God Bless Robert E Lee

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"I have fought against the people of the North because I believed they were seeking to wrest from the South its dearest rights. But I have never cherished toward them bitter or vindictive feelings, and I have never seen the day when I did not pray for them." - Robert E. Lee

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"If you have any fault to find with anyone, tell him, not others, of what you complain; there is no more dangerous experiment than that of undertaking to be one thing before a man's face and another behind his back." - Robert E. Lee

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"I tremble for my country when I hear of confidence expressed in me. I know too well my weakness, that our only hope is in God." - Robert E. Lee

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A great man

When the backlash comes and the white man reasserts his power we must go town to twon and restore every statue and war memorial to Lee, rename every school and building that the spics, chinka, street shitters took from us

His hat is still around, today. It looks very nice.

Here is a picture of it.

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thanks. checked. god bless.

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thats a nice looking hat

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too bad about the rest of him, though

Great American General

I grew up next to a confederate cemetery. My town was all white. Since we had to get out of school for MLK, we had Robert e Lee day. There was even a kkk parade. They sadly don't do it anymore. Class of 08'

While he was a skilled general, he swore allegiance to the Union after the war ended.

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He lost.

I don't understand the American Civil War much, can you anons explain it to me?
I know that it was North vs South, United States vs Confederate States, but what was the leading party of the Confederates?
Fascists? Natsocs?

Edgy fuckers who disobeyed the federal government because they wanted to keep blacks as slaves. Northerners realized how barbaric and uncivilized slavery was, but southerners got pissed off that yankees tried to tell them how to live their life. So they declared war because 'muh niggers' but tried to disguise it as 'muh state's rights'


Anti-federalists who's welfare was wrapped up in rural living. The north were federalists who relied on industrialized urban areas.

Took on the greatest army of his time with a little bunch of rednecks and then stop them in their tracks!

Greatest General ever!

False, ignore the leftist shill. He won't tell you the north didn't want to free the slaves and only used that notion later in the war to drive recruitment. They wanted to send the slaves back to africa or to canada.

As it turns out the war was directly related to economic reasons and trade, but equally to other issues related to the differences between the north and south at the time.

Truth is, told by any writing of the time (that you can still view scans of, for now...) slavery wasn't anything like what you are told it was today. Slaves fought for the south, but free ones also fought for the north. Some slave owners were shitty, others weren't. And the vast majority of the south didn't own a single slave.

Now get fucked yankee.

the yankees have clam chowder. what do you have. fucking crawfish. disgusting



fuck Lee he tried to destroy America for the jews...more that 78% of slave owner were jews and Lee and the other traitor fought to help keep the jews in power

over 500000 wypipo died fighting for jews to keep slaves

a 6 hour drive to the gulf

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