Trump BTFO

He cannot even do one push up. Biden wins! How will fast food NEETS cope?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-17 at 17.12.14.png (1235x465, 487K)

>inb4 muh meme frog
pic related

Attached: pol_BTFO.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

Fool. Us 400 pound hackers on our beds in Mom's basement control the world.

How's that Yang FAIL working out for you?

FACT: Trump accuses people of not being healthy enough to be President. So why can't he even do 2 real push ups? He's a fraud.

Attached: roiding4this.webm (640x360, 2.17M)

Trump needs to challenge Biden to a "don't sniff peoples' hair" contest.

HAHahhaa cant wait for this old white man to loose his shit on stage at the debates


yet it's unfortunately true. get ready for peak clown world for 2020

Attached: wt.png (606x401, 378K)

Attached: swm.png (555x494, 336K)