What Trump and his supporters did tonight was over the line

Ben Shapiro is right, what happened tonight was disgusting. I can no longer support this President and be a part of his racist supporters.

You can count me out from now on.

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but omar is a nigger

Fuck off queer.

but is she was granted citizenship via deceitful ways, can it be revoked legally?

Who would you rather have as neighbours, Muslims or Jews?

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kill yourself shill rat

he's turning on him because of the Iran outreach thing.

Whatever we do we will be called racist by CNN

So who gives a fuck now. The gloves are off.

This is our country. Omar is a Somali who was offered refuge here and has done nothing but shit on this nation.

Obama purposely brought in Somalis knowing they cheat the system and would destroy this antion

This is our country, our homeland. She can go home. Fuck it, there, I said it

Her homeland is somalia

This bullshit that everyone caan just keep coming here in ever bigger numebrs and some street shitter who arrived this morning to take an american's job is the same as a family who have been here since before the revolution is just total fucking horse shit

she started it by throwing our genersoity in our faces so yes, she can go back and never ever be allowed to come back to the us

Seems like Trump killed ten birds with one stone.

I am now a #Ilhaniac


Well said, buddy.

Ummm, what will be the reaction when she is charged with dozens of felonies and deported legitimately? There is so much out there, POTUS just teeing it up.

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>When your overriding need to destroy your host outweighs your obligation to defend Israel

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Glad to see Trump has shaken this annoying jewish monkey off his back.

>blah blah blah muh human rights muh morals
Yeah cool Ben, when you're done your kvetching you can stop off in Israel and eye socket fuck some starving Palestinian kid in the Gaza strip to help you feel like a big man.

yids just cant fucking help themselves

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Obama didn’t bring them in, it was George Bush Sr, then Clinton, then the retarted son.

(((They))) are afraid that the people will start calling for their deportation to Israel next.

Good luck getting your nation back. You might be better off building a new confederacy though.

True they all brought lots in

But specifically under Obama a rule that had been put in palce to demand dna testing to prove real family links, after somalis had been shown to lie on it over and over again, was changed

Obama went out of his way to encourage somali fraud

these people are the worst of all africans and have NEVER built any civilisation and will just ruin our society

Send her back, send every fucking oen back

they hate america so much. fine, they can go

sorry ben shapiro if your feelings are hurt and cnn calls us racist - we've been trying to play their game for 40 years and all it has achieved is mexico is invading california, street shitters are taking our jobs and minnesota is beocming part of somalia

call me racist CNN, do your worst, we will win

>she is also an American citizen
Americans never invited shitskins here - the government ignored them and did it anyway. So no, she's not a citizen. Mexicunts aren't citizens either. No shitskin is a citizen. The government fucked up and acted without authority. Now go home, shitskins.

The jew knows that chant will be aimed at him soon enough.

Thank you, I see photos showing afircans in finland too - best wishes to you

all whites must now link arms to get our homeland back

i want no violence, no harm, just peaceful deportations of them all

She came in before but Obama brought in her voting base to Minnesota.

>You can count me out from now on.
OK Ben

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A few things: She calls Somalia her home, she hates America, she won't say she's not a communist, her marriage was a scam to get citizenship, she constantly calls for the impeachment of Trump, she won't condemn Antifa firebombing ICE, she hates whites, men, Christians, she's divisive, she defends 9/11 attackers, she fought to get terrorists out of jail, so yeah, fuck her. Send her back. There's plenty to justify it.

Can we send Benji back too?

So wouldn't supporting BDS be protected under the 1 amendment? But it's okay for government to block funding to those who do...

So Omar can express get first amendment right, but when Trump supporters do it...

You deserve to be shitted on. Your nation is a nation of slaves currentl. Every kind of slaves at that both. No need for me to tell the name of your masters too since you should know them by now.
World is in a miserable state. West is in a miserable state. USA is exclusively in a bad state. Without accepting that you fucked up as a nation, don't hope for salvation or redemption.
Not saying you should like or follow Omar. But the points "she shitted on you" were valid. Accept that

HAHAHAHAhAAAHHHHhhhhhh ohhhh boy. The jew sides with the muzzie over the white man.

Writing is on the wall, boys.

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She’s a US citizen. We have laws and penalties in place for High Treason.

Ben Shapiro laughed at Andrew Klavan calling Ilhan a suicide bomber:


Wrong board plebbit

This goddamn kike belongs in Israel.

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Kill yourself

Compared to somalia? No fucking way

The living standards and legal ideas we created here are in another world from the kind of primitive savagery that she and her type will create

you're right we have fucked up, we shouldn't have let women vote, we shouldn't have let (((bankers))) send our best men to die in wars

But still we remain in parts a great nation and letting somalis in will fucking destroy it

how fucking strange that nobody in politics is allowed to say that simple truth

Sonow we have to just stop caring, trump has shown one thing, no matter what, the media, the jews, the non-whites, the bankers will call everything we ever do to try to save ourselevs racist so we can stop caring now and just take it as a badge of pride

Can Ben Shapiro be deported? Just asking.


>goddamn kike belongs in Israel.
I have a better place to send it.

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oh hiya schlomo

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"Some people did some thing."

Then they can also revoke Melanias Citizenship


We can deport anyone when we put our mind to it

I find it hilarious that right wing, conservatives, Trump supporters etc. are held to such a higher standard than anyone on the left, that when they say ANYTHING remotely radical then it's the end of the world. Civility has ONLY been on the right side. They keep pushing, keep slandering, keep attacking, and that civility eventually ends. You're seeing stage one of not giving a fuck anymore.

Not comparing you to Somalia. Just comparing you to the old US. A based Christian ethno-state. Not some rabid dog attacking irrelevant countries nor a safehaven for degenerates. Trump simply won because he did not promise for progress. He promised for "turning back". Back when America was "great". All he brought was more (((progress))) sadly. I really had high hopes for the guy

Trump loves legal immigrants

why does this fact annoy you so much?


Nobody actually wants her sent from the country, they're only saying it because they know the liberal media will take the bait hard and respond with infinite sanctimony

Eat shit

sage Shap*ro threads, not political

I'm sure the GOP can survive without the likes of Ben Shapiro.

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true enough then, we have lost so much

I think letting women vote made this either inevitable or very likely and i don't know how we sort this out but trying to play their game,

the game of - the non-whties can criticise america and say what they want and take over our nation with immigration

whitle at same time whites aren't allowed to notice this or talk about it, never midn try to stop it

that game that mitt romney and jeb bush like playing along with means we always lose

so let's stop playing it


>caring if jew cries about anti-semitism
Everything to them is anti-semitism so why should anyone actually care?
Send him back too.

Fuck this kike and his globalist handlers.

No it's not "over the line" she is an ungrateful bitch and she can suck it. She has said much worse you thin skinned hypocrites.

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Pretty much this. I can understand why Ilhan and Talib would resent the US, however why immigrate to the US in the first place and then use your position in the Congress to attack the country??? By the way, white Democrat’s are just as guilty of this and have no reason at all to attack the country of their heritage and lets not even start with the Mexican’s.

>Muslims or Jews
They’re 1 and the same, my nigger.

Disagree with Ben on this one. Anti semites should be deported. America is no place for hate.


Can you believe that glowniggers are still pushing (((Ben Shapiro))) as a "based" source of info for the right?

Checked for truth

>say something about israel

Fine by me, you and kosher boy can both fuck off, leave MAGA to the white men

thats gonna be another 30billion.

And what about jews ? Niggers ?

I've had both as neighbors, and they're both shit. Jews are worse, but Muslims are legion.

I voted for trump in 2016 and will not vote for him in 2020. I have never heard of anyone who is doing the opposite. You can't win an election by losing voters and radicalizing your core base

Here's you...
>You can count me out from now on.
Here's me
>Buh-bye...wait, wait, wait...buh-bye...


Ben is 100% right. Us non racists will never vote for him again.

Trump might as well drop out now, hand it over to Pence.

"Send him back too."

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Non-whites need to be deported


Everytime the right punches back, Shapiro is there to tell them they're bad for doing it unless it's warmongering towards Iran.

These people fucking hate you and want you dead, Ben. Nobody is going to give you good boy points for defending them, they're not going to be moved by your spirited defense of them, they'll just eat you last.

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Bunch of larping Americans who have never met a muslim in their life will claim ''muslims''. Actually people that live among muslims will say Jews

It's over, Trump has crossed the line. I'm voting Kamala.

nice try discord trannies

Technically she was being asked to go back and sort her own shithole origins out before slamming the USA. You fucking dumb bastard.

Op is a literal faggot in other news sky blue water wet

Jews, because that means I probably live in a wealthy area

what is he implying? if you’re a citizen on paper then you can be a traitor with no repercussions? naw f that

Isn’t chanting “send her back” exercising their 1st Amebdment Rights as well? This rat Jew isn’t exactly consistent, outside of his hatred for ANY semblance of white racial solidarity.


>I have never heard of anyone who is doing the opposite.
I've already helped along multiple people

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Send Ben back to Israel

Gas the kikes and deport the niggers

It is an American thing to do.

Ultimate kek, when 4 chan starts agreeing with a war mongering Jew.

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did she marry her brother in violation of laws to get the citizenship?

>Cannot be part of his racist supporters
Go home boomer, no one gives a shit about kikemaster69 trump

t. Moroccan towelhead

You’re both shit and unfortunately your ilk lives in the US now

Ben and his family dont belong in America either, sand niggers back to your desert shit holes, british conquered the land for you, now go put it to use shaprio clan

We need to go to war with Iran, you just don't understand, anti-semite.

Nice try Mossad

No Ben.. where we’re going there are no conservatives, you also have to go back

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