
Give me the rundown on cursing. By cursing, are we feeding demons our energy? Leftists really love to curse and accentuate their speech with vile words. I just need a deeper explanation than just it's bad/good bro. Trump also doesn't curse I believe.

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This post cant be real

Demons cannot be accessed unless you are in a low energy state, for example, think of someone you loved who died and concentrate on sadness or sorrow or whatever beside a lightbulb, after a few minutes it should flicker every so often.

Good thoughts, good words, good deeds. Cursing in itself is not bad it is the emotions connected to words said in hate.

Does weed or alcohol make demons more attracted to you or is it more about the emotions you are feeling

Rare fucking flag

Emotions, because emotional entropy is a thing, for example the adrenaline rush you get from some songs you might like can also be accessed without the music and through pure emotional thought, or fantasized scenarios you make up in your mind, once you master that you can move on to the next level.

Cursing is a waste of time and energy. It hurts your ability to be understood.

Cursing is a habit.

Habits can be changed.

Cursing is just poor manners. Blasphemy on the other hand, is a sin, and also poor manners.

>the adrenaline rush you get from some songs you might like can also be accessed without the music and through pure emotional thought

I realised I can do this even without emotion. What does it mean?

Alcohol lowers your spiritual fortitude, demons can influence you easier. Smoking in general i think works against those, hence you feel better after smoking a cigarrette. However constantly smoking lowers your spiritual fortitude as well as you are not used anymore to fight the influences off yourself, so they get easier time when you didnt snoke making you feel bad, hence addiction. Weed probably is especially good to get rid of them since government contract usually allow all kinds of drugs, but weed (see the elon musk „scandal“ because of joe roagan)
In the valley of himmon where they made ritual sacrifices to moloch elijah burned a bunch of garbage and since then could not be used for the rituals anymore. Probably the incense in churches relating to it too

If interested
Is my complete info on occult and especially satanic faggotry, symbols and events

1260, that's all I can tell you.

What are you talking about you autistic faggot?

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Being a racist shithead is also poor manners. In fact, everything PC that Jow Forums hates is good manners.

Its been proven time and time again that if you can string a sentence together with a lot of curses, its actually a sign of intelligence.

>Trump also doesn't curse I believe
Oh man, very rare Estonian boomer. Please don;t scare him boys, it may be fun.

Poor manners is telling someone is right when he provable is wrong, enforcing and supporting his wrong believes even further instead of correcting it in an effort to not edge on woth others. PC is all about making evil and wrongness appear in a positive light and as such is evil itself. Fuck off.

>mfw this thread alone has more serious discussion about the paranormal than the entirety of /x/ at any time of the day any day of the year any year

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Good manners died alongside good grammar.

I realized /x/ is bullshit when the spiritcooking stuff during pizzagate came up. Couple anons went there asking for insight but they were too busy indicing shizophraenia (calling it tulpa) so that at least someone will talk to them or trying to summon succubi since not even in their dreams a real woman would ever touch them.
Fuck /x/, /xpol/ is the best q

Just have sex faggot

Some people curse more effectively than others. Some people are better at healing and crap at cursing.
If a healer tries to curse someone, they might bless and heal them by accident, just by giving them their attention.

Retard here. Can anyone explain 1260 to me?

There is a reason Jow Forums is the best board on here

>Trump doesn't curse
Are you retarded?

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It would only be a course if he werent right about them

curse words are like symbols that evoke a certain mental activity and a signal to the subconscious. As we know from brain science the more of a certain type of brain activity you have, the more it impacts the connections your brain makes and eventually how your brain functions (in example which neural pathways are more likely to be reused because they have been already carved out). Therefore cursing is an act of self mental poisoning and perpetuating of negative energy. For the same reason budhist metta meditation is healthy for your because you end up processing specific good mental activity more, and end up engraining that into yourself. Also according to humanity's greatest sages, speech is directly linked to reality creation and direction of energy. Do i have to SPELL it out for u user?

t. practicing kabbalist

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when i win powerball i'm going to buy auschwitz and turn it into an amusement park complete with Holocoaster and The Mouth Of Moloch

You could just have said „law of attraction“ and would not have to repeant for practicing (((kabbalah)))

i would be lying as there is no such thing as law of attraction, that's new age drivel

Its the same principle explained slighty different focused on another way of how it works but essentially explains the same principle. Whatever you focus on will enter your life in higher frequency/quantity/quality.
Not without reason the bible will tell you to just believe you will get what you desire and that you will receive it, to name just one example.

lmao you pathetic rasists never fail to make me laugh with your poor manners

Sure, i get what you're trying to say, but still the "law of attraction" is a very specific school of thought thats been around since only very recently, and is concerned with oversimplifying it and even implying things that are just outright wrong. For example many new agers and 'law of attractioners' will conclude from this that any time they spend thinking about solving a problem is really time spent cursing yourself by "thinking about negativity". You're right in that the bible, as well as other more traditional books and teachings explain how self-programming and reality creating work from various perspectives, and they do a far better job at explaining the mechanics or leaving breadcrumbs for people to see through the dogmatic writing into the true meaning. Stick to the good sources and don't waste your time with 'law of attraction' bs. Also i laugh mockingly at your "(((kabbalah)))" statement, free yourself from ignorance as soon as you can or it'll be your undoing

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No. It's not

Focusing on the solution of a problem wont fuck you over, but stressing yourself out over the problem and worrying will, as you focus not on the solution but the problems and the worries.

I would simply stick to the bible when it comes to such teachings, and what does the bible say about stuff like kabbalah? Basically that its promises and temptation of such teachings, empowerments led to the downfall of all mankind, as thats exactly what eve got tempted with by the serpent
>“For God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
Instead of trusting in some puny symbols and rituals or spells and sigils, trust on the all mighty to provide what you need

>Focusing on the solution of a problem wont fuck you over, but stressing yourself out over the problem and worrying will, as you focus not on the solution but the problems and the worries.
That's exactly the kind of nuance which is not commonly taught by new age and people involved with 'law of attraction'. If anything kabbalah is helping me see through this obvious sham and scam which is incorrect in its teachings while you, mister bible, are aperantly atleast somewhat interested in it, or you would've deemed it demonic just as you do other fine teachings. If not for kabbalah i would be focusing on tibetan buddhism. They are another perfect example of your christian hubris, you could only hope to live as well and dignified a life as they do, yet you are eager to dismiss their thoughts and methods of doing so deluded. Again, you'll be ignorant of truth as long as you force yourself to look at the world from a single perspective. You are guilty of intellectual laziness and subject to spiritual corruption as long as you cling on to your exoteric christian dogma, which is easily disproved by science and human experience alike, and that's the last i'll say about this.

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new fucking fag

Where did i ever condemn buddhist teachings. From the bit i know they are fairly compatible with that of christianity, be a good human being, do not be attached to the material world, dont lie or murder etc. in general my oppinion is that most other religions and dogmas are not wrong but lacking. For example most paganism merely describe the history of the world with the gods being the (fallen) angels. Buddhism and vedic teachings on the other hand are mostly explenations of how the metaphysical world is build up and functions as well as moral teachings, and in most cases it fits what the bible tells. However they are mostly just that, historical records and metaphysical science. Worth to look into if you got the right framework to interpret it and make sense out of it. But only christianity is an actual revelation of the most high, the source, which most others dont even mention or only in passing by, and as such its the only provoding a personal relationship with the source. If you are interested, or anyone, then this here is my combined info on the bibles teachings and guidelines and
Shows how most of the stories overlap and how they fit into another

Somebody post the "I have the best words" attack ad.

fuck niggers

Hello user!
The ancient Babylonians and semites believed that cursing was essentially invoking the lesser, mostly negative animistic gods (but not always: sometimes greater gods were invoked) against one's enemy. By taking an oath and invoking the gods to honor it, they believed this carried enormous power.
In time these magick words and invocations became taboo. Their association with taboo therefore associated them with other words that are "taboo"- in general, words for private parts, bodily functions, sexual acts, etc

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consider me triggered so here is one more (you) because i really pity the waste of your otherwise seemingly good brain
> "every text ever written is authored by humans, duhh. Muh bible though? Nah it was penned by god himself"
Really bro? There is no sense argueing with a mentally ill statement like this. It is the death of inquiry and discussion, and classifies you as a knuckleheaded fanatic, don't be that guy.
> Shows how most of the stories overlap and how they fit into another
This should mean plenty to you, or anyone. But the fact that you still believe it all originates from muh bible, instead of objective reality which is shared, researched and recorded by humans is both immature and an insult to human intellect. Comparative religion and spirituality is the biggest redpill there is, imagine not being able to swallow it because exoteric religious dogma is holding your brain hostage. You might aswell not have a brain at all

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>every teaching is ok but how dare you mention the bibles view REEEEE
is ok?
Note that i didnt say they are wrong, but merely are lacking on important parts, even though occasionally adding details of great interest.
The bible is written by people who were in direct contact with God, expressing his will, desire, plan plus a lot of the history and metaphysical world. But the bible puts focus on saving ones soul, and for that knowledge of the metaphysical and history is not needed and thus mentions this in passing.

Also if you see the bible as completely exoteric then you merely drank the church koolaid. As above, so below my friend. The esoteric teachings explain the esoteric ones. The bible is directed at the common man, thus needs to be explained so that they understand it and as such use metaphores relating to farming, fishing and building to explain the wokring of the most high and buildings of the metaphysical work
>12If I have told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things? 13No one has ascended into heaven except the One who descended from heaven—the Son of Man.b 14Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, 15that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life.

>But "every teaching is ok but how dare you mention the bibles view REEEEE" is ok?
> if you see the bible as completely exoteric
Those are strawmen, i told you several time that i consider it as inspiring a text as those of other traditions, i use the bible a lot. Your bullshit dogma like
> The bible is written by people who were in direct contact with God, expressing his will, desire, plan plus a lot of the history and metaphysical world.
is exoteric drivel, you have drank the fundamentalist kook koolaid and as such you will kill inquiry and discussion everywhere you go with your kindergarten tier interpetation of stuff, even lying and strawmanning when your infantile thought processes are pointed out. You've killed this inquiry and discussion thats for sure. Good luck

I say that they were in direct contact with God not because it says so, but because its the only logical way to explain it. Every creator i can imagine is a good one, as who doesnt like what he creates? Wether its children, memes, paintings, sculptures or whatever else you take pride in. We have a beautiful world created for us, food and drink in abbudsnce and only because we cause the world is so evil, strayed so far from what God/the bible tells us is good, that we experience artificial scarity for profit.
Any good creator would do it exactly like how the bible explains it and how it happens, do whats good and prosperity comes, and tell your creation/children what is good and what is bad. Europe rose to controll pretty much the entire world as long as it sticked to christ.
Doing wrong/evil requires you to be disciplined like any good father would do when necessary, and thats whats happening to, europe experience collapses the moment we dont follow christ anymore, allow gay marriage, racemixing and all the bullshit forbidden in the bible.
Any good father would never abbandon his child, as such all sins are already forgiven.
Any good father takes responsibility for his children, hence the father came down in form of Jesus to take the punishment upon himself in our stead.
He would let us make our mistakes always telling us we are wrong so that we learn its a mistake and not do it anymore and be there always to catch you when you fall
All roads lead to rome, all logic leads to God, and the biblical one is the only one that makes sense

Take your meds

Some bump

Alcohol - not sure, it’s just a depressant overall. Alcoholism definitely makes you vulnerable
Weed - will magnify your perception of them, but shouldn’t attract them itself
Tobacco - reduces psychotic thoughts and clears energetic blockages, also can be used for protection if you blow the smoke all over yourself. Should keep them away
Opiates - inhibit your ability to perceive bad things, so may be a risk factor if you’re already in danger. Especially since addictions weaken the will and make it easier for demons to pull up on you anyway

Some bump


how to curse.
"i don't wish her any bad luck but i HOPE she
gets hit by a car"
bitch gets hit by a car.

how to dispel a curse.
◄ Luke 6:28 ►
bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

have fun.

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Be a rightous guy and evil cant touch you
Do onto others as you want them to do onto you is the whole of the law

Cursing is not swearing they are two different things. Cursing is putting curses on people to cause them pain and misfortune. God dont care if you say fuck, shit, damn, cunt ect... just dont go putting curses on people you dont like.

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Are you cursing in Latin?
Even if you go full /x/ and believe in this shit spirits aren't usually malevolent.
Think about Shamans and shit, always strung out on psychedelics and still going on about the gods loving you and shit

"It is said that they had no language of their own, but took what they could of other tongues and perverted it to their own liking, yet they made only brutal jargons, scarcely sufficient even for their own needs, unless it were for curses and abuse...
Much the same sort of talk can still be heard among the orc-minded; dreary and repetitive with hatred and contempt, too long removed from good to retain even verbal vigour, save in the ears of those to whom only the squalid sounds strong."
--Tolkien on the Orcish language.

Don't be an Orc. Ugly speech reflects ugly thoughts, and breeds more ugly thoughts.

"Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man." Matthew 15:11

"Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers." Ephesians 4:29

"Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving." Ephesians 5:4

I believe the language part is actually one of the most interesting and deering aspects of the Georgia Guidestones which state:
>Unite humanity with a living new language

By controlling the language you can actively shape the public zeitgeist and peoples thougt. If a certain language doesnt have a concept imbedded in it, if you are unable to properly express something with a language, then it is unlikely that someone thinks of that concept since he himself cant grasp it in his thoughts and much less express those to others meaning that if he comes up with some enlightening idea he cant properly express it. This is also the reason why bible and other texts have to use metaphores to describe their eternal truths in them.

Furthermore apparently people who speak multiple languages also seem to be smarter and have better cognitive functions meaning if suddenly everyone just speaks one language those will drop on a global scale as well. Additionally this kinda supports my first statements as this person with multiple languages has now more languages to choose from to think of an concept widening his horizon.
Now imagine why they want to try to make anything logical hatespeech? Because if its forbidden to say it is forbidden to think and since people try to avoid social repercussions they abide to social customs.
Also ask yourself why the georgia guidestones mention as a goal to unite all people under one language? Because if they choose which language the people speak they can also choose the mindset of the people.
Now what will be the difference between thinking with language and thinking without like a lot of people do it seems?

Christians are encouraged to keep their speech clean. So watch your fucking language

The fear of a biblical world government is what deters any human progress. the belief in a good vs evil narrative is so tiresome.

> thinks there is no objective good and evil
Opinion discarded

i wouldn't try to curse any japhethians ie white
people if i were (((them))), whites have the name
israel now and God will curse anybody who even
thinks about fucking with japheth.

Whites are the semites pale, kikes are not though but claim to be

Some bump


A last one

whites = japheth
non whites = shem & ham the gentiles.
you must be turkie.

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Evidently wrong

It is, go read the "2005 Elite Family Insider" archive. Its easy to find, just search for it.

The vibrations of words, both spoken and written, have energetic consequences which are not fully understood.

Also, the clear resemblance to the Newspeak language being developed and refined within Orwell's 1984, with one character alluding to the fact that all words capable of carrying dissenting thought or ideas were to be soon eliminated from Oceania's dictionaries.

What are spells? What is spelling? Do you spell words?

Words and thoughts have power

you can't show how i'm wrong, which means
i'm right, i win. sit down and stay down.

It's transferring negative energy to the target, just like the get and transfer your enrgy threads but with malice.
It's real and that's why witches were killed in mass by the church, they feared another group would rise up and challenge them in evil.