Auto parts manufacturers? Nuclear power? Monsanto?
Who will she lobby for after she's out of office?
She'll do porn
She'll return to bartending. No one will hire her.
She's an idiot.
Onions farmers
She will create a start up, private detention centers concentration camps for all of the zionists in the US
Schumer and Pelosi will be Cellies.
She'll be in Congress for a while, but she's never going to be anything more. She's too nuts to win anything outside a safe, gerrymandered deep-blue House district. She couldn't win a statewide election for something like U.S. Senate to save her life, even in the very blue state of New York.
She's just 2019's version of Cynthia McKinney or Alan Grayson: An irrelevant, loudmouthed House gadfly that draws the conservative activists' ire.
Rising Star
Taco Bell
She's a one termer.
Does she have a Democratic primary challenger yet?
That's the only way she loses in 2020. No way a Republican beats her in that district.
>thinking everyone is a corporate sellout
As long as she doesn't upset the Jews in Queens, she'll be around for a long time. As for her constituents in the Bronx, they would never turn on her, and if her district were reorganized to encompass only the Bronx then she's set for life.
American Society for Downs Syndrome
She'll be a MSNBC host.
She will never lose.
These numbers arent her district. You people are stupid if you think she will lose.
She will go into Porn after she loses the next election
her Wikifeet page
Hate her nose.
God the just point a soldering iron at it and you're an engineer thing chaps my ass. Fuck this guy and his family.
They're saying she will lose other districts for the Dems. She's from a useless spic welfare district, which is the ONLY way someone as stupid as her could win. She won the primary completely on the basis of being a spic.
She'll get some job fund raising for some Jew run non-profit that crams 3rd world "people" into white neighborhoods.
She’s destined to be President. Sorry to break it to you, shill bro.
Blacked, probably.
She'll be in "private sector" at MSNBC or New York times making three figures spreading her ideology
>you rated 5/5. Nigger what are you doing?
But she won't. People dont give a fuck about other congresspeople when they vote in their local elections.
>making three figures
so basically, the same thing in the B'x sucking dick after bartending shifts? sounds 'bout right
bingo and the teacher's union
I don't think she's liked enough by the political class to be an effective lobbyist.
Taco Bell