"Why wasn't there anyone who looked like me?" Explaining the Moon Landing to a mixed race child

"Why wasn't there anyone who looked like me?" Explaining the Moon Landing to a mixed race child.

This morning I was watching a tribute to the Apollo 11 moon landing on TV with my 7-year-old stepdaughter, who is half white and half African-American. She casually asked why there wasn't anyone who looked like her either among the astronauts or in the Mission Control Center. I'll admit I was a little taken aback by her question at first. Not because I was at a genuine loss for words, but because of how perceptive and intelligent she is for her age. I sure as heck wasn't as smart as she was when I was her age, that's for sure.

At any rate, I attempted to explain to her that the U.S. was a very different country 50 years ago in terms of the opportunities that it afforded its citizens, especially women and PoC. No doubt, I told her, there were plenty of women and people of different races in the U.S. back then who could have done what Neil Armstrong had done, if only they had been given the training and opportunity to do so. She seemed satisfied with this answer, and I left it at that.

Thank goodness the tribute we saw on TV didn't mention Werner Von Braun or his Nazi past. I honestly don't know how I would've explained that one to her since she already astutely associates Nazis with our orange imbecile of a president. I'd hate for her to think that Trump, by association, would somehow be capable of designing a rocket that could take people to the moon.

I for one, look forward to the 2020 blue wave so we can actually go to mars and leave the white curmudgeon racists and republicans behind.

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>"Why wasn't there anyone who looked like me?"

because the jew didn't trick the whites into creating an abomination like you yet

haha no shit right, some mystery meat sub-human wondering why they can't into rockets and shit. just stay on welfare while daddy marches around with his dildo flag, you'll be ok

Hard to go to the moon when your top priority is making sure your wife's son is able to become a female before it turns 12

We're too busy babysitting lower forms of life (niggers), to go into space.

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Because the only black guy to apply to be a Mercury astronaut didn't make the cut.

Perhaps blacks could have, I dunno, tried harder?

>First tranny in space
>Forces a breach in cabin upon realization it cannot hang itself in zero gravity
>Space tranny suicide rate statistic update:

Is that sheboon trying to rob that white girl? she should have been raised properly and ashot the sheboon as soon as it advanced upon her.

someone fix the image and girl to say when "jewish people"

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Niggers should be rocketed into the sun.


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The only correct answer to that child's question is this: "Because talent and merit are not distributed evenly. Merit does not reflect demographics."

This "question" perfectly illustrates the racism appeasement/apologists problem:
Any 'normal' person (ie. non-retarded white) would consider a historical figure or event based on the achievement or outcome.
But the viewpoint of a minority or SJW is instantly to assess if it's a white, straight, male. The actual event is secondary to that.
And this exact problematic viewpoint is indoctrinated into as many people as possible.
tl;dr: If you don't consider the skin colour; you're racist.

I got you senpai.

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All the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo astronauts were test pilots. The kind of guys who happily strapped themselves to developmental aircraft before the age of computer aided design and hoped the damned thing held together long enough for them to bail out if something went wrong. What the author of OP's story should have done,if she were honest, is show all the clips of experimental airplanes plowing into the desert floor or rockets blowing up on launch pads. It took strength, nerves of steel and a bit of insanity to do what they did, and we didn't start sending women into space until it was perceived as "safe." And then we blew one up.

based space fantasy

Theres also a lot of problems with the metabolism of blacks in space, this isn't widely known or talked about outside of the Space Force...which is full of god damned POG's, if anybody cares

Tell her the truth - blacks are literally harder to train than monkeys .

>why is there no one that looks like me in this samurai historical drama
I highly dount this conversation ever happened. Even today it is unlikely that a mission will have blacks, not because of racism but because they are a small minority and just by roll of the dice it is very unlikely

Stopped reading when u wrote ur daughter is a nigger. Whats wrong with u?

Cool another meme we could use against liberal white women

>I for one, look forward to the 2020 blue wave so we can actually go to mars and leave the white curmudgeon racists and republicans behind.

Wow, don't get me so excited, user. I can just imagine how beautiful this planet would become if all the beautiful, diverse, people of color left us all by our lonesomes and fucked off into outer space...

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>"Why wasn't there anyone who looked like me?"
This is what future mutts will be asking themselves when they see old paintings of the founders and early American history. They won't be able to relate to any of the country's history.

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>No doubt, I told her, there were plenty of women and people of different races in the U.S.
It went from 9% minorities to 44%.

There's lots of space in Africa. Just sayin...

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You should tell her the truth. Nigs are dumb, and she's a niglet. That's why she was satisfied with your lie. They did not even invented the wheel.

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>tranny runs out of hormones in space
>matt damon style Martian rescue mission to get pills to tranny before hormone levels revert ensues
>taxpayer cost: $100M