Jews are raping white women now

Jews are raping white women now

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They were Arab Israeli Mudslimes.
Blatant antisemitism

>UK tourist
I think the Jews suffered more in this case.


kek. israelis are basically arabs larping as jews anyways. they're into that rape shit. Arabs are a bit savage, then mix it up with some Talmud shit about goyim existing to serve the jews, and well, you get a mess of raped cunts.

Attached: 20_rapes_per_second.jpg (1024x624, 104K)

>Not true scotsman

you fake jews want everyone mixed and then
say the mixed are nationals of that nation. why
are you crying, you should know what to do
and what not to do to your neighbors since you
proclaim to keep torah. since you fake jews are
shemites just like arabs, it's the same thing.

Attached: Islamization of Europe Good for fake Jews Says Ribeye.webm (478x360, 2.26M)


Nope, pretty sure the surname of at least 5 of them was hazan

Only Mizrahim and Arab mudskins go to Ayia Napa
They're not Jewish
merely impersonators and cultural appropriators.

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rape is a social construct.

>go to the back alleys of a third world shithole
>Get raped
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

aren't jews white?

Arabs are Semites.

>UK tourist
>white women

sephardics too? it's ashkenazis that are larpers right.


Are these the Ethiopian Jews I've heard so much about recently?


The slag probably deserved it and the sad part is that you probably agree had she paid the toll and gotten raped by kenyans

Yes Sepharadi are Maghrebi scum

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>gang raping UK tourist

I'm ready to consider the possibility that she was drunk and regrets it now.

they learned it from their pets. or maybe the pets learned by watching them.

>20 rapes per second
what is that even a measurement of?

Some are some aren't.

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>cultural appropriators
Like how you appropriated the Old Testament and pretending it's about you?

Jews have been raping and murdering white people for centuries wtf have you been at /ptg/?


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Shoulda listened to this man....

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Israelis now trying to copy refugees.


>They're not Jewish
Oy Vey

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Every jew is a larper

t.christkike who appropriated our biblical fairy tale

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I wonder if its the same 12 Israelis they mentioned during the Vegas shooting

They could have also have been jews; Just try to focus your inbred schizo energy towards the muslim regions and leave whitey be we aren't your main opponent in the region Efraim.


If white jews are in Europe what does that make you? An arab jew.

Probably Muslims
Remember half of Israel is ragheads.
Rape is kind of their thing.

Ragheads are only 18% of the population
But are responsible for 65% of all murders

Why does it seem like white men are the only ones who don't gangrape?
You hear about rape sometimes but whenever its gang rape it's always nonwhites.
Is it the same reason why whites are the least gay race statistically?

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ITT damage control

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It helps when Jews own the courts.

Ever heard of the Levant you fucking mutt?

Ancient Israelites were essentially Arab, most Jews today are just whites larping as Semites

Less than 2% Israel are Muslims

nice try Shlomo
the majority of Israelis are brown sandnigger Mizrahi Jews who are in no way better than regular muds


Attached: the eternal jew.jpg (200x277, 30K)

>they dindu nuffin
Same thing in every fucking place where these subhumans exist

kys retard

Attached: murder stats germany stats.png (1000x1540, 75K)

> desperate damage control intensifies

Attached: Israel+ISIS = BFF.jpg (678x550, 61K)

>American education
>Arabs of the world

Attached: Umayyad750ADloc.png (1481x902, 30K)


Mizrahi are the real Jews(Semites)
Ashkenazis are 1/16th European larpers who perfected the art of perpetual political victimhood

Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein. All these bigshot kikes raping white girls. Kikes in Israel got inspired.

Attached: trust us goyim, we're friends.jpg (780x1574, 212K)

>Going to a beach that isn't secluded.

Normies are cringe.


Arabs aren't native you to the Middle East you dumb mutt, they came from the Arabian peninsula

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White-presenting kikes do exist, but they always side with non-Whites anyway, so their skin is just another kike trick.

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Wow, Brits really are loud faggots.

You're not native to Palestine either, but yet here you are occupying another nation as an invading foreigner.

Let me guess, your grandparents were born in some slavic shithole and now you're larping as a kike? Kikes are shitskins.

Attached: shitskin IDF.jpg (1600x949, 293K)

Majority look Greek, Spanish, Yugoslavian.

Why are Israelis such ugly manlets?

Palestine doesn't exist shcizo, it's a figment of imagination in mudshits mind

>the word Palestine literally means invaders in Hebrew

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Choke on a dick

whiter than you Abdul

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Haha my little Greek cousins will beat the shit out of these guys, we are talking about a country split by religion. The police and military patrols are savage fanatics, bahahahahaha

How do 12 adult men agree to violently rape someone. There is a reason this is almost only done by non-whites. They are mentally and morally deficient.

>Palestine doesn't exist

Oh? Want to hurdle through some jew-fu gymnastics now kike?

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You have to go back to your mountain home.

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Go get shit filthy Arab nigger

Attached: quote-there-are-no-innocents-in-gaza-mow-them-down-kill-the-gazans-without-thought-or-mercy-michael- (850x400, 55K)

would open bob

You're getting the short rope

Find it on a map.
Protip: You literally can't.

Attached: CorrectMap.png (1200x882, 353K)

These threads are an excellent gauge of how many JIDF shills currently browse. The damage control is off the charts

They look like north africans or mestizos. You snowniggers don't even know what meds look like lmao you're all dumb af prob think iraqis immigrants in Stockholm are italians.

>Find it on a map.
>Protip: You literally can't.

Attached: Palestine 1851 John Tallis.jpg (3047x4091, 3.55M)

>this is white in Israel

Because you stole their land, psychotic chimp.

>they came from the Arabian peninsula
So did the jews you dumb kike

All semities get the rope

Yids is tard from killin all them Palestinian gojim, what ‘em is.

Might makes right nigger
You stole the the entire Middle East and North Africa and Persia from Romans and Greeks you filthy arabmutt

Fucking retard we came Canaan open a map you 60IQ brainlet

Attached: 1.jpg Assyria and Babylonia.jpg (1200x736, 352K)

Judaism isn’t a race, it’s a religion, I can convert tomorrow if I want.
Israel is getting more diverse by the day, and they all represent your nation. News title holds true, israeli- teach your people to stop raping

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and did Epstein not teach you anything?

>raping white women

you can't rape mindless animals. It's like getting charged with sexual assault for milking a cow. And why were those white "women" at the beach parading around like sluts?

tldr: they were asking for it.

>Might makes right
The people that say this are also the same people who schreech bloody murder when they're on the losing end.

You're a fucking leaf what the fuck do you know?


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This. Every time some AMERICAN commit a crime, American posters try to blame it on their local niggers and spics. Every time some EUROPEAN commit a crime, European posters try to blame it on their local niggers and arabs. ISRAELIS have the right to do the same.

Sadly a lot more than you dumb snowniggers it appears.


Stick to your own continent, you're both French and British you fucking maggot.

This 100%
Fucking based.

Attached: me on the right.jpg (1080x1350, 228K)

more like both Chinese and Indian HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>Palestine doesn't exist shcizo, it's a figment of imagination in mudshits mind

BASED. This is why I like Jews. They're not cucks like white men are. But seriously, how can Palestinians be real if Palestine isn't real?

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