>tfw you realize that the "1 post by this id" posters aren't shills, they are literally bots reposting old content to inflate content and make the board appear active
>tfw you realize in reality there are only around 70 regular actual human posters
Tfw you realize that the "1 post by this id" posters aren't shills...
>tfw op is fucking stupid
>1 posts by this id
Let me guess, I'm wrong because the "official numbers" on the homepage say otherwise?
You must be 18 or older to post on this site.
The post count on the home page isn't accurate, moot said as much when /b/ hit the 1 billion post mark.
70 people, 70,000 opinions and writing styles. A fine bunch of split personalities are we.
>Let me guess, I'm wrong because the "official numbers" on the homepage say otherwise?
no, you'rte wrong because the 1 post id fags are the discord trannies.
then why are you here faggot
Neither is the active user count
Yeah so many diverse opinions and writing styles
90% of the posts on this site are one-line shitposts calling someone a retard. My 12 year old nephew could program a bot that could almost perfectly replicate the entire experience here.
Pretty much this.
The quoting of one post by this ID is to point out the OP is divisive implying that the thread is designed to slide something more important.
Nico is love. Nico is live.
70 > 0
the same threads (when I say same I mean exactly the same, copy and pasted) are repeated over and over again by BOTS as a way to drive activity and increase ad revenue.
> there are only around 70 regular actual human posters
Stop trying to rationalize your lack of (you)'s
When people respond to reposted threads it's because they don't lurk or are shills trying to slide something, that's also why you see people say things like
>Everyday is repost day
>We have this thread every fucking day
>We had this thread yesterday
Those people are being called out for what they are faggot, you need to fucking lurk moar
prove it
>1st part
Hmm, plausible but probably mot
>2nd part
Retarded schizoposting
We need to have a shill general or wordfilter it because you people are out of control
Beep boop