Beautiful. simply beautiful

Attached: 1024px-Russian_Empire_(orthographic_projection).svg.png (1024x1024, 309K)

Other urls found in this thread:

so so beautiful

Attached: 1920px-Flag_of_the_Russian_Empire_(black-yellow-white).svg.png (1920x1280, 2K)

home.... at least it was until the kikes fucked everythang up

Attached: 1024px-German_Empire_1914.svg.png (1024x1038, 249K)


Attached: DisgustedAsianChick.jpg (476x600, 78K)

so so so so beautiful

Attached: 1920px-Flag_of_the_German_Empire.svg.png (1920x1280, 2K)

rest in peace sweet princes

Attached: Ch3_Image07.jpg (250x380, 23K)

>start war
>lose it
>somehow jews are at fault

if only you knew how kiked things really were

Attached: 300px-Balfour_declaration_unmarked.jpg (300x396, 46K)

>Huur durr what is Wiemar republic huurr durr

you guys should at least annex Austria

Attached: pepe_crying.gif (498x490, 1.58M)

Blame the French for the economic depression. As for the 'degeneracy', that was mainly in Berlin.

Attached: _________3.jpg (388x508, 51K)


Jews >>>> Ar*bs

>we dindu nuffin
>1. Chairman of the Council of people's Commissars - Ulyanov (Lenin). Russian.
2. The Commissioner for Foreign Affairs - Chicherin. Russian.
3. Commissioner for nationalities - Dzhugashvili (Stalin). Georgian. He's real, half-Jewish, his mother.
4. President Of The Supreme Economic Council - Lurie (Larin). Jew.
5. Commissioner for recovery - Schlichter. Jew.
6. Commissioner Of Agriculture - Protian. Armenian.
7. The Commissioner of State control is lander. Jew.
8. The Commissioner of the Army and Navy Bronstein (Trotsky). Jew.
9. Commissioner of state lands - Kaufman. Jew.
10. The public works Commissioner is Schmidt. Jew.
11. The Commissioner of public logistics - E. Lili (Knighten). Jewess.
12. Commissioner of public education - Lunacharsky. Russian. (married to a Jewish woman rozenel)
13. Commissioner faiths - Spitzberg. Jew.
14. People's Commissar - Apfelbaum (Zinoviev). Jew.
15. The Commissioner of public health - Anvelt. Jew.
16. Commissioner of Finance - Gukovsky. Jew.
17. The Commissioner of printing - Cohen (Volodarskiy). Jew.
18. The Commissioner of the election - Radomyslsky (Uritsky). Jew.
19. The Commissioner Of Justice - Steinberg. Jew.
He was in charge of the shootings.
20. The Commissioner for evacuation - Fenigstein. Jew.
21. His assistants - ravych and Zaslavsky. Jewry.

[Citation needed]

As nice as these borders are, did Poland-Lithuania deserve their fate?

Attached: 93482732984732.jpg (1807x1335, 197K)

Don't start wars you can't win, untermensch.

ugly af and you also have to go back, r*ssian subhuman

Based. Fucking based.
