Oh say can you see

>Oh say can you see

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Why do you hurt us Serbia... Is it not enough that our country is infested with savages? Must you mock us?

Seeing your countries fall to the hordes of niggers, spics and other shitskins is the only thing that keeps me going.

Attached: slika-2-ck-building-on-fire-1999.jpg (640x480, 58K)

>inb4 diversity is actually a strength and America ushers in a 10000 year golden age

There has never been a multicultural society in human history and there never will be. It's against nature, and your post is probably the biggest cope I've ever read in my entire life.

they dont speak the national anthem every morning fagtard, they say the pledge allegiance.

>I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america.
>And to the republic for which it stands.
>One nation, under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Attached: 1458506317572.jpg (530x444, 34K)

Member falling Serbia in the back when they fought the Mudslimes? I assume that is the reason.

Will you remove them like you removed the kebabs?

You can bleach a 75% Latina or a similar level of White North African / Middle Eastern girl and that's about it. The rest will for the most part be a perpetual foreigner.

Just like Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Perú, latinamerica in general.