Is there a more enjoyable and extensive political text out there?

is there a more enjoyable and extensive political text out there?
i think he hit the nail right on the head with this one.
by far my favorite book.

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How can I get one in America that is a true translation and won’t get me on some list?

there's pdf copies of it online and i can verify that they are accurate.

>"political text" worth the paper it's printed on
Pick one.

except it's not propaganda
you would know that if you actually read the book

The sequel is good as well.

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Get the Stalag edition

Marxs das kapital

Implying it's not boring af.

have you read it?
it's enthralling. it simply does not stop being interesting the whole way through.

Tbh I did not but I heard it from friends who still own a copy

i highly recommend it.
it really should be mandatory reading for anyone who is involved with politics.

I’m on chapter 4 desu! It’s kind of dragging right now when he’s talking about Viennese politics but I’ve only just started.

yeah, but there is a reward at the end of that, when he reveals who is behind parliamentarism and why multi national empires dont work.
there's many lessons in every chapter

I enjoyed my second read whilst referencing the manifesto and the excellent Art of War

Stalag edition was officially authorized by the NSDAP, Ford edition is supposedly pretty good as well.

Chapter 6 is great. Would suggest for everybody to read just that one if they are too lazy to read the entire book.

>Calls it boring only because his friends told him so.
Literal low IQ behavior.

chapter 11 is a very important one as well
in fact, i have printed out copies of chapter 11 in case someone wants to read it

Yeah I also was surprised by all the parallels drawn between way back then and today

aesthetic pic.

>is there a more enjoyable and extensive political text out there?

pic related.

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Also it’s already made me depressed as an American I can’t imagine how you feel

>what could have been

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what about Zweites Buch? seems to be a sequel to mein kampf or something

Crazy how well German translates into English, and what a great command of language he had

Is there an English hardback version like OPs available anywhere?
I love that look

> some list
I listened to it on YouTube.

i have pic related. wewelsburg magician made it.

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It's a good book however it's overrated because the polemic figure of Hitler, there are better books if we talk about polític, like The Prince of Machiavello, The Republic of Plato or the Social Contract of Russeau.

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