Me and my gf want to raise a family, and I want us to flee Canada...

Me and my gf want to raise a family, and I want us to flee Canada, because we both no longer feel safe or that the government represents our interests any longer. Is Oslo safe to raise white children? Where in Europe if not?

I am well educated, self-employed and have set myself up to be able to work from anywhere. I would even fight and die for this country if need be. I just want my future family to be safe.

Attached: oslo.jpg (968x681, 90K)

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Denmark or Helsinki would be my top reccomendations.

Both have their different pros and cons and you should check which matches your personal preferences.

go to Mogadishu, Somalia
safer than Sweden

I ponder the same thing daily. Canada, ironically, was on my list if something bad happens i.e. that disgusting little narcissist Sadiq becoming PM.

I would say Norway going the same way as Sweden.

New Zealand?
Western Ireland?
Highlands of Scotland?

Jobs might be hard to come by in the latter two.

My search isn't necessarily tied to the Nordic region, but I figure the colder, the less non-Europeans want to go there. Are these countries' governments not as far gone as Sweden's?

We have our fair share of problems here. We in many ways are shittier bigger Canada. I suggest Europe

Stay in Canada and fight... don't be a pussy who flee like third world peddlers...

Canada is safe

Since Canada is a part of the Commonwealth you can always do Australia or New Zealand too if not Europe

What's the difference?

Trust me, we're just as worse off here, especially in the coming couple of years. I live in Toronto