What would destroy civilization fastest?

Some right-wingers have told me that godless communism would destroy civilization.

Hmmm... Fascinating. Are there any systems that would destroy civilization faster than communism would? I'm just asking. That's all.

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Anarchy? Seems fairly obvious.

Mass immigration

A large and organized attack on the power grid would be a good start.

letting women vote

replace having kids with dumping somalians everywhere

Solar flares would essentially do a very thorough job at disabling the power grid for an extended period of time.

literally a madman

Anarchy just means no slaves, no masters.

Supervirus/pandemic type deal. Like airborne ebola.


That’s exactly how it destroys a civilization, spread out the firearms unevenly, and spread rumors.

gawdd yer so damm cold and senseless we're all about to die wtf are you doing about it !??!!
i'm vibrating again i need my inhaler
a moth is attacking me

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Tribalism is worse.

cut the power lines


One man, was able to divert the resources of the many, when he wanted the opposite... That is the future, they know this, and hate us for it.

The system we live under now is doing a damn good job of destroying civilization. Good!

Mass immigration, shift in gender roles, environmental damage due to industrialization, usury/the FED, etc. are all contributing to the downfall. Important to note this shitstorm is under Capitalism, which is comparatively better than Judeo-Bolshevism/Communism.

It's too late, the corruption has gone too far, I have seen it first hand.

You don't hand someone thousands of dollars in cash, as part of an ethnic organized crime ring, without accountability, but lack of consequence, unless you have been given the ability to do so.

>I know, because I was there

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The only winning move is not to play.
Guess what happens to the game when nobody plays it.

The idea, that i have to data mine, which was the bureaucrats job in the first place, and hand it to them on a silver plate, tells me the level of corruption.

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Do everything the jews say