/ob/ Owen Benjamin general - Faustian Deal edition

We discuss the politics and philosophy of Owen Benjamin a.k.a. "Christian Varg".

> actor
> stand-up comedian
> conservative commentator
> father and homesteader


Youtube channel

Unauthorized.tv page

Some clips


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Other urls found in this thread:


he doesn't have the balls to attack the Baptist chuch as he does the Catholic church.

this is bullshit

mandatory collective character assassination actor lel? Or just clueless dolt, I cannot reallytell.

> He doesn't have the balls

If he wanted to, he would do it. Owen isn't afraid of sharing his unfiltered opinions with the world.

I only watch him and Varg. I refer to him as Christian Varg. Green pilled as fuck.

It's more cowardly to attack the Baptist church than it is the Catholic church.

Especially since Baptists (not all, but some) are the closest to having the true doctrine.

I like what both of them are doing in terms of homesteading, a lot. And I like some other things they have to say.

I've no idea why both of them feel the need to pick bitchfights with other people on the right who have disagreements with them about some things

Who would win in a debate?

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The Nick shills are coming out in full force

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Fuck off with this e-celeb bullshit

Nick is funnier.

I can't watch you any more, Owen. Too much ego, too much 'spiraling', too much meta commentary and shouting. You can't play a clip for more than 10 seconds without commenting on it and restarting it 15 times.

Pull yourself together, man, it's just gotten too incoherent

>wife beater

Can we talk about the BEST BENJAMIN?

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All this ignorant nigger does is scream into a camera and ban his followers.

Wow they're similar that way too haha

Baptists and Evangelicals are the biggest Zionist shills to exist. What are you smoking? Are you retarded?


BANNED youtube.com/watch?v=53G8kz2eKec

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Owen apologized for his outburst and apologized for being petty in his stream yesterday. He realized his mistake and owned up to it. This is the honorable and Christian action to take. He is trying to walk the walk and is doing a lot of good from a perspective that few have had. Hopefully, fans of his and Nick's will move on. We're all on the same side here.

t. restored OBIDF


Thread theme youtube.com/watch?v=J2QgQJLOfGo

This is the thread theme.

No this

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Nope. This is. youtube.com/watch?v=cFKRfLJqXLc

The baptists have been subverted.

The Catholics were wrong from the beginning.

Nah. Catholics were based right up until Vatican II. They did nothing wrong. Opposing Gnostic's was always right. Gnosticism lead to all the freemasonry and tranny shit.
I won't defend the post-Vatican II church though.

Owen sucks Allah cock. Mudslime traitor

Great now this memeflaggot shill is going to spam this shit every day

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Fucking retard American

varg only because owen is a dumbass

is this the Qboomer cringe general

This board is for politics/current events. Not moon landing or flat earth bullshit.


If you'd like to move in with Owen, you can find him here.
13321 Wallace Rd SE, Olalla, WA 98359

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>It's more cowardly to attack the Baptist church than it is the Catholic church

No it's not

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Good idea. Any meme fag ecel thread is now gore

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His ego too big and fragile, Just look at how he reacted when Nivk Fuentes made a passive remark.

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shroyer is the better owen than this kike schizo

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>A general for some borderline that can't hear someone he likes saying they don't agree with literally everything he believes without blowing up and attacking them.
>That same general posted and shilled by memeflaggots
Get out

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what am I looking at? a dick that's been taken over by worms?

As a woman, I LOVE Owen! He always makes me laugh even though he deals some hard truths. But we need to be told what to do lol. I still don't "get" all the Jew stuff but the things he says about us never landing on the moon have a ring of truth. They totally could have faked that on television.

Stop shilling your website here, Owen. You’ve run out of material and your cult following is only getting smaller. If you need money so badly, sell the apartment you’re renting out and move into a smaller house.

Owen is an anti white anti American faggot. His followers call themselves bears, they’re big hairy cock suckers.

>but user how is he anti white?
He denies the moon landing, the greatest achievement in the history of the world, an achievement achieved by the greatness of white men. Fuck that tall gangly motherfucker.

Owen if you’re reading this we know you did pedo shit

post bobs and bagina pls pussy bear

Tits or GTFO.

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So many shills in here. Owen is redpilling the normies and you can't stand it!

Owen should really just make gay porn and shit up.

Keep your cult leader e-celeb thread to yourself. Don't associate this board with this man's spiral to suicide

You WISH he would commit suicide. You Jews are on suicide watch!

When is Jow Forums getting him arrested for domestic abuse?

>Owen isn't afraid of sharing his unfiltered opinions with the world.
as long as they are within Youtube TOS (the place where he hosts all of his videos even all of those on unauthorized.fag)

Owen is a too tall big dick. I've seen this many times. They know not what to do with themselves.

>Maybe if I call them Jews they'll go away and let me win.
You're not in Owen's chat, faggot.


Denying the moon landing is a kike tactic. Owen is openly pushing a kike psyop that smears the great white men that accomplished the feat. Owen is a kike

I listen to Owen but can’t help but cringe everytime he shows his complete ignorance of basic physics
>general relativity is a jewish conspiracy

typical pantifag statement

I regret clicking that.

Reminder, the moon doesn't exist.


he doesnt believe half the shit he says. he was a hollywood basic bitch kike until februrary of this year.

Is he still doing unauthorized tv with Vox “Teddy Spaghetti” Day?

yes he still charges a premium of $400 a year to watch videos that are all on his youtube channel.

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His kids aren’t even school age yet.

Owen content brings around some of the best ladies!!

Look at this joo shill, try harder next time!

This man is Sam Hyde done right. Not a faggot, an actually funny. I like him.

shutup owen u retard kike

Yep. He doesn't understand nuclear power either yet feels like he can talk about it.
He says radiation doesn't exist because freshly mined uranium only has trace amounts of it and it's safe to handle (while that's partially true, it doesn't become highly irradiated until it's used as nuclear fuel) and he says he use to swim in water that a nuclear reactor put out (again, the feed water and the coolant water are keep separate, the irradiated water never comes into direct contact with the water they pump out back to lakes/rivers/oceans)
The dude needs to just stick to talk about raising a family. That's his area of expertise. Not nuclear engineering.

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look at the shill hide behind his meme flag. Is that you Merch?


Owens is so cute owww

Esteemed comedian is how an user described him, way funnier and better than the OP.

>durrr anyone who isnt a bearfaggot is immediately some random eceleb

small brained idiot, cut down on the opiates before filming, its totally obvious degenerate faggot

Owen really is the American Varg, isn't he?

>the feed water and the coolant water are kept* separate

Yeah I never understood the Sam Hyde thing. Unlike Sam Owen is actually funny.

Owen’s fans are truly the worst kind of NPC I’m seeing on Jow Forums lately. How about you come up with some arguments as to why he isn’t an insecure, low IQ narcissist who is losing his mind, as opposed to calling everyone who isn’t apart of your gay little cult a jew?

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depends on if Varg is an unfunny inbred kike who got kicked out of hollywood and is now grifting the right

>durrrrr im too dumb to figure out the shape of the earth

well poisoning kike

He is calling out pedophiles and jews and revealing how twisted hollywood is. Memeflag.

Threes of truth!

>calling out
you mean having a bitch fit because he got kicked out of hollywood.

I just think he has a bit of an ego and attempts to explain things that are beyond his comprehension from time to time.

Isn't that exactly the type of person you want calling them out then?
We all have our area of expertise, Hollywood is his.

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I’m not against anyone naming the jew so long as they’re smart about it and not look like a fucking insane retard alcoholic so get fucked, Sven.