What's pol drinking tonight

/pol approved drinks. Will start.

Steeler. Union made. Brewed with North Hamilton water. Blue collar as fuck.

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Communist leaf drink. Disgusting

>Union made
Commies get the gas


Westbrook Gose. I work like 18 hours a day from M-Th so I don't have much time to grab anything besides whats in the house. Wife is too lazy to do anything kind of shopping either.

>Muh big boy drinks

God don’t tell me you’re from my city. It’s amazing how you low IQ fucks fall for marketing tricks

>Wife is too lazy to do anything kind of shopping either.
Why the fuck do you put up with that

Alcohol is for degenerates.


Yeah. Weed is where its at bud.


Modern Times Telesto: employee owned, crafted by biotech wizards, expensive, and limited. It tastes like delicious capitalism. The can art is nice too.

Good value drink. only $4.70, 5%, almost a litre. I guess they keep the price down with that North Hamilton steel mill pond water.

>Intentionally ingesting poisons to intoxicate yourself.

Unironically kys

Iced tea. It’s Wednesday and I’m a recovering alcoholic/no longer a degenerate

I'm pretty toasted.

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Ahh that's the stuff

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watcha know bout that

Everything else is great, she raises the kids well, can actually hold a conversation, takes care of the house, cooks, just doesn't like going out to shop, which I attribute to laziness, cause she has no problem shopping online.

Double Oak is good shit.

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Cheapest ABV I know of

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the second biggest can in the store nicknamed "little america."

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>drinking alcohol

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Some burbz.

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Taking shots of Tanqueray because I only have one cold beer left.

the one and only

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The drink of the gods.


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Busch beer.

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Buffalo Trace and liberal tears

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Burn that dybbuk box. If you're going cheap go with one of the "Olds". If it has to be wine, at least go for a Mad dog 20/20 and enjoy it over a barrel fire.

Ayyyy checked my own

dude weed lmao

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>brewed with North Hamilton water
You mean the Bay water? I wouldn't trust Lake Ontario water with watering fucking plants let alone drinking.

you must be 13 years old

Will this help me get and stay sober ?

What are you on your period?

Literally leaf beer.

that's a headache in a can. points for being blue collar though.

Who are you?

I’m the guy who says who you can and cannot hit

I'm 18. It's harder to buy energy drinks for minors because in Saint Petersburg you now need to show ID before buying one in the local stores.

>Jow Forums approved alcoholic drinks
>a can of shit that looks like an energy drink

And just to let you know, alcohol is a complete waste of time and money you drunken swine

Spending $6,500. Definitely worth it.

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>sour mash whiskey
>not scotch


I'm doing seagram's 7 on the rocks because I'm out of crown royal.

Wow man, youre such a baller spending over 6000$ on something you can go through in a night and has absolutley no value to it.

fucking based. was about to ask a similar question. whisky is only good when spelled as such.

Checking a guy while producing check worthy digits. This is proof god is with us. Repent faggots

Bullshit faggot.

The elixir of the gods

Yeah, this. I don't know why Whiskey would be so expensive.

you guys can drink from the tap, step up.

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you even old enough to drink, boy?

can looks gay, looks like caffeinated orange juice

Drink a few and tomorrow your hurtin all day. Smoke all night and you get up feeling fresh as ever.

Not a baller. Just a guy who loves bourbon. Not even close to the most expense bottle out there. This $10,000 Eagle Double Rare is barely cracking into the baller bottle territory.

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Yea smoke all night and get DR for the rest of your life. Why the fuck didn’t you potheads tell me about DR before I tried weed FUUUUUUUUCK

Gotta pay the bills

I’m not going to get into the whole Whiskey vs Whisky bs. It’s as bad as ice vs no ice. We each have a preference so I will leave it at that. If you do a little research on this it’s a blend of 30 plus yr juice and a very limited run. Some of the cost is also due to the 24k gold topper and crazy box.

shut up, shitskin.

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sounds like you live in a communist country. oh wait. you do.

Drinking poison for social points. Wow the npcs are out in force tonight.

Checked. poison to numb the pain man

i thought hitler was cool
until i found out he didn't drink

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cool wine aunt hanging out on Jow Forums tonight.

I prefer old stuff over expense new stuff. A dusty turkey from the 70’s. Blanton's from the 80’s. Any Stitzel-Weller etc... They don’t make juice like they used to.

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Fucking KEK!

Still Cold as the Rockies

I'm a divorced dude.

Who needs to drink when you get Nazi-grade meth IVs every day and cocaine eyedrops?

indian pale ale.

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I will say I like the aesthetics of the bottles/swag. but I'd rather spend that kind of ching on more guns or continue buying shit to build my hydroponics setup.

O'Doule's cause drinking alcohol is degenerate and numbs the mind. It turns men into animals and brutes and weakens them.

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Steeler is fucking disgusting it tastes worse than than fucking laker you faggot
>Union made
since when is socialism Jow Forums approved
>Blue collar as fuck.
You're a retard to aspire to be a worker. What a good little goy

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>what's Jow Forums drinking tonight

Miller High Life is the best beer

Just water, I can't afford anything else.

Why not both.

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>Steeler is fucking disgusting it tastes worse than than fucking laker you faggot
as if people drink for it's "taste"

union is not socialism. it's strength in numbers: fascism.

Liquor and guns is one of my favorite mixes.

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>corporate labour unions working for private companies is fascism
You really are a fucking retard aren't you. God damn southern Ontario needs to fuck off

I totally drink beer for its "taste." I disapprove the added alcohol.

There used to be FB groups with nothing but guns and expensive bourbon. But FB cracked down on a lot of them... Fucking fascists.

cool wine aunt confirmed.

You don't even have food.

Russia is a lot more free then leaf land, they won't sell him a monster, i'm sure he can still get a beer, they treat beer like soda in Russia. it's basically non alcoholic for your average Russian.

Come and live with me but you have to sleep beside me in my bed. I have a full bar and fridge full of beer

sure it is. pats you on the head. sure it it is.

its thursday why are you drinking

>ftw not high speed PMC and clearing six figs working 3 months out of the year and spending the other nine months doing whatever the fuck I want to

Why even live?

You just have pleb tastes is all. If you don't like quality beers you're just a philistine who has become accustomed to mediocrity. You picked one of the absolute shittiest beers in the entire province. Your attitude, tattoo. tastes and shitty watch lead to believe you just turned 19

What are you even talking about? You probably eat hotdogs and chicken fingers every day you fucking philistine

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Can confirm spent a little time in St Pete and you can basically crack a beer as soon as you're out of the store and walk down to the beach to try and pick up foreign exchange students.

I need to bring something to everyone's attention:

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On a school night?

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No thanks, I want to keep my anus intact.