As you may have heard, the Huffington Post is going to doxx Carpe Donktum despite his requests for privacy since he fears for his family's safety. Now, the guy's not my favorite, but this is wrong. The media is using their platform to intimidate and harass and individual with disagreeable views.
Time to give them a taste of their own medicine. I'm proposing that we start threads identifying Huffington Post "journalists". Information that is useful: names, phone numbers, family, addresses, kids' names, friends, private profiles, and any other dirt.
The interdimensional reptilian shapeshifting mantids are causing AI deepfake false flags by masonic predictive program weather manipulation Monsanto fluoride trails to distract moloch crisis actors from the fact that fake news aliens are hollow and that the sandy hook landing never happened so (((they))) can continue to use CERN vaccines to harvest gangstalker jesuit adrenochrome from our kali yuga pineal glands for chinese nanochip astral projection remotely through demonic V2K 5G technology from the black cube HAARP hexagon on top of satan
Robert Murphy
Nypa donk
Isaac Sullivan
>he fears for his family's safety free speech, nigger.
Brody Perez
Literally who?
Zachary Cruz
justice bump
Samuel Rodriguez
holy shit newfags get out
Jeremiah Robinson
Exactly. Same rules apply to everyone. Let's return the favor to these faggots and harpies.
just go on huffpost, find a name and look them up on Spokeo. its just that E-Z
Wyatt Rogers
What did he do
Daniel Ward
make memes
Nathan Perry
>is going to doxx Carpe Donktum >doxx Such a ridiculous concept. >this is wrong. No, it isn't. Being known publicly is what happens when you're a public figure. I have no idea who this asshole is but he ought to know that.
Julian Butler
get Congress to legalize murdering journalists call it the Pest Control Act
Nathaniel Ward
>HuffPo >relevant Pick one.
Colton Thompson
doesn't matter to the left.
Isaac King
Anyone working for HuffPo should be hunted down and executed
Jordan Reed
Got one! >Rebecca Shapiro >30s lives on the upper west side on 72nd street >husband Dov
he is not a checkmark therefore society will assume he has an expectation of privacy its not want someone to dig up your personal information and pair it up with posts from any social media or forum site you have visited for the world to see?
If you don’t know who he is, how can he be a public figure? Go figure?
Wyatt Rogers
his is: it doesnt list his personal name and you can put whatever name you want as your name when making a profile
Brody Wright
Arrange a board room meeting.
Carter Jackson
On it
Hudson Evans
Right to privacy, faggot
Owen Williams
Buy a gun
Ethan Ortiz
Humm. Since he can expect to be attacked by pantifa shortly after his about contacting Bikers For Trump for a bit of security. Trump had the audience in stitches tonight describing the pathetic panifa and they types of people they attack and the types they do not.
Conversely if he lives in a castle domain CCW state etc...I'd just flat out state that anyone threatening my family or my property will be shot.
Aiden Sanchez
ah well eventually they’ll doxx the wrong man who’s gonna knock on their door at 10pm and shoot them in the goddamn face. Only takes one and the rate they’re leaving people with nothing to lose means it’s inevitable
He will have a good 4th amendment case because he was never a public person. Remember what they did to that poor old gramma who merely LIKED a Trump post on FB? CNN doxxed her and swarmed her house..that was vile.
Leo Sullivan
>hides behind meme flag in support of doxxing Kys you faggot Jew before you end up in the mass graves
James Kelly
In their minds, trump is literally Hitler. They’re afraid. It does matter
People shouldn’t have to worry about this in the first place
Leo Gonzalez
Another one >Alanna Vagianos >late 20s >lives in FiDi >women's reporter at HuffPo >went to elon university and majored in gender studies >Originally from New Jersey >"sneakerhead" (whatever that is)
He isnt a public figure though, he intentionally stayed anonymous.
All meme flags are kikes
Angel Diaz
When it comes to sport does she prefer baseball or skeet shooting?
Carson Sanchez
White liberal affluent women are arguably worse than Jews, at least Jews aren’t traitors to their group
Charles Ross
STFU retard. Who cares if a humourless boomer gets doxxed?? Fuck him and fuck you.
Landon Lopez
Colton Hall
> VaginaOS
Linux distributions are getting out of control.
Thomas Harris
Not only public info. We're better than them.
Jackson Hall Minecraft
Jose James
jesus, you sherpaniggers are testy.
Dylan Ross
***Note*** only public info. NO PRIVATE INFO. These are public figures, which is the same argument they are making about carpe donktum. Therefore, *Public* info is okay.
***Sorry phone fagging here.
Jeremiah Richardson
I agree. This is a bullshit designed to scare someone who has been effective (normies love him) in getting out a message and this is their way of shutting him down.
I still like the Bikers for Trump. IF they are stupid enough to dox him I am gonna get his location and send a bit of a note to the Bikers.
Nolan Carter
Exactly. So sick of extending them a courtesy they would never give us. Let the record show the left struck first.
Jayden Torres
I suppose I should start with the First they came for the memers then they came for Jow Forums...
Free speech is free brah. And no body says you have to you sit enjoying your freedom of STFU RETARD in complete anonymity.
Care to put your name on that? you fucking (pic related) retard.
Oh trust me...I AM going to contact them and ask if there is a local chapter, contact local VFW and veterans groups...this shit will not be permitted to stand.
Jeremiah Martin
This but unironically.
Henry Butler
Surely you jest. I've been here for nearly 3 weeks and I've never heard of him
Grayson Watson
Jace Davis
Robert Jones
bump for justice. The names need to be posted to the huffpo twitter...otherwise they wont know
Andrew Martinez
>"sneakerhead" i think it's in reference to her face
Remember there are *public*informstion sites that you can always use to find/verify information. Using this site to otherwise harrass, harm, threaten, troll, or anything that could be considered the above, is illegal and punishable by law. Truepeoplesearch. com
Cooper Turner
I should hope they would rule that way. Without anonymity we would still be a colony of Britain as most of the writing and pamphlets of the time were written anonymously to avoid the red coats arresting and silencing them.
The left are the new Red there a meme in there somewhere?
exactly. Linkedin + twitter +instagram + whitepages is a winning formula. Because these are public figures (blue checkmarks), this is newsworthy information. Other points of information on related individuals or associates are only included to verify that the ID is positive. No one should harass or threaten them with any info on here.
Christian Cruz
DAMN I get some good ones and it's not even a roll for anything. HOWEVER it does highlight the value that Kek puts on freedom of speech.