>"The group that created the fact-checking engine, Full Fact foundation, is backed by Omidyar and our favorite billionaire tycoon Soros." >"I think last quarter alone we removed 9 million videos from the platform. More recently, we have introduced, you know just like today we do this in search. We, you know, we rank content based on quality."
Stop using Firefox/Chrome, you are being tracked as a raycis so Mozzila/Google can spend their profit from you censoring you and content you view.
Use Safari, Apple are based when it comes to privacy
Dominic Gonzalez
>spend their profit from you What profit? I don't give Firefox any money and I block every ad on the internet.
Carson Long
You were smart. I used to donate and extensively use both companies services. I almost feel pathetic with how much I depended on their services.
Jackson Harris
They collect and sell your data.
Benjamin Morris
William White
Fuck both of them. Use Dissenter instead.
Asher Reyes
But Apple makes shit products and rips you off in peripherals. I want to be able to extend the life of my own devices without standing in line an hour just to get in the Apple store to pay $20 for a charger I know will fall apart in 6 months or pay some Apple specialist $200 to fix my $2000 laptop.