Be clean, be hu-white

Why are white people so clean compared to other races?
I recently started watching videos of houses and found out that vast majority of the houses are very dirty compared to the average white man’s living quarters. Why are whites so clean compared to shit skins?

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At my work I’ve noticed almost every guy I’ve caught not washing his hands after using the restroom was white. I’m talking like upwards of 75% of the people I’ve seen do this are white. Niggers on the other hand I’ve seen do this maybe twice.

White a social construct

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It is not that we are clean, it is that others are disgusting. It is all relative.

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Are you a looker?

Japanese are clean too.

As long as your dick is clean why do you need to wash your hands after a piss?

whites don't piss on their hands like retards.

Beat me to it.

Blatantly untrue.

many blacks are extremely autistic about their houses. they will yell at people for wearing shoes inside or getting a single crumb on their couch.

it obviously depends on the person, but I live in a pretty ghetto area and yet most black homes I've been to where pretty damn clean


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Did you know black people wash their meat?

Like, with soap. Even their hamburger. I didn't believe it until I saw it.

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I'm white and my apartment is a wreck right now. Been dealing with some complication from a back surgery I had 2 years ago. An artificial disc they implanted into me. It's moving in there and I haven't been able to do real house keeping. It's filthy. Its driving me nuts.

because they have roaches and any problems. I can leave a pizza on the floor overnight and not a bug in sight.

Japanese people aren't shitskins. They are honorary whites.

CDC does not recommend washing raw meat. Just gets germs everywhere instead of the pan or grill where the heat kills it.

The poor in Ireland vs the poor in Mexico

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nice try, nigger

White is the superior race

It’s just discipline, switzerland, germany and japan are the cleanest places on earth.

Is it true she shit herself at a party?

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I'm just saying what I see, feel free to disbelieve all you like.

They keep their house clean the same way they keep their shoes and clothes clean. it's a status thing, their friends and other locals blacks will mock them endlessly for a messy house or scuffed up shoes

nice try, esau
I was in the army and you fuckers don't even know how to bathe

>it obviously depends on the person
>some people are stupid and other are not

Shut up stupid cunt

let me guess; software dev?

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Blackpipo teached whipipo how to bath


My dick is usually cleaner than my hands.
Why do you need to wash after a piss faggot?
Most men don't have shit on their dick but I guess you didn't know that

>based subhuman

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Interesting. I found Japan to be much cleaner than Europe user.

Exactly. Never understood needing to wash your hands after touching your penis, which is just skin on the outside. As long as it's clean it's fine.

With hispanics it’s all over the place. You get uber clean OCD types that make their house an extension of their image and keep it spotless. Then theres the “put up 47,000 pictures of family and porcelain dolls along with clutter” types that live in filth. To be fair, I dont know anyone who keeps a house as spotless as people from my family. My mom is OCD and a clean freak. On the other hand, my girlfriend doesnt mind clutter.... her parents house is a fucking disaster. Main place to judge a house is the kitchen. It appalling how disgusting the average kitchen is. People always trip out when they find out my fridge and gas range are nearly 20year old hand me downs from parents because theyre clean and spotless, despite being used often.

Sources: Im hispanic.

and then einstein clapped

Nice try, Tyrone.
I worked for a real estate broker that dealt primarily with Fannie Mae in between the years of 2012 and 2016. 99% of the nigger homes that were foreclosed on were absolutely FILTHY.


Europoors are often white and pretty fucking smelly

Niggers being treated as human is a social construct.

t. Dipshit who doesn't see the obvious pattern that blacks who got their shit FORECLOSED ON probably don't have their life together.

use your damn brain

Only burgers wear shoes inside, and it’s disgusting.


Jews fear the loss of control over the holocaust narrative they used to crowbar their special privileges out of white countries by shaming whites. Many non-whites don't know about or care about the 6 gorillian. Further as muslims creep in and gain political control, radicals inside their faith will, in time take more control over their people and they will drive out the Jew. Soooo.....the key for the Jew is to once again swing the pendelum of their propaganda back to the white ChristKEKS and make PATRIOTISM for America synonymous with support for Israel. That is why in every fucking speech...Drumpf and the rest of the RINO faggots insert their bonners for Israel in ear fuckholes. Honestly when you understand just how much the Jews fucking HATE white Christians and everything about white people it makes one want to fucking barf. The normies will never red pill on the JQ. They are tooooo fucking stupid. This is why Jews play both sides. This is how they control the narrative while their banks and their tribe centralize all the weath of the west for themselves under their control. When I see a president tell the kikes to fuck right off back to Israel and NO we are not going to give you OUR tax money for "defense" so you can launder the money back into AIPAC and fuck our country over with shitskins and cultural marxism....then and only then will I be a patriot. Till then....fuck the goddam flag. Fuck America. Fuck the ChristCucks and fuck the Jannies.

The most based and redpilled thing I have ever read on here in years.


Hey retard, they shouldn't have been given the homes in the first place because their niggers. But oh no .gov had to step in say you can't deny known deadbeats because that be racist and shieeeeet

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Doesn't change the fact they are provably stupid and took out loans they knew they couldn't afford. it's not weird at all they'd also not be taking care of their shit

On topic. but counter-narrative oddly reversed by being negated by circumstance. user, you are either not paying attention or you are just stupid.

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>provably stupid
The 82 IQ average didn't tip you off?

Why can't poor shitskins EVER figure out how to create a garbage dump area? They are sooo fucking stupid and lazy. This is where our future "vibrancy" is going to come from? I think not.

Youre a disgusting nigger.

Actually your dick IS cleaner than your hands. Also urine is totally sterile. Pissing is litterally one of the cleanest things you can do with your aren't a dirty faggot shitskin.


They have them, but they cost money to operate, so they, like civilized folk charge fees for dumping, so they just toss shit whereever and spend the pesos saved on trinkets.

They live in constant fear of being kicked out of white countries so they seek to turn them non white. many of pic related are in your family's and girlfriend's and your house? And be honest taco nigger or we are sending you back.

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>t. a fucking brainlet degerate filthy nigger subhuman faggot
Wash your hands nigger.

This thread just got culturally enriched.

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I work at hotel nothing fancy just average and I have to ADMIT THAT WHITE PEOPLE ARE SO FUCKIN DISGUSTING, black customers only smoke weed but theydo not trash the rooms like whites especially white women fucking tampons on the sink really cunts

Imagine buying a nigger house. Is it even possible to bleach sheetrock?

Anyone that wears their shoes in the house is a complete asshole and those that do...I've always noticed that the house feels dirtier. Just grimy.

That girl and most whites in America are literally white trash you dumb leaf. There is practically no redeeming qualities about white americans if that's who you're referring to when you say "whites".

You anons might want to check these videos out. You may have seen the first, but either way, it makes for a great introduction to the second. Enjoy

> those candles

Our family has zero of these. But fucken lold at that shit because thats almost like a standard household item for non americanized hispanics.

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this guy cleaned up.

Black homes ALWAYS smell like incense or some kind of lotion.

We cannot consider the inevitable consequences of current trends — not least among them diminished Jewish political power — with detachment. Our present privilege, success, and power do not inure us from the effect of historical processes, and history has not come to an end, even in America. We have an enormous stake in the outcome of this process, and we should start acting as if we understood that we do. We rightly ask, "If I am not for myself who will be for me?"
......if we hope to persuade the organized Jewish community to adopt a new stance of enlightened self-interest with regard to the immigration debate, a debate that will surely become increasingly bitter, fractious, and politicized in the crudest partisan ways in the days ahead we have little choice. Of equal urgency, and inextricably linked to that debate, is the mission of finding ways to strengthen national unity and social cohesion in America by resuscitating patriotic assimilation under demanding, historically unprecedented circumstances.
Also in the interest of advancing the concept of E Pluribus Unum, Jewish organizations should cease their well-intentioned but groundless support for bilingual education, switch sides in the debate, and come roaring in as strong opponents. It goes on and on.

While one faction tears America apart they other faction keeps the patriot cucks loving them. This is why the normies can't understand the JQ.

THE JEW has NO beliefs or allies....they are parasites and will swing whichever way keeps them in power.

I love how the spics adore God and Christianity, but don't follow the words and virtues of God.

Christian in names only perhaps?

Urine is not 100% sterile. I have no fucking idea why this was ever even a myth since if you think about it for even half a second you realize how retarded it is.

Because the dark ppl clean their houses

I wash my hands before I piss so I don't get my dick dirty lmao get on my level.

I work for Spectrum, exclusively in south Dallas, this is absolutely not true. I've never been more disgusted in my life than I have when I'm in nigger homes. Mexicans are marginally better.

Best serious post on Jow Forums.

>cleaning lady wants customers to clean thier rooms before the cleaning lady cleans them

>Why are white people so clean compared to other races?

I think that really the greatest strength of white people is imposing order and harmony.
From that order and harmony civilization can move forward and grow.

Would you rather your ghetto slampig be all ashy n shieet?

>They are honorary whites.
no they're just better than the other shitskins

it's a jewish thing, fuck that!

>wipes ass with paper
Hahahaha kys boomer pig


>tfw I fold tp, and soak it from the sink
>use it
>no poopoo ever
>when i'm a dirty frog bastard i spit on the tp;stuck in a public restroom, and clean my asshole
>have never needed to spray my asshole in hopes I didn't have dingle berries
>also shave butthole to prevent this
double digit people wipe their ass, and finish at that step

>Japanese are clean too.
Ahahaha. No.

My dick is cleaner than my hands, it's not touching everything all day.

Better evolved brains.

Yeah but they were foreclosed. Meaning they were trashy niggers who couldn't pay for it either.

Yeah of course. It took until the 60s of last century for American niggers to get their rights. My dad was almost 18 by then. It's not that long ago.

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t. paki

Urine itself is... The tube it goes through isn't.

You do realize you're posting on Jow Forums, right? Half the people ITT have piss bottles.

Better eye vision = Better attention to detail = cleaner

They cause themselves to be kicked out every time. They fuck things up for their own gain every time they access a country

those niggers aren't mexican, stupid chink.


>Have filthy, aids ridden, sick dick.
>Have healthy, unblemished, clean dick.
Seems simple enough.

Gibz me them milkies

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Dirt is easier to see on white so we developed cleanliness.

if you look at white features they are also the most refined.

in general they are the most centered people. because they are nordic. you sdee their features are cleaner, more defined. their hair is golden, skin is fair. lips are red, eyes blue. tend to lack body hair.

this isn't to say that other races can be cleaner, but inherently the white race is just cleaner on the inside, which shows on the outside.

they are pure so like pure surroundings. it is just a genetic resonance.

like any chemical will react with the environment, a nordic has its own 'chemical' (genetic/informational) reaction with the environment.

yes absolutly, so many faggots nowadays run around flapping their mouths (christianity and how it gotta be like is one of those things). Used to have a "friend" university one step away from being antifa type whod bring along his gay nigger friends to "chill" and some of them used to preach me christianity even tho the did not believe in it. From experiece the weaker the person the more the'll try and use your mercy and (note not "decency" or any other fag shit) love as a weapon against you. YOU CANNOT BE FRIENDS WITH THE WEAK WHEN YOU ARE STRONG AND STRIVING BECAUSE.... YOU ARE WHO YOU HANG AROUND WITH/ CRABPOT MENTALITY

Probably a nigger meme but idc either way, she has dyke energy. Wow conservative girl so feminine with a FUCKING ASSAULT RIFLE.