Can we just take a moment to recognize the tactical brilliance of Trump?

>Trump unleashes a tweet storm calling for congresswomen to go back to their countries of origin and fix them if they don't like the USA
>This causes massive triggering and massive media coverage of Trump
>This generates talking points that Trump can use at his rally, which is now even more hyped due to all the recent coverage
>"Send here back" chants happen at the rally which causes even MORE triggering and even MORE coverage
All because Trump planted the seeds with a few tweets earlier. Trump is an absolute genius when it comes to playing the political theater game! I can't even imagine what it must be like for enraged lefties that have Trump playing their delicate emotions like a fucking fiddle!

Attached: 4-D.jpg (900x481, 223K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Defending Pelosi is hysterical. Either she thanks Trump for support or she has to agree that the commies are out of control on the left. Perfect gasoline on the fire. The left is burning.

Too bad he is Israel's bitch

He is a master at getting the media going. I wonder what it is that had been working on he didn't want them to be talking about.

I've been thinking about this
by siding so vehemently with Israel he has divided the Jewish community between zionists and communists. He's forcing communist jews to start decrying zionism and mentioning US foreign policy is in the thralll of... jews

Or.... it's the Zionist neocons he's surrounded by.
People jokingly say it's president Kushner.
Maybe that's why

or may be, he was to keep his support from all the republicans, conservatives and radical Christian boomers who thinks protecting and dying for Israel is the duty of every Christian.

It's a complete dumpster fire!
There could be tactical reasons for that too. Trump didn't have many allies going into DC, so he had to suck up to whoever he could. Zionists also have deep pockets. I remember some millionaire/billionaire donated $20 million to some Trump super pac after the embassy move. I'm not saying it's morally right, but there's a strategy there too.

He signed a policy effectively taking away asylum claims for any people passing thru Mexico. They must now stay in Mexico or go back to their country and wait there.

Don't get me wrong, he does some clever tricks

>but with all the dumbass people in the government, they put the bar so fucking low

It’s all a USA government cover up. America is collapsing.
Homeless is rising
Jobs are at all time high
Patriotism is at an all time low
Military is thinned out, not enough recruitment
Cash run on the banks
Nato is about to fall apart
Can’t even fight Iran

Poor bait, try harder next time

12 hi jackers from Saudi Arabia are making smart bombs now
Do you think USA should give out such secrets.
USA Population is declining

I understand this was a necessary regulation to limit the flow of migrants into the United States, it is however technically inconsistent and impractical and will affect real asylum seekers.
For example, I want to go to the US because the communists are actively seeking the opposition and religious people and genociding them. In this context, if I want to go to the US, I must first go to India because I cannot take a direct flight because I am on the government's watch list. Even if I take a direct flight, I must go through transit countries, usually one stop on European or Arab countries. So according to this regulation, I must seek asylum to India or one of those transit countries and I cannot claim asylum to the US.
Again, this is great for all the illegal economic migrants but this will impact the real asylum seekers.

>Israel's bitch
And yet he has gone longer into his first term without a major military engagement than any president for decades.

India vs Pakistan trump lets as many Indians in as they want
No industry in America
It’s about to collapse and trump will be president probably wishing he live in his trump tower Moscow

You are the guy that had sex with his sister

Interestingly enough he knows Leftists are narcissistic and elitist trash, so he talks dumb and to his audience, which they loathe. It catches them in a position: Either they admit he’s smart and they’re being played, or they continue to assure themselves that he’s dumb and it reassures their views. He knows he won’t get respected by them anyway, so he lobs a few grenades on twitter when he wants to distract from other things.

If they would just admit he isn’t dumb and stop falling for the bait every time, he’s be far less successful.

What's so bad about India? Why couldn't the hypothetical you stay there in this case. Aren't you free from the grasp of the communists once you make it to New Dheli?

Didn’t USA shoot down an Iran civilian plane and start all of this.
America false flags

>No Actions
>falling for this again

Attached: trump nationalist.png (664x604, 503K)

India helped commies here to get into power, as contrary to popular belief that China helped them. Poos will just deport us back.

This post is kosher af. Good job Asher

Indians are moving to America we control the trucking industry
You have been sold out
Only thing for white is to be a slave
What do whites control in America ?
Not the banks
Not the trucking
Not the technology
Not the food/farms
Not medical
Not minerals

Ok you caught me
I’m just talk shit trying to get a reaction
I’ll go troll x for a while

>he believes msm has been "falling for it" since 2015
False outrage advertising. You should be familiar with the concept by now. Hillary was never supposed to win.

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people don't realize what kind of mind control boomers are under

Ya about 40 years ago during either Christmas or one of their holidays but as always it's ok when we do it. My Commie fren just know all countries are shit holes go to China before you tell me how great it is.

It's not mind control boomers are stupid cattle. Is a cow mind controlled? Fool.

Even if this is true (probably is unfortunately), it's still an unbelievably brilliant strategic move that you can admire.
It also really widens the overton window, we're getting very close to the point where even normie white people are just going to shrug off any accusations of bigotry.
It's exciting to see where this is taking us, at least.

I'll judge his loyalties once he's done with his second term. He has played everyone like a fiddle so far and I'm thoroughly enjoying how angry everyone is. I wouldn't be surprised if he deconstructs the Fed and names Israel as co-conspirators in 9/11. There's no reason (literally who else?) not to give him another round.

>shrug off any accusations of bigotry
the left created this environment, they dug their own grave.
But I agree. It will be truly interesting to see how things will evolve from now on. 2016 was a turning point in history just like 9/11 was.
Some jew predicted the "clash of civilization" for 21st century as the next big conflict after the "clash of ideology" of 20th century. What it seem to be emerging now is the mix of both and it's bigger than anyone has anticipated. Shits fucked up. The clown world is a reality.

>unproductive, blathering old man polls lower than fags and women in the presidential race
>Old white man shits his pants in public in haphazard attempt run against fringe charactures
>Doubles down and prospects like a crack fiend
>Gets censured
>Gets house Republicans to cross over in the vote
>Gives ammo to reps running against incumbent House Republicans in 2020
>Old white man plays his only card and major networks cut away from the type 2 diabetic rally
Now i hear he's getting double primaried.

Nah, dog. This fire started in 2012 with Occupy.
Once the intel community released the progressive stack mind virus to get the lower classes to target the middle class rather than the 1%, this was the inevitable result.

shit, you are probably correct. The timeline is all messed up. That was the time they started fucking with muslim countries too

>Now i hear he's getting double primaried.
>Now i hear he's getting dped.
It's always so easy to spot you Moishe your very vocabulary and manner of speech give you away.

Q said it.
Keep shrinking that tent, though. The literal shit-stain vote will doubtless be sufficient for winning the re-election. Wall or no, do this enough and it'll be on lock. "Niggers and women will be too scared;" ignore 2018.

Well who is primarying them then I haven't heard of it. 2018 was a legitimate blood bath and the Reps let the Dems steal multiple seats with not even a single peep I live in one of those districts where the Republican had won and the next day thousands of new ballots were found and it turned out the lefty won and nobody questioned it I haven't seen a single conservative mention it. What tent am I shrinking should I be mad that Richard Spencer and CNN don't like Trump?

Dude... I felt it in the force just like we are all feeling it. He is playing 57D chess here... this Is wild and funny as hell.

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the amount of kvetching from shills is glorious. its literally the same line every time. TRUMPS A JEW PUPPET! either these people have a one track mind, completely obsessed with jews, or they are shills. oh well, fuck em.

A libertarian and now a conservative just entered the race. Apparently, the corporate tax cuts weren't enough. They won't win, though. They don't have the purchase. They'll be able to humiliate and siphon donors. Who knows though, a few more episodes of incontinence and they may steal it.

Srsly it's the same with anyone black who does or say anything nice don't listen to Thomas Sowell he's a nigger! I've never heard them say that explicitly but that's their line every time a black person does something good.
I think Pol is smart enough to use both the carrot and the stick and we pet Trump when he's a good boy and we'll whack him when he's bad but just because he shit the bed with Israel yesterday doesn't mean he's not a good boy for baiting the racist left into becoming more extreme while passing bills while they're distracted by his jingle keys people can be more then one thing not the 1 dimensional constructs they foist upon us.
Every single normie I know is slowly wising up a lot of them will never ever like or support Trump but they're seeing through him being evil bit he's just a regular boomercon and the left are becoming more and more terrifying and normies see that they're not that dumb they're dumb but even they have survival instincts.

>Hey guys, I know your country is being invaded, subverted and burning to the ground, but this could inconvenience me
Germany will take you

There was a cash run? Shit, I stayed home.

We'll see Zion Don did a lot to lose me and I wasn't going to turn out I don't like the Pelosi kleptocrats but at least I think they want me around to make me work more Omar wants to send me to the glue factory. While Trump loses me and a lot on the right he is perhaps shrewdly cashing us in for normies not that I appreciate that or him chiding white workers telling them to "catch up" to minority and women employment numbers under his term. I'm not for white welfare either but he could at least say something nice it's sad to always hear you're shit.

>Meme flag
How is your sheckling going this month, Rabbi?

Asylum is supposed to be the FIRST safe country. You don't get to pick and choose

That was in Germany. Germany collapses a couple times a century. Its nothing new

Fuck off we're full

Maybe because he’s just been setting the foundation for the Revelations LARP they intend to pull off before he’s out and the door shuts on this country for good. Retard.

Oof your performance evaluation is not going to go over well at shareblue. You have to step your game up

No new wars for Israel. First time since JFK.

Attached: death threat to Trump.png (636x833, 110K)

6D chess

You cant censure the president you dumbass. You're just showing how ignorant you are about this whole thing.

Trump rallys are the closest politically events we have to compare to hitlers nazi rallys.

That high level dragon level kills the souls of the far left. but America has values, the energy is good. not like we're gonna start gassing people whos opinions are different, as the far left implies.

Next 50 years looking great lads. nows the time to invest in yourself, self improvement, rise above the chaos. Its there to keep your stagnant

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>Thinks AOC and Omar are on the ballot
>Thinks Trump is shrewd
>Cares about robot and 3rd world jobs
You're obviously stupid. Don't you "think" you would be better off switching parties? "What do you have to lose?"

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I think we should be the country of be American love America or get the fuck out and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.
I was actually a Yang Gang faggot until he explicitly said no gibs for wrong think. I was a crossover vote for Trump the first time and the left has done absolutely nothing to bring me back to the plantation and everything to make me run away further north.

You missed where the congresswomen who degraded the leader of the house were backed up by the leader of the house making her seem subservient to them and thus the congresswomen took over in the public eye as leaders of the Democrat party and yet none of them are in the running for President 2020.

Fuck off, Dersh. The "strong executive" is hetrodox garbage. You ought to focus on your imminent pedophilia charges.

Discord Tranny

Kushner is a problem but like I said we are pet training Trump when he is a good nationalist we pet him when he listen to Kushner we can bop him on the head with the magazine but yes the kikes always try and pet him when he's bad and shun him when he's good like all the war shit where the media wet themselves about "the beauty of our weapons" when he shot missiles at Syria it was disgusting even to normies.

>>Trump unleashes a tweet storm calling for congresswomen to go back to their countries of origin and fix them if they don't like the USA
I can't even find the tweet
Can someone show me? Was it taken down?

Cucks like you break my heart. Keep tucking your dick for swamp creatures and you'll only keep falling behind.

We could still live in seperate areas a balkanization doesn't have to be all bad imagine if the various balkan people had their own balkan alliance.
How important is geography and painting the mape your color important to you do you see the value of vassals? Living in he southwest I never wanted to surrenderd it to la raza but now I think giving the spics the southwest and the niggers a part of the south might work out in the end. I see a very long path and future and if we give them a stake in it we can get more out of them and get more for ourselves. I look to the stars there is unlimited room and having friends can be good. I seek realistic solutions our military is filled with minorities and women. If aztlan breaks away the UN will support them if we let the EU bulid an army they will support them are you willing to engage in another brothers war to defend LA? Most of california gets its wealth from states it steals water from if America hold colorado we hold the southwests water.