into a bunch of subhuman mongrels and displaced population
Balkans are disgusting in general, the only people who I somewhat respect on the Balkan’s are Hungarians and Croatians. Every other country should just be nuked off the face of the earth, espessially Romania
Grayson Cooper
pic related - the glorious capital of the Turkic Bulgar Khaganate.
jesus the horse looks malnourished, how can a horse be malnourished, just leave it alone lel, just feed it grass, its everywhere. What have you done. How can you make life worse for a horse much more so than it can ever do on its own you literal nigger
they had a great leader that gave them these great purposes, and even had a "wild hunt" I read somewhere. Where he trained formations and warfare based on killing animals? I bet he is thinking that nobody as nice will come again.
Andrew Rodriguez
Pictured here are powerful Bulgar Khans - Goce Dimovski, Angel Dimitov and Iordan Tsiganov - the Nations glorious heroes.
They also love having black rappers raping their women
Jack Reyes
Bulgarians are constantly salty towards Serbs because they are the only slavic speakers on the balkans that weren't included into "South Slavia/Yugoslavia" from 1918 to 1991. They are the ultimate sour grapes outsiders who have a inferiority complex whenever /balk/ threads pop up because everyone in the thread is in the know and speaking in the same rhythm and then these weirdos drop in and don't know what the fuck to say. They are also WAY more turked and brown than any other balkan country since there were germans/adventists/scottish living in west balkans for almost 500 years not to mention all the other northern slavs like Rusin/ruthenians, slovaks and even russians were in Serbia for +500 years and mixed with Serbs.
I can't wait until Serbia enters the EU and they lose their smugness and possibly Turkey invades their useless shithole and landlocks them in a week.
I can't
James Collins
They r also always high on krokodil
Charles Smith
oh-oh! The eternal goat-fucker has entered the fray!
Travel around southern Europe for grins. End up in Sofia. Place filthy, whores in every bar and hotel night club. Bulgaria really has nothing to brag about. Almost equal to number of shit skins walking around Romania as Bulgaria. Could pick up local girls with no problem. Left large amount of USDA prime man juice on and in Bulgarian bitches
Based Romanian bro >1689. >Serbs led by archbishop Carnojevic flee from Turkish terror >Kosovo is gettin desolate >Shqips are being settled by Roaches >Serbs are majority until maybe mid 19th century >ww2 >commieshits are forbidding many Serb refugees to get back to Kosovo >kosovo gets recognized as autonomous province >commieshits are letting thousands and thousands of refugees from Albania That's the short story how we lost Kosovo
Christopher Watson
Yep, we are so churko-caucasian that it is hard to imagine more swarthy people than us.
Hello fren, how's this summer season going? We have an phrase in Serbia, when someone has a really blonde features and round face, people will say he looks like a Russian, and his nickname will often be "Rus"
Thomas Bennett
Yikes. What a nigger tier shithole.
Juan Jackson
>Byzantine “empire” >80% syrian and iranian >19% armenian >1% Hellenic >100% subhuman Room temperature iq subhuman arabic mutt
Benjamin Murphy
i wonder what goes through your head when youre posting these
Well, round face and blond features are called pязaнcкaя poжa here, so basically it is a stereotypic peasantish phenotype of central Russians, Sergey Selin is the ultimate form of this phenotype.
Gabriel Evans
you must have really pathetic life op, shitting on others...
That's a terrible example, he doesn't look like a russian. My first guess looking at him would be that he was finnish or estonian. Pic related is a more Russian type
This is not correct they are great people. I like them and i like Bulgaria. I can do that regardless of our western "friends" telling me i shouldn't . they dont like united regions that will be harder to make them puppet states. I like all south slavic people