capitalist holodomor soon
Capitalist holodomor soon
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Started off the day with a thought
That took me far away
I think I found a place where I know I can be forever
Don't you find it funny how in a capitalist country, it's weird to find a couple of canned vegetables out of stock, whereas in a communist country, it's weird to find them in stock?
Cuba has no food problems, or north korea,etc
>gommie flag
>mentioning the Holodomor
wally world... so fucking cringe
>Or North Korea
Your fucking joking right?
yes, you are thinking of the 90s famine, but we are in 2019
I don't get it. Did "capitalists" somehow create heavy rainfall and flooding?
BTFO with current year come back. How will they ever recover?
They are still in a famine, forced to eat grass to get enough calories to survive. The Nork famine in 2015 was worse than the Zimbabwean famine of the same year.
Thank god
>cooler than average temps
Humans can't digest grass retard.
Hey. I was wondering how long it would take for somebody to post pics of this on Jow Forums. As far as I hear, it's pretty regional at this point. But attentive anons will have already noticed that we've been saying to stock up now because this growing season has been a disaster.
... there's real crop shortages due to shit and unforseeable weather changes ...
what happens? fucking retailers and service industry loots whatever is short in supply first
what happens next? some faggots make photos of something missing - not even specifying what and only some store in fuck knows who
Apparently Aldi in particular is having trouble. In the US, they try to undercut the competition to the point of selling lots of non-food items when they can't stock food. Their supply chains are weird, so it's understandable that they might might show trouble early on.
Indeed, but we can partially digest the juice. Maybe theyre chewing the shit out of it and spitting the wad out at the end?
>Your fucking joking right?
i have wondered tabout 21st century commies just this evening, is it just a badge to wear? a form of 'signalling'?
I didn't realize sheep have access to computers over there.
It's a larp
They could always choose to import some. Plus, 1 month shortage of some goods vs outright famine for years, I'll choose the former.
that's not capitalism. that's me.
i've been going up and down california and pouring measured amounts of Tordon and 2,4-d into irrigation systems and chemical sprayers to kill off the crops. it's a hope to wipe out as many californians as possible before they all flee and spread their political views to other states.
ouch, i hurt myself on one of your edges. :D
coming from a nation that suicides itself into being happy, that's a compliment.
there is no shortage they just dont want to charge more for the product
>supply&demand 101
That means there's a shortage to maintain their price point and profit margin with the supply chains they use.
>shopping at walmart
Is there a way to profit from this? And/or prepare for this?
Corn futures, whiskey stock, stockpile rice? Who's smarter than both Jow Forums and the communists
You are using different standards, Cuba, North Korea are being judged as ''having no food problems'' when everyone was provided with the necessary minimum amount of food, in whatever form it was provided.
But a capitalist country is judged as "having food problems" whenever one of a myriad of different brands is available in low quantities, even when there are other brands and other foods to not only feed yourself but feed yourself to absolute obesity if you would so desire.
show flag nigger
I'm not surprised when I see this at Walmart, anything that drives the price point up will start affecting them first since they run such tight margins and don't like to move their prices around - except permanently upwards
Basically yes, it means they could either raise the prices a bit for a time, or sell less for a time. They probably conlcuded that raising the prices would affect their brand image more so they do this instead.
If you're Aldi in the US, you're probably going to lose customer loyalty if you don't sell off-brand things for less. That would be like if you were Marshall's or TJMaxx and trying to sell last year's surplus inventory without a big discount.
But it is a sign. It might be a hiccup. It might be an early warning flag.
Where my home gardening bros at?
A noble cause, good job
This season has been whack. Even my houseplants are all fucked up.
I grow taters and garlic.
they play with the weather
they play with plant genetics
they play with water flow
they play with demographics
they play with pesticides and radiation
billionaires won't starve though
Having a good year so far.
That sucks. Last year my tomatoes got fucked from weird almost constant cold and wet weather for an extra month. Then the season ends with a tree falling on the rest of my garden.
I should get around to growing me some garlic. It starts to get on your mind when you're eating a bulb a day, and I've heard that home grown is so good that you can use it as a nice little present, like a nice bottle of wine or something.
>shopping at shartmart
a plant that grows in all fields
Know all the fat people will learn why they have been fattened up. Yum yum.
Well that's better than waking up one morning and wondering why it sounds like somebody is running a chainsaw in your back yard instead of the mexicans running weed whackers from down the road
And then you open your door to have a look and it's some guy running a chainsaw through your garden because apparently the landlord decided it was time to dig it up and redo it with cinder blocks without telling you. And that takes another month. to get finished. Fucking Jews.
>farming issues
>not issues with having to feed billions of third worlders
I don't know about that. Maybe you could give it to men but women seem to have an aversion to garlic.
Technically yes, since Exxon knew about what is happening today with climate change in the 80s. While it is apart of a natural cycle of warming and cooling, the world's major corporations are directly responsible for adding so much fuel to the fire and causing this Warming to happen so fast.
A lot of people have an aversion to a lot of things until they smell it. Then they start asking what that is and what you're doing. But I'm just a guy so I wouldn't know beyond that I'd love getting a jar of awesome home-made garlic pickles for Christmas.
Hey guys you do realize this is how to start the war right? When people are hungry, shit tends to go down
weather and sun spots actually. plants are starving for UV right now and its expected to get worse in the next year or two. places with large fishing and ranching industries are going to be better off than areas with a lot of farming, provided algae and seaborne bacteria doesn't grow out of control without UV to keep it in check. no time like the present to get used to eating crickets, i suppose.
I've never tried pickled garlic. How is it?
There's already a big algae bloom floating around in Lake Erie, I've heard.
I thought it was mostly due to flooding in the Midwest?
It's great! I've only tried it in the form of some cloves knocking around in a jar of pickles, but it takes the entire edge off like sauteing on onion. You can just eat it almost like you might enjoy eating a green olive, perhaps. Most people would probably rather have it sliced up a bit and used as a garnish like you would with an olive.
That sounds good, I like olives a lot but I need to drink a lot of water because of the salt overload.
Everything lookin good
>urbanites can't can their own vegetables
Fock yeah
Don't tell anybody, but put a good chunk of cream cheese and a clove of fresh garlic in your mashed potatoes, and a solid dash of dill. If you overdid it with the garlic, add more butter or cream cheese and a quick dash of white pepper to even it out.
We're also experiencing this on a smaller scale in Canada because of the late winter/heavy rainfall that forced farmers to plant later in over-saturated land.
I knew months ago from the Farmer's Almanac that it was gonna be a bad yield year. So I made sure to stock up early on canned goods.
It pays to know what's going on around you.
Algae blooms happen every so often in Lake Erie with very specific weather patterns. but yeah it's particularly bad this year. we're even seeing unsafe blooms in small lakes and ponds around here.
You joke but people have been warming about solar minimum and cooler temps for a while now. People forget/dont know that the sun and magnetic waves controls our weather.
I really wonder if and what they're doing with the geo-engineering. There's been a strong contingent behind the scenes saying we're in for some unusally intense high-spectrum UV radiation coming up of the sort to burn out the crops, so it's enough to make you wonder if all this has been some kind of an attempt to mollify that.
I also kind of wonder what the Farmer's Almanac knows that makes it so reliably accurate.
That's a good idea thanks.
Just curious: how much meth and cannabis does the North Korean government recommend one consume a day?
It probably works better if you have heavy cream or even sour cream, but I haven't tried that.
Good, vegetables are degenerate. we can finally move onto a meat based diet like nature intended
Post Canadian in store prices
Can you explain what holdomor is to someone that doesn't visit reddit and hasn't watched one single second of game of thrones?
Stalin aka the "agricultural reformer" forced the Ukraine etc. into collective farming, and that didn't work out very well because the state took the grain they produced (or didn't produce, because they couldn't keep it for themselves) and basically they all went hungry and some 40M estimated people died from it. Opinion varies as to whether that was an intentional genocide or just communism doing what communism does.
You do realize the crop failures are from this year being too COLD and a late spring that brought late planting and flooding right?
Yeah any day now comrade stopped-clock.
The fact that you are pointing this out is self-defeating for you though since you pointing this out in-itself implies that it's a highly unusual thing and not the expect norm as it would be in a communist country.
>canned veggie shortage
>fresh veggie shortage
>rice shortage
Vegans eternally BTFO
t. Carnivore
You are retarded. Please leave the internet and wait for your wrangler to arrive.
Rice isn't grown very much in the US, so that's one staple that less likely to be hurt. Instead, rice-growing countries are more likely to gun up production to sap up part of the market.
I don't really expect a rice shortage anyway, but I was just responding to one of the images in the posts I referenced. Apparently wine will be in short supply too. I still have no fucks to give.
You can't just "gun up production" of fucking crops.
You plant them in season and then they grow and then you harvest.
Rice is a year-round crop in rice regions, and their governments are typically communist. They can do a little more to fanangle the markets than your typical midwestern crop. I wouldn't bet on it, especially with things like the pig disease going on in China, but it's a different thing than losing your first planting season or your fields being too muddy.