When is this going to come to a head...

When is this going to come to a head? I'm sick and tired of Antifa running around without any consequences while reasonable people suffer violence.


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Give them enough rope to hang themselves. They're losing support very fast right now because people start realizing that Antifa have become what they supposedly fought against: fascists.

they do these in cities where cops are cucked and prosecutors are commies for a reason. stop going to protests in the pacific northwest ffs

When will George Soros be eliminated? That answer will determine the answer to your question.

Stop the funding, stop the "movement"

nice try mr fbi

this gook is full of shit. the fact he's the face of all this drama just goes to show how phony the mainstream right is.

Boohoo not the milkshakes!!!! Antifa are evil terrorists!

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Imagine you being a chink with your last name being NGO, and you still get attacked by Cuntifa, kek.

Soto’s drinks the same life giving Christian blood as does Ginsberg.

There's footage of him getting his ass beat just for filming them. There is zero excuse whatsoever for this behavior and it's endemic to the movement.

It all feels like theater so I don’t keep up with it, this yellow nigger gets hit in the face so immediately receives a spot on Joe Rogan? Things just seem sensationalized and artificial, my mind focuses on things that matter not headlines

wow you're like deep and smart

*cement milkshakes>Antifa are evil terrorists
*Antifa are fascists

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>Antifa mob and beat a journalist to the point of hospitalisation simply for filming them
>Single proud boy retaliates against assault from baton-armed antifa with a single well-thrown punch, knocking the antifag out in one hit
>b-but, we're peaceful protestors, w-why are you assaulting us? big government, heeeeelp ; ~;

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>we are doing X to you because nobody wants to experience X
>haha why are you complaining about X?
these faggots need to be machinegunned.


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Some boomer will eventually unload an (((AR-15))) on anyone wearing a black mask at some near-future protest and the entire media establish will cry "See! Antifa was right all along!"

I'm honestly just waiting for a group at one of these events to start throwing shit at some psycho he turned up with a gun. That'll be a fun day.

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The people making these comics are clearly taking craAAaaAazy pills

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Listen to the video or look up an article about it, then. Dude got beat to shit by these fascists and got away with it.

Civil war or shut the fuck up.

Trump isn't going to save us.

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>Not commies

Go back to plebbit you shit-eating retard.

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Once the internet became a thing everything was war. World war 3 and a civil war started in every country

They put cement into the milkshakes

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>How do we beat ANTIFA
That's fucking easy, you dumb burger cunt. You fight them. So far the American strategy of crying like bitches and painting ANTIFA as "the real nazis" is fucking gay and accomplished nothing.

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No they aren't. They are communists. Hitler and Mussolini put these people into work camps to teach them how to not be parasites.


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