I'm not sure you guys are ready for how hilarious 2020 is going to be.
I'm not sure you guys are ready for how hilarious 2020 is going to be
yes seeing orange mans face when he loses
>supporting pedophile zionists
Jow Forums is getting so annoying with all these shills.
Jow Forums will never be a pro-Israel pro-Pedophilia board. Stop trying to make it one.
If he wins 2020 he is going to make Love to all of Us Americans one by one.
Vote Deep Donald
Trust me your ways of insulting Trump will make more people love him.. keep going
Fuck off antisemitic bigot
I won't need to buy Gatorade for a decade after all your tears.
Is Celebrity Apprentice coming back?
It's been postponed for another four years.
Why would i be mad at Trump?
he's unironically pushed mainstream politics further to the left than any other president in my lifetime.
Clinton and Obama were centrist cucks.
We'll have full on communism by the time Trump's done.
I wouldn't shake his hand if I met him, but that's mostly because he's probably had it up his ass since the last time he washed it.
If you think its a clown world now, wait till he gets re-elected.
>Thinks elections can change anything
>he's probably had it up his ass since the last time he washed it.
da fuck lefty user. Is that supposed to be an insult? *facepalm
The funny part is when you realize user is basically saying it's ok to stick your hand up your ass as long as you wash it. yep, definate degenerate here fellas. Top kek
The tears still haven't dried from 2016. This could really get even more hilarious.
yes, but it's for political jobs in 2024.
Political Apprentice
will be yuuuuge
Are we building the wall?
Are we locking her up?
Are we draining the swamp?
Oh, in 2020?
He'll win re-election then go back to doing nothing but tweeting zingers
Can u imagine the 4 years of tweets trump will lay out on any dem if they did manage to win? Might be fun just for that
Soon we’re going to start calling kikes anti Semitic. It will be a wild ride.
>he's unironically pushed mainstream politics further to the left than any other president in my lifetime.
>Clinton and Obama were centrist cucks.
>We'll have full on communism by the time Trump's done.
More like the left pushed away moderates and stuck their heads into an echo chamber. If you're a Zionist civnat boomer you're unironically a nazi because you dont support open borders. Good job alienating everybody from here to the buttcrack of the earth with your jewish created insanity. When 2020 gets here americans will unironically have to choose between communism and fascism. Anything else will get eaten up by one of the two groups
>if we kill them we lose
congrats at applying this logic to 2020
Checked and wouldn't be surprised.
We've been in clown world for years. 2020 will give us plenty to honk about.
why would it be hilarious watching the last White President lose in a landslide after sabotaging his own image?
wakey wakey
shhhh the glowniggers are always listening brother don't spoil the plan