Who is right here?

Who is right here?

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A. If a musician doesn't play it, the flute's just a stick. Also stop feeding C.


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Child C, because Child A and Child B should have a heart and not be so greedy

break it into three pieces and give one to each

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The one that doesn't make slide threads.

Route 1
Step 1
realize its not my problem
Step 2
Tell kids that might makes right
Step 3
laugh as the male child takes the flute throughforce
Route 2
Break flute, now no children have problem

A and B should have sex and whoever makes the other cum first wins the flute.

C can fall from a helicopter.

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Give it to child B. She can lease it to Child A for monetary compensation, and then Child A can play it for Child C, which Child C must provide sexual services in return