Jews & circumcision in US

So what's the deal with jews circumcising on children? Why is the rate so high in America. Also the point, is fucking the world over not enough so they mutilate children for the lolz? Or do they offer the foreskins to Moloch? Whats their endgame Jow Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:

>b-b-b-but it' cleaner
>fuck you, your dick smells bad
>b-b-but girls prefer it
>i don't have to wash it
>Dr. Goldberg told me i won't get STD this way

I don't understand:
How it's a conspiracy when most of the people involved in it here aren't even Jewish
Why we do it anyway
Why does anyone do it
Wtf is the plan here
Why would you cut something off of boys bodies that are not mutations
Even though this is all I know, I'm pretty giving pissed about it
My body, my choice lol
But really, what's the fucking benefit of removing the foreskin from babies?!

Cos Americans opened their asses to the jews

’giving’ was supposed to be fucking

Muslims also perform circumcision, and there's like billions of them

Attached: circumcision.png (1425x625, 99K)

Doctors and hospitals make money off it. That's all the rationale you need.
The longer term effects....well let's get circumcision banned and we'll see

Really?! Is it because ’Jews’ as well?

Well, yeah, I'm surprised that I didn't instantly come to that conclusion as well. I guess that I just didn't want to accept that it's all about a dollar at this point.

>So what's the deal with jews circumcising on children.

STEM cell harvesting to be used in big pharma and cosmetics industry. Not even memeing.

sandingger cuts his own kids dick, jew cuts the muhmerican kids dicks

Muslims also endorse bacha bazi so there's that.

What the fuck is up with stem cells? Aborted babies = stem cell harvest. Destroyed dicks = stem cells. Are there superhumans on Earth already? Is cancer secretly cured? What's the deal here?

Don't forget that they suck them too sometimes, just to make sure.

Remove circumcision rights, remove Jew easily

It seems that Muslims and Jews are so very similar

You already know the 1st one wouldnt pass, the "votes" will show majority of people voted for keeping circumcision if that would have been the case

Actually it were the Puritans who started circumcised their kids, because jesus did this too
>And when eight days were completed for the circumcision of the Child, His name was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before He was conceived in the womb
Luke 2:21

the fuck is up with south korea?

Are you retarded is is this a b8 attempt?

No, memeflaggot. Check it yourself

America was the backup Wiemar Republic (
When the jews held the first First Zionist Congress in 1897 ( they made the plans for the Wiemar Republic. They also made backup plans. They knew if the Wiemar Republic failed, the back up location would have to have a population that's even more degenerate or prone to degeneracy.
Three years later, circumcision became popular in the US. A bunch of misinformation was spread tricking mothers into circumcising their sons. The fear of masturbation lead to devices being made like the "Jugum penises", a device that was designed to lock onto a young boys penis and stab it with spikes should he become aroused. ( The propaganda which included everything form blaming generic disease to causing palms to grow hair was blamed on masturbation. All of the propaganda sparked an irrational fear of children masturbating and resulted in the rise of circumcision in the united states. In order to stop these from plaguing the child and to deter the child from masturbating, parents turned to circumcision, the next best thing to a penectomy.
The real results were that the majority of men were now constantly being sexually stimulated wherever they were. This lead to different things getting their attention and changed the things they talked about. Society became more sexual and more like Wiemar was. The change in what gets male attention directly lead to the change in women's behavior too. Things that never would have been tolerated were suddenly celebrated. Each new generation grew up with the word "unacceptable" meaning less and less until today when the word itself is not considered a hate word and a word of oppression.
Everything we see wrong with America today is the direct result of these events.

Attached: Delegates_at_First_Zionist_Congress.jpg (422x269, 33K)

Cause mental traumas, turns our sexual organs into a fleshy dildo and they sell the skin to cosmetics and pocket the profit.

If that's the case then why are there not more better ways of harvesting that. It's because of what the basis of the practice is, probably stems from child sacrifice back in the day. And it should be deemed as the worst kind of child abuse.

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thanks user

Jew did cutting waaaay before jesus was born, and puritans did it to prevent masturbation, not because of jesus.

Just like Iceland proposed.

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I think the article in the mddle about "doing more for refugees" is fake. Can you link to the original article?

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They read the Talmud, did you know that?

Attached: Shabbath 137b - ENG - Highlighted.jpg (3240x4320, 3.48M)

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>is cancer secretly cured

Ask Alex Trabek (Jeopardy host), diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer (incurable), now in remission.

Embryos are nothing but stemcells, pure unadulterated stemcells. Infant stemcells are also pure unadulterated cells, from pure new bodies.

You're welcome user.

Circumcision isn't carried about by Jews in the US. It's a dumb trend that got started in the 1800s to keep boys from masturbating. Now it just sticks around due to tradition and because of the modest health benefits it offers. It's starting to fall out of favor though.

t. uncut burger

Who promoted the practice? Who spread the lies and propaganda? Who developed and marketed the circumcision devices to the ((( medical community)))? Who continues to do these things? Who actively lobbies to keep it legal? Sure, there were and are some philosemitic shabbos goy golems involved, but who was at the top pushing the lies to get this practice established in America? You know who. Kellogg and others like him are a red herring explanation promoted to distract from the satanic crimes of the jew.