>black children drop out of school at higher rates and score lower on standardized tests on average because the have low IQ’s!
>it’s definitely not because of systematic cultural and social disenfranchisements from racist whites that limit or discourage their access to educational resources or materials, such as adequate funding and books, r-right user?
All the libraries and schools in the world isn't going to save Africa.
Gavin Price
>Making claims with no sources. >What is Africa and any other majority black "nation" Fag
Dominic Jenkins
>systematic racism >black man held highest office in country for two terms. >its the system itself thats racist goy, burn down democracy and install communist dictatorship so we can even further manipulate markets.
Justin Perez
Well in all honesty Obama's father was actually African, his mother white and he was raised by whites. Basically zero connection to native nignog culture.
Luis Rodriguez
So that's why Challenger crashed. Someone stole all the copper wiring.
Aaron Bell
>got a PhD in Physics from MIT and died aboard the Challenger all this tells me is if a nigger is on your space crew, don't leave earth