Republicunts will defend this

>republicunts will defend this

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Fook off commie bitch

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nothing should have dedicated 'unlimited spending.' it is guaranteed to be abused.

>still caring about 9/11 outside of making sure it never happens again
fuck leeches.

>is okay with it as long as it comes with corresponding cuts
Seems to me like the bipartisan coalition has bigger priorities that they are unwilling to cut for 9-11 victims.

I'm so confused what exactly are we paying for? It's been almost 18 years. Didn't the people killed have life insurance? Don't the 1st responders have medical insurance through the city? Wasn't the fund like $8b? You telling me all the gaps from the above shit wasn't taken care of yet?

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It's not unlimited, they'll all be dead eventually.

He is right you commie faggot. Nothing is free.

>Unlimited funding bill for decades to go
Yeah no. Cut some of the fucking spending before passing a multi billion dollar bill

i would prefer them to be dead later rather than sooner, which is basic human decency and what this bill proposes.
paul ryan literally is not acting like a human being right now, although he undoubtedly is one

Actually, we're running a $750 billion deficit so far this fiscal year. That's a LOT of free shit.

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Got to block this funding to victims of 9/11 so we can give it to Israel instead

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Obama was bringing the deficit back down. We made a yuge mistake putting cheeto benito in office

the reason for the debt is because the us is not taxing corporations enough

I agree. They're fine with a bloated to shit military budget and tax cuts on the super wealthy, but paying for first responder medical bills from the worst terror attack in US history is where they draw the line.

This is why we need a balanced budget amendment with an exception that requires significantly more review than just Congress and POTUS.

We should only debt spend in emergency situations. And no, nigga, a war you are starting is not an emergency.

Rand Paul: a man of principle. I may not fully agree with him (I'm a fascist natsoc kind of guy, so he'd reeee and start saying treadeth not on serpent if we met), but I respect him.

Maybe he should be POTUS after Trump.

lol this country is so fucked

This is John Stewart's pet projects and he's been guit tripping Republicans into funding this bill. He's too retarded to understand that government doesn't have the means to fun 9/11 victims for a life time.

America has an accounting problem, not a spending one.

Anyone in those evil shitcunt of an organisations buildings deserve to die. First responders and bystanders are the only ones who deserve compensation.

>balanced budget bad! Happy feelings good!

t. Independent

they have medical conditions you idiot
it makes sense to pay them for a lifetime if they have lifelong medical conditions brought on by 9/11 rescue

It's New York's responsibility to cover their costs, not the federal. There's no real way to guarantee the money will be there in the future.

Just like those holocaust survivors right??

No, a lot of them are gonna drop dead soon because of they're in poor health.

the holocaust survivors thing is a different kettle of fish
a lot of them are already elderly
since it's such a different kettle of fish, i have no idea why you brought the holocaust survivors up in the first place

Mossad did it, Jon should ask Bibi for the money

>a county that can completely fund it's military with an obscene amount of pocket change leftover for 10,000 years can't pay some dying fireman's hospital bills for 5 years until he dies

I didn't bring up holocaust suriviors, the guy above me did.

Dying Fireman already has healthcare to pay hospital bills. Are you willing to admit Obamacare was a failure?


>Don't the 1st responders have medical insurance through the city?
You'd think so. Police and firefighters are known for having way better benefits than the rest of us, so it is puzzling.

Honestly this is a local issue.

Why the fuck should anyone outside of NY or VA care about the healthcare of local first responders?

Why don't the countries responsible pay instead?

New York had a 2.8 Billion deficit, and it's runned by a corrupt governor, and an apathetic Mayor.

>Didn't the people killed have life insurance?
>insurance not doing everything they can to weasel out of doing the thing you give them money to do

what a true patriot

Maybe we should cut back on the military and other good goy initiatives.

it covered them until 2090, something is fucky

Rand needs to just give up and let this country go bankrupt. The country is too vapid and stupid to care about deficits.

based paul

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Health Care, Labor Costs, and Overtime are eating the US Government budgets. There's also special interest groups competing for the same money. 9/11 Victims 9/10 will lose out to Susan G.Komen and Planned Parenthood in the fight for funding.

I mean at this point it's almost silly to care about the national debt. There's honestly nothing that can be done to save it.


randlet is a lolbertarian

If the Saudis are willing to fund this, I'm all for it.
Otherwise, why should anyone have a lifelong compensation fund from the Federal government? Do you get lifelong compensation if a mugger kills your girlfriend and takes your wallet? What if an arsonist burns down your house?

The trauma endures my goy, the trauma endures.

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Rand is viciously anti Israel you fuck rart.

LOL, who do you think is going to get that money anyways?

He didn't block anything. He delayed a vote because he wants them to offset the bill with cuts.

How about focusing on stuff that costs taxpayers much much more? For someone concerned about money he sure has a funny foreign policy stance.

>never runs out of money
>still getting compensation 100 years later

>100 years later
Wow those are some old motherfuckers

Shouldn't NY handle this?


why don’t we just make cuts to the military and Israel. could pretty much fund everything with that. and no, randoms hiding in caves are not a threat to the US.

>Rand is viciously anti Israel you fuck rart.

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he doesnt want to destroy israel, he just wants them to GTFO the government and stop wars

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>he doesnt want to destroy israel, he just wants them to GTFO the government and stop wars

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Did you even read the fucking shit? How are people gonna claim shit up until 2089?

Aren't they covered by Obamacare?

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Rand is for that.

>shakes a world leaders hand
>is puppet of world leader
let me guess you want him to shout death to israel in front of congress

>let me guess you want him to shout death to israel in front of congress

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If that jew is involved you know it's a fucking scam

Not before we spend 2 million a week on each of them as they are reaching 136 years old and virtually catatonic.