Whats your excuse for not reading this, white man?

Whats your excuse for not reading this, white man?

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Greeks and Romans were shitskins, not white. Move on nigger

reading is unnatural, It kills your eyes

enjoy eye cancer boomworms

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I tried reading a book today and fell asleep within 10 minutes.

I can't just sit and read anymore like I used to.

And the Teutonic Gaymanic faggots who drank cum and had butsex were?
You're the shitskin

They're Turkish / Middle Eastern hybrid mutts LARPing as ancient Greeks.

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stop smoking weed.

I have it on my e reader it's definitely interesting but its dense as fuck and like 800 pages long. Also I'm in the middle of the shadow of the torturer series

>glorifying snow niggers


i just read a chapter a night


demoralization shills

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I'm not wh*te

Is there anything lower IQ than to classify 'white' as a race?

thats unfortunate.

>Is there anything lower IQ

Got a pdf?

I never heard of it. Why didn't you tell me about this earlier, asshole? Are you trying to horde all the knowledge of the white man? Pretty fucked up. I thought we were in this together? I'm not mad at you, user. Just... Disappointed...

Because they removed it from amazon for being too scary and racist

Everyone should watch, Apotheosis of Evil.

My race is pantone 12-1304 which makes me superior to you pantone 15-1316 peasant.

Read it like fifteen years ago. It's full of Victorianesque ideas about sun-worship and proto-monotheism.