Why are only white people allowed to hate America? They hated the fuck out of America while Obama was president

Why are only white people allowed to hate America? They hated the fuck out of America while Obama was president.

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We hated him and the naive, white guilted faggots who elected him but we never hated the country

Obama can go back too

I am derailing your thread. Does anyone have the video of man in khakis and white button down shirt in rolling chair falling down.


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They hated Obama, not America
you faggots hate America

So now Obama = America?


no but i have a random webm for you

Attached: pepenigs.webm (800x800, 2.46M)

Some people did some things on 9/11/01

I saw this post on reddit too bud

White people are allowed to do or think anything they want. America is their country. Everybody, nogs and spics included knows this.

Is it a literal mental illness that effects the left?

because it's a white country you absolute retard

"we as the country" meaning the people you take from you third world shitter


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We don't hate America. We hate what you niggers are doing to it.

I didn't hate my country when Obama was president, and I don't hate it now.
Things are actually pretty gud.


If you are going to talk about whites supposedly hating the country don't attach a pic of a fat Jew.

>Why are only white people allowed to hate America? They hated the fuck out of America while Obama was president.
All white people hated America under Obama? You're a retarded racist huh?


We dont hate America. We built it. I don't care how many G-d-damned slaves there are or what their official status is but they fuck up everything they touch. See: every non-white nation.

posting Faceberg memes should be a bannable offense

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She's a commie. You focus on her skin color because you are a racist.

>i'm proud to be an american
so you're a racist Nazi.
Welcome to the Trump Train

>all I do is shit all over America's values it's history it's culture it's government and it's people and call everybody that tries to preserve these things Nazis but when confronted with this I'll just say I'm the real patriot

They need to go back

Define America.