>The Post also noted that the distribution was concentrated in certain places, finding that West Virginia, Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Nevada had the top pill-per-person-per-year rates of all states, ranging from 66.5 to 54.7. West Virginia, which had the highest distribution rate, also had the highest opioid death rate during this period.



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Other urls found in this thread:


Because our countrymen are burgers. They can't even stop stuffing their faces with fatty foods because they're addicted to the momentary taste bud sensation despite the massive negative effects it has on their body. Their impulse control is no match for an opioid subscription.
The second this country gets "free" healthcare it's fucking all over.

because we work and that makes your back hurt.

sorry, bros, just woke up.
>real answer
because carrying all the non-whites on my "white man's burden" back hurts.

I like when groups of Americans come together after they feel like they’ve been shafted. Literally the only way anything gets done in this country.

>DEA will break me in half for buying more than one box of Sudafed a month
>allows opioid trash to be handed out without breaking down drug company doors or raiding production facilities
Kikery abounds.

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My dad's and mom's knees are gone, they have a few bulging it herniated discs and both have messed up knees. My has had several surgeries but my dad refuses to get help aside from getting pills.
They have a hard time getting anything stronger than crappy pills.
They used to be able to get butrans patches but medicare refuses to cover them now that opioid hysteria has set.

pseudo-ephedrine is not protected, ephedrine is.
stacker 3s were a fucking ride...

>white america

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Where are the poppy fields?

Doctors getting bonuses based on the amount of prescriptions they write. People are prescribed opioids for everything/anything. I had my wisdom teeth taken out last year at age 33 and was prescribed Oxycodone, for some reason. I never filled the prescription, pain wasn't that bad.

can't pay for heathcare then switch to drugs because it's cheaper and then get addicted

We're at best about 33% actual white.

The mentioned states are among the poorest in the country. Do you think they are paying for these drugs?

It also doesn't help that a lot of the doctors are pajeets that don't give a single fuck

its always the Jews

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>The Sackler family are Jewish descendants of Isaac Sackler and his wife Sophie (née Greenberg), immigrants to the United States from Galicia (now Ukraine) and Poland

>The Sackler family is an American and British family whose members are known for founding and owning the pharmaceutical company Purdue Pharma. Purdue Pharma, and by extension some members of the family, have faced criticism and lawsuits amid Purdue Pharma's role in the North American opioid crisis.

Jews, user, its not a meme. it's time you woke the fuck up

>always jews
Actually, it was Bayer that invented diacetylmorphine, aka heroin. It's not always jews.

They should try losing weight.

Who waged the opium war in China? They are probably related.

The invention itself is amoral it's the use that people have issues with.

As much as the dude weed lmao types piss me off I'd much rather see people doped up on cannabis to help their chronic pain. Better still if they quit being weak sedentary fucks.

because White people have to live to see their country turn into somalia. of course they want to take pills and kill themselves
Brownies get to live near white people so everything is going great for them

Tfw have a broken rib and can't get any decent pain killers because of you junkie fucks

The pain is sharp and constant

Inventing opioids is fine, they do have their legitimate uses. It's just kikes being kikes and corrupting white ingenuity to enslave us and amass shekels. This is why Jews are objectively worse than Muslim. 9/11 was an act of charity compared to the opioid crisis.

(oxycodone produced by Sackler family)

They pûshed it using ads like this in the 1990s and 2000s, claiming that the addiction potential is very low


">addictive potential is much less than 1%"

Live with it.

Because the CIA smuggles drugs into the country for their globalhomo kike masters, and they want white people dead and the native population replaced with dumber niggers who are less of a threat to the ruling powers; Whites are dangerously bad goyim occasionally.

Blame the Jews, user. Blame the Jews.

Mortimer and Raymond Sackler, former owners of Purdue Pharma (known for OxyContin); members of the Sackler family[503]


>net worth 13 billion

I wouldn't be suprised if China had a part in all of this along with US pharmaceutical companies. Not necessarily working together but in pumping vast amounts of drugs into the population. With over 75,000 deaths per year, millions in the grip of addiction and unable to work what better way to undermine a country without having to fire a shot. America is killing itself slowly and it is being given a helping hand to do so. Some people on Jow Forums might say, "well let them die its their own fault" but the prosperity and social cohesion of the country is being undermined and anyone who turns a blind eye to this attack is in the same league as a coward or deserter who flees battle. Whatever your personal stance on drugs or drug takers, this problem should be treated the same as a military attack om the nation because the casualty rate is far higher than any war America has fought in many, many decades.

I remember my brother got drunk and took stackers

We caught his ass building a snowman in his underwear

What do you call an opioid addict?

An oxymoron

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That pushed the opiods.

Teach soldiers, pussies and women responsibility
Opioid crisis solved

I refuse to give a pass to anyone developing opioid/opiate drugs.
Bayer does not get a pass. Morphine was good enough. Nothing but codeine should be distributed for use outside of a hospital, morally.
No other class of drugs is as destructive when abused as opis.


The "doctor" here is referring to a 5-sentence "letter to the editor" by (((Herschel Jick))), published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Jick found that hospitalised patients that were administered opiates ONLY by their doctor (and in very small and controlled doses) had a 1% chance of getting addicted. This was not a double blind experiment, the population sample was no where near sufficient. Jick, himself said it was a very informal study. It became the focal point of Purdue’s marketing campaign.

You sound white and/or hispanic, if not white and/or hispanic female. I can assure you, there are several demographics who are lucky to get sugar pills because doctors will not prescribe opiods to them.

I've seen this article/(((study))) before, but it's important to note here that it's considered A BAD THING by the media that whites date whites. They want to literally force white women into fucking brown people and having orc babies so the white race dies. That is objectively the point and purpose of the study.
>How can we get white women to breed with non-whites?

If such a program was undertaken with any other race, it would be a war.

There's a lot of prescription fraud. There are a lot of addict prescription writers and prescription fillers.

Because big pharma pushes it. I work next to a children's hospital and they have to put warnings in the elevators so retarded ass parents will stop simply giving their children opiods because some idiot with medical school debt told them to.

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Don't worry user, those figures are inflated, West Virginia doesn't count as part of the US

CIA smuggled coke in and facilitated the crack epidemic, which destroyed many parts of black America for secret wars reasons.

White people are prescription 'party drug' addicts on their own.

Opioid addiction is a manufactured problem. If someone gets hooked on Vicodin, just let them keep popping Vicodin for the rest of the lives. It doesn't hurt anybody. Not until the doctor cuts them off do people start going out looking for heroin and ruining their lives.

Two decades ago here they use to prescribe opioids even for a bad cold. Not just codeine but stronger stuff like hydrocodone and thebacone.

Nowadays this isn't the case anymore, for pulling wisdom teeth you get ibuprofen. Opioids are only for people suffering chronic pain, cancer patients and whatnot, or the terminally ill.

There's nothing "party" about opioids.
They're not recreational drugs like alcohol, meth, MDMA, or LSD.

everyone wants to go somewhere better.
in the past whites struggled to build a society
now all the brown people go somewhere better
now whites still want to go somewhere better. before we could build somewhere better and that satisfied the urge to get somewhere better. Now we cant even build because it will just be torn down. It happens subconsciously, without ever even realizing the race and migration thing. All we know is generic "free loaders" take half our paychecks and the roads still have pot holes in them.
what are you supposed to do when your instincts say "get somewhere better" and there is no where to go and no way to make it happen?

Clown world is depressing for people who know the good times are over if we keep up this degeneracy

The FBI tracked every stolen bike in the US. The data is out - and its horrific.

We know (((who))) is doing this. It should be obvious.

>white guy goes to the doctors
>doc i stubbed my t
>here is some Oxy, want viocodine as well?

>Actually, it was Bayer that invented diacetylmorphine, aka heroin. It's not always jews.

>huwhite guy invents something for the good of mankind
>(((they))) smell an opportunity to exploit
>infiltrate, force out huwhite owner with a conscience
>turn it into mega evil corporation bent on destroying the host.

Note: NONE OF THIS could happen if not for the central banking cabal network which is funding this. Destroy the money and destroy the influence network. Although NOW it's probably too late.

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I have legit pain and i can't even get my doctor to right a RX for tramadol. Where is everyone getting this medicine and how can i get some.

>because we work and that makes your back hurt.


Pain, especially the excruciating type, will kill you quicker than painkillers.

People that complain about pharmaceuticals fucking you up Forget that people were already Fucked up whiohc is why they required meds in the first place.

Also if you hate pharmaceutical companies, you haven't been really sick yet.

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This is the problem when it comes to "muh opiate crisis" freakout fags. I am suffering from severe chronic pain and because of the opiate hysteria I can't even get scripted codeine

I once saved someone from a falling 1000 pound door and got my foot crushed as a reward. Because i told them they are all fucking stupid and useless standing there dancing in fear and I did not get to have it treated. The bones fused wrong, a doctor said he cold fix it but he wont the insure will not cover it all. I was offered Opy or Vicky and refused both because I'm not a degenerate i live with the pain every step

whites love drugs. They're constantly wanting to get high.

They're some of the most degenerate ppl I've seen in my life


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Should have taken them you dumb fuck, in this day and age they are literally worth their weight in gold. Meanwhile doc won't even script me the lowest dose of the weakest opiate

Instead of Area 51 we get everyone to attack a pharmaceutical place and get dem pills

Fuck off give me your drugs

Pain killers + alcohol take the edge off clown land

Who nose?

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now I'm moving to Appalachia ware i will be the only man in town who is not high and only missing one tooth from a fall, i'll be a catch

Pill heads are a scourge, would be a shame if someone started fucking with the prescriptions

>Crushes foot
>Doesn't get it treated.
>"I'm not a degenerate"

your actions speak louder than your words.

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they need to outlaw the OD drug Narcan and such make it felony to revive some one

Medical treatment is not free for white men who do not do drugs or go to jail

I had a cracked rib and didn't tell anyone and kept doing predeployment training in the army. It hurts but not so much you need drugs

I guess that means the man who invented cars is responsible for every car related death.

>makes your back hurt
you have weak posterior chains because you sit so much and walk so little (in general). you need to do deadlifts and walk more. USA is a country of sloth, driving to the drive through, eating in your car, driving home. your disgustingness is your downfall.

Stupidity, lack of self control and the death of personal accountability. Your addictions are YOUR responsibility. Its not the pharmaceutical companies problem that you are a retard just like its not the cigarette companies fault that you smoke 2 packs a day. Be an adult and be accountable for yourself or be a child. The choice is yours.

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>At OxyContin’s launch party, Richard was optimistic about the drug’s market potential, saying that “the launch of OxyContin Tablets will be followed by a blizzard of prescriptions that will bury the competition. The prescription blizzard will be so deep, dense, and white...”
>Sackler was born in 1945, the son of Raymond Sackler and Beverly Feldman. His parents are both Jewish

My Bad I thought that said OxyContin’s Beach Party,

China does. Tons of clandestine labs that make fentanyl and fentanyl derivatives like carfentanyl. Plus a bunch other shit

Why aren't people blaming doctors? Wtf?

>back hurts
>ruin life with addictiting and life destroying drugs
>can't work because of addiction
>back still hurts and throat hurts from Sucking cock for more druvs

Such is the life of a burger

Treating the pain with pills and not the injury with rehabilitation and exercise.
Preventative medicine will save good people from being exposed to dangerous pills.
Remember to stretch every day and warm up before activities.

Fuck the DEA. I was in pain treatment and got 120 roxies a month. The dea shut my doctor down. 2 years ago I have the cervical 3-6 in my neck replaced with ones from a donor. Nonstop pain. Now im on heroin because it is the only way i can function. Stopping the pills is what causes heroin uses.

Ephedrine is legal in Canada
I took a bunch, it just made me sweaty and have a extremely heavy heartbeat

You mean jews?