Is the psychological trauma? Is this ultimate form of wanting to get a hug from the whiteman?
We all know it is advantageous to be anti-white, now a days. Why do they do it?
Before you call me a racist I'm a transhumanist coloured person of color.
Why do POC white nationalist exist?
You can't self bump you stupid NIGGER saged
yes i can! I'm not african-american, so don't call me that.
I think you're confusing white people with rainbow colored people that come in all colors of the rainbow and shades of colors. Light is not the same once it passes through pyramid of brokeback mountain. It's crooked. No longer straight.
Imagine living in a white land, with with inventions, white laws, and a white comfortable lifestyle. Now imagine being a race whose country is hundreds of years behind in culture, technology, laws, and comfort. If you were a nog, yet smart enough to see that most of your race are nogs and would turn your comfortable living space into a shithole, would you really support that?
If Uncle Ruckus joined in the race war, lynched niggers, gassed kikes, saved white women from monkeys, and used his blackness to infiltrate and subvert the brown hordes, what would his reward be? Once the ethnostate was formed and the enemies of western civilization were annihilated, would Ruckus be allowed to stay? We know he would never taint a beautiful white woman with his worthless black seed. He would serve the white man faithfully until the end.
Could this one nigger live in peace in the white man's paradise? Could he even find a home in white heaven with white God and perhaps even be cleansed of his darkness?
Absolutely goodness is it's own reward.
your nog people!
They have awareness to the fact their quality of life will not improve without the ebil white man.
Nothing about being black prevents me from seeing mass migration of the west as a bad thing. "Lynch teh niggers!" definitely doesn't help though.
black bot here, living in this white nation is cool and all but dont expect me to suck up to crackers in this day and age. white people in the 80's and 90's were pretty cool tho.
>the West
Lmao stop coonin bro. Your ancestors were nothing more than livestock for "the West"
Oh is this where you try to get me to hate the west, to make it easier to justify your own hate? History is full of atrocities. You can play that game by yourself, "bro".
If the white race exists long term then everyone has a chance to live.
If the whites die out, then the Chinese will be willing step up as the dominant race, and extermination or slavery is not out of the question for the non-Chinese. Anyone not standing with white nationalists stands against their own salvation.
What's really funny is that they portrays "self-hatred" as an ugly old man.
Are they wanting to put a stereotype?
What if was a very pretty black woman allied with "white supremacy"? There are several outliers out there different types of people.
Well, here's a rule almost. "white supremacy" is often supported by non-white men when it comes to different pro-white people.
Non-white women do not usually partner politically even more with marginal politics.
Non whites who were specifically instrumental in establishing a white ethnostate could be be rewarded, even in this life.
Obviously we'd be cautious, we don't want a repeat of the past. But we wont be able to help ourselves from providing reasonable rewards to those who help secure a future for our own children.
To know thyself is to know thine enemy.
Having your eyes open to reality does not depend solely on your particular shade or hue of color.
In fact going by color alone can lead you in false direction.
Most niggos i have met seemed almost ok (hate mexicans, illegals, overbearing faggots, other niggers because they know how foolish and tragic it is living as a stereotype)
Some people if Spanish descent seemed ok (mexican chicks are whores, hate niggers, love America when given opportunity, once they make it they absolutely hate other mexicans/Spanish speaking chimps for being lazy good for nothing welfare slobs etc)
Myself i am a fullblood native American and i have no hatred of 'da whiteman" in particular. Because I live near southern border (AZ) i have an immense and burning hatred of mexico and mexicans due to life experience and a deep understanding of Native People and the shit-hole known as mexico(formerly Spanish colony).
But hating white folk? Nope i really dont get it, unless you're talking about sjws and librals, those who hate America and Americans, as i am also a proud American.
>mexico is stolen land
>NATIVE people call it the Occupied Territories
fun fact : the population of the entire planet used to be less than the population of china now.
>Taking that post seriously
Uncle Ruckus is Irish Reveritligo? Like what Micheal Jackson had but opposite.
It's an actual issue we're likely to face in at least some aspects if there ever were a wide-spread racial conflict for our future, even if he was joking.
>Thinking anyone takes you seriously
why not fight for a one world government. A global brazil!
Sure as long as we get to scalp all the Spanish colonialists and their inbred modern incarnations.
That or put them back on the boat, heading back to their country of origin Spain.
we can destroy all races by blanda upping the whole world.