United States of America

What are your completely honest views on the United States?

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needs more military spending.

Best continent ever

Used to be based and superior to Europe.
Now they're both equally shitty in their own ways.

Too diverse for me

We need to remember God.

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it became a parody of itself




too many niggers. ops from america are all faggots.

Falling Roman empire after degeneration and barbarien hordes.

Golden days are over, now they follow history and spend more and more money to the military while same time barbarian hordes get free access to loot and pillage.

I wonder will some of the states actually survive the coming chaos or will it become some retarded civil war with 2 sides.

Also im curious to see will russia/nkorea/iran fall before that.

Brazil 2.0

it's an empire due for balkanization.

Best god damn country on the face of this earth

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Based on hyper-metaphysical spirituality

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our government is occupied by foreign allegiance
the spirit of 1776 shall return

Jew'd bigly.

I find it funny how you guys talk about Europe is so dangerous when we’re like 85% white and you’re the land of the 56%. You say you’re based but left wing party only identifiable characteristic is their enthusiastic hatred for white people. White men are openly discriminated against in your country and you do nothing about it, pretty pathetic desu. Pre-1980 America seems like heaven on earth

>pic related

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A decent country that has its problems but gets a lot of unnecessary hate

Show your flag, memester

It had a good run

Better than the current realistic alternatives for world hegemon.

The great satan. A miserable shopping mall ran by Jews masquerading as a country. It would be nice if Russia, Iran and China would finally man up and put an end to us.

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>85% white
I don't have an image in my files big enough to show how fucking funny that post was, here's a (You), dumbass.

It's appeal is lower the higher your education level is.

America died in 1964 with the civil rights act bullshit that took away whites property rights and Osama bin laden did nothing wrong, that sand nibbah did us a favor by taking responsibility for 9/11 cause he knew it would collapse the United States economically, he also fought communist pieces of shit, I'm glad America will die, this country doesn't deserve to live cause they are trying to replace us with nonwhites(immigration act of 1965), if America becomes majority non-white it ceases to exist and America is enslaved to kikes

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Too many coward rich cunts who expect others to do things they cannot possibly do themselves

Too many rich people cheapens the whole game and also creates serious problems

Given the size, there are still places to escape to that are majorly white. These places are getting smaller, hence the election of trump.

Dumb and gay Jewish black and taco filled shit hole are founding fathers would cry

Come on man

>Ph.D in gender studies
>Poop-Dick enthusiast

Wish they were more irrelevant so we'd feel less of a need to have to talk about them. Literally just a half spic shithole but its run by jews and most americans are delusional more than any other country of people.


Your life must really suck, eh?

I can't think of one good thing I've heard about America in years. Every time someone brings America up it's to talk about some fucked up event or ridiculous way they do things over there.

Give me some legitimate positives besides select geographic locations that look good or some shit. It'd be nice to have my view changed for once.

Based on the financials, Americans should be better of than Europeans for all metrics that matter for having a healthy, happy, live.Yet you aren't.

You are your own worst enemy.

The Chad Jew
>arrives in America after being kicked out of 100+ countries
>Less than 2% of the population
>"Let's take over this shit''
>Takes over country in less than 50 years
The Virgin White
>Gives up when less than 50% of population
>It's all over (still more than 10x the Chad Jew population)

Its. Can you spell HIV?

Our Supreme Court votes unanimously in favor of freedom of speech

A lot of hicks who the global elites have their way with in every way. More anti government and enterprising attitudes than most of their counterparts around the world.

Evil empire, bound for balkanisation.

Kike-run country for almost 100 years

more funding for penis enlargement technology

retarded and full of bootlickers, waging war all over the world, degenerating the western world with porn and movies

>it's cuz of atheism, not because the of worship of Jews and their genocidal God from Bible and Quran
Based NPC

>but muh fedora, larpagan
Based NPC

There's good people everywhere, there's shitty stupid people too. The USA isn't some crazy alien land...they're just people, dude. What's so great about New Zealand?

It brings me to tears from time to time when thinking of the country, in which I was born a descendant of negros and Caucasians combined, an orphan, dumped by adoptive family and then leaving foster care with nothing but a back pack of clothing... i knew I lived in THE GREATEST PLACR ON EARTH... and now these FUCKING commies (globohomos) want to wipe it all away.


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Well that's something at least. I keep meaning to read up on how NZ handles that. Have the funny feeling someone explained to me once ten years ago that we don't actually have free speech here. But back then I was a drunk, so fuck if I remember what they actually said.

Liberal multicultural melting pot full of white trash and mexicans.

The United States of America is an evil racist country built on the backs of African slaves on land stolen from native Americans

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One of the greatest ideas in human history, but sadly got comped and kiked beyond anything the world has ever seen and is now in a (hopefully reversible) downward spiral.

>multicultural melting pot
I know you know but just in case that you do not know

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I had high hopes for the US
Then they became this "lets fuck the world up so 0.0000001% can be filthy rich" pisspoor examples of honorless, spineless potato heads, who believe war is a video game and being righteous is the same as being right
When I was young, I had people moving to the US with legal greencards to follow opportunity
now 30 years later, "oh surprise", they all come back, because the whole daily drama became unbearable

bretty qt country, sometimes

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Shut up, Jew.

I'll let this German Canadian explain it, he seems to have a more positive view of Americans than most Americans do

Peaceful, quiet place with no real problems at all. The shooting was the only big thing to happen here in years. Basically, we're a small forgettable place full of fangless pansies. That could be a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it.

It's getting worse by the year.

New Rome

Black man, I...

If you aren't a liberal dumbass you can do perfectly well for yourself.

I'm 26, make $62,000 a year base (ends up at about $80,000 with overtime and bonuses). My wife makes similar money. We're pulling in $150,000. No kids, student loans were paid off within 4 years of graduating. Good retirement plan. 2,500 square foot new construction house for $315,000. Getting a pool put in soon. We go on two big vacations a year. And I'm not in bumblefuck, I'm about 30 minutes from the beach, 45 minutes from two major cities/airports.

People bitch and moan because they made terrible decisions. Don't major in something stupid. Don't go to a 50k a year school unless you're majoring in something that will pull in a shit ton of money. Don't buy a brand new car and saddle yourself with a $600 car payment for 5 years. Market yourself. Don't be a whiny loser who bitches all the time about how hard life is. Network when you have the chance. It really isn't difficult.

It's really, really easy to live a comfortable life in America if you aren't a retard.

More like New New New New New Rome

USA are planetary prison wardens. You do what we say, when we say it. If you don't we establish a permanent base on your so-called "sovereign" nation and utilize it as a foothold for father conquest. To deny this is to put your head in the sand.

Modern-day America is ancient Rome, and like Rome, we have destroyed ourselves and are now being overrun by barbarians.

we don't care what you think of us, Kiwi.

We can only hope.

This amount of compensation, I bet you're a 5'7 half spic manlet.

and yet. none of you nogs took the trip back home.

Yeah that. Rome•5

I fucking hate these globohomo mother fuckers.
If you don't like it here, then why are you here?
What rights don't you have?
Where are there more guaranteed rights than here?
You fuckers made all these accessory rights (for workers) and now you're the same party to push to take them away with your illegal immigration (employers kick you out quick if you enquire about *MUH rights* because they will quickly replace you with someone who wont complain [illegal]. And NO THEY DONT MAKE UNDER MINIMUM WAGE).
There is no bigger hypocrite, but YOU.
You lie to these kids and the shit education you [gave] them made it possible for them to be too stupid to follow your shitshow rhetoric up with investigation.
But you will lose.
Have a nice day.

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really shitty democracy.
we burned down the White House, so I may be a bit biased.

Shut the fuck up you fucking slave.

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you where never like Rome.
Rome conquered and rules other nations, you got Hawaii and some other tiny rock somewhere no1 cares about. hardly an empire, certainly not an imploding empire.

Americans calling America an empire is like NFL teams becoming 'world champion'
you can't just make stuff up and then pretend it's real.

Shut up.
You work for shareblue to try to demoralize the youth lurking on here.

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Burned down your economy too

6'1" 195 pound purebred white, brown hair, blue eyes. I work in an office doing jack shit for 7 hours a day. I spend about 5 hours a week actually working.

Technically true

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>Good job, fellow semite!

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you know trading actually works trumpfag

Don't be jealous.

it has approximately 12 years until the normative society has completely collapsed

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Pray that Iran, Russia, North Korea, fall before our next Civil War.

If they don’t, all of you are going to be handling it on your own. And last time I checked most of the armies of Europe aren’t as up to snuff as us.

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i'm not, we actually had an empire user.

always count on a maple nigger to shit up a thread

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Hi ILLyawn

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It’s dying. Fuck it it’s dead. Spics, niggers, and leftist hordes keep demanding more and more shit while we’re getting surpassed by China. Soon it’s just gonna be a communist shithole. It’s already 49% white and that percentage will keep going down as more and more spics flood in. I don’t even hear English in public anymore. All I ever hear is Spanish. Fuck even the ads I get are in Spanish. Both ads I see IRL and ads I get on my phone. It will keep getting degenerated until it’s worse than Weimar. Hell its probably already worse than Weimar. Gun grabbers hold all the power nowadays and they will keep their power. I see a nationwide ban on semi auto guns coming soon. Leftists will keep demanding shit until everything you fucking work for gets redistributed to niggers. Transgender children is now apparently a normal thing. Faggotry is already normalized. Now they’re going to keep doubling down. What’s next? We already got trannies wasting medical resources. What will they try to normalize next? When are we going to hear the term “pedophobia” be used by the fucking media? What do communists want to normalize next? They already are protected by the media and the government if they want to hit senior citizens with crow bars in the name of stopping fascism. Or whatever the fuck they think they’re doing. We already got jewgle shit intergrated into our lives. Companies think it’s fucking weird if you don’t have a Facebook or a twitter and won’t hire you because you didn’t buy into that fucking bullshit. Fucking hell people spend $200 on wire taps that have already been shown to spy on their users so that they can put in their homes and ask for a pancake recipe. What’s next? I’m so fucking glad we beat hitler because look how amazing our world is now. If we didn’t beat hitler we would all be speaking German instead of Spanish! Thank god for that!


Tryhards like this in Canada are usually people who have something to prove. My apologies forgot the huge white trash population who also have stuff to prove in Muttmerriaaaa.

>having to barter for food
Fuck me Imagine your economy being in such shambles you have to give away your goods to eat. You sound like the crackheads at my pawn shop.

It's the greatest country in the world. Love it or leave it. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to cleaning my guns like a truly free man. I'm sorry if that offends all you unarmed slaves around the world.

great country. AMERICA. freedom

Who AoC?

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how do your guns make you more free?

there are few nations we don't own, you don't seem to get it
your currency is tied to ours
we store nukes in your country
we have bases in your country
we allow you the guise of independence for pride reasons, and because it would ruin the "good guy" veil (even though that's all but broken at this point anyway)

stfu kike

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You know we are a first world country right? You and your shitty education system think that we would collapse without you americucks when we will do without you just fine.

Our guns make us free by giving the average person a means of fighting back against a tyrannical government.