Why are they so fucked up?
What's wrong with the British?
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Mind your mouth m8
I think being a once highly reserved people now the stabilisers have come off we are going wild.
We've long had a lower class partial to the drinking, who came from displaced peasants moved into the urban centers as agriculture modernised needing their labour less and less.
We were held in check by a strict social system, today we have individual rights and little to no personal responsibility.
Still haven't recovered from the disaster that was world war 1 and 2.
The British (English in particular) developed social rules over centuries to live cohesively on a small island with a very high population density. Now that the Marxists have brainfucked half the population its all falling apart. Brexit was an attempt to keep the country from going under. I fear its too late anyway. They've successfully indoctrinated too many. They've become a bunch of pussies. Last time I visited people were complaining of the cold despite having a climate extremely mild for its latitude. The temperature was barely -5C (23F) - no wonder they lost their empire. Laziness is to found everywhere. Benefits culture has reduced a once proud people to piglets sucking on the teats of a nanny State. The political correctness of the British is worse than that found elsewhere as its usually combined with British double entendre which will definitely mind fuck any outsider and drives a bus load of them to take their own lives week in week out just to escape the Kafkaesque nature of it all. A once proud and mighty people have fallen. Sad country of my ancestors.
Greece, why are you being so rude lately?
It doesn't become you lad.
>Benefits culture
we have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the western word.
>bus load of them to take their own lives week in week out
We have one of the lowest suicide rates in the western world
What the fuck are you talking about you cretin
Dont you have a home invasion to get home to?
fuck off m8