I've been psychotically thinking for every second I am not distracted for the past 10 months about the fact I am circumcised and how I resent it so deeply.
Before I hang myself in December outside my apartment, I am going to find the Rabbi who greatly contributed to my future suicide by mutilating my genitals as a baby against my will, ideally I will meet him at night when he's returning home, and hit him repeatedly in the back of the head with a rusty pipe.
Hopefully next life I will be reincarnated with a foreskin.
I've been psychotically thinking for every second I am not distracted for the past 10 months about the fact I am...
Why take your life? There are plenty of rabbis to kill user
C'mon moshie. You can do better than that
OCD might be a bigger problem for you
There's no better feeling in the world than when my gf licks and sucks the head of my dick, it's so sensitive. I get goosebumps it feels so good. I'd probably kill myself if I was circumsized too.
sry rabbi thought you were fucking with me.
Stop watching porn for a couple months. Try it.
I can bust a nut in under five minutes now. Nofap is the way
True story.
pic related BTFO circumized cucks. I'll fuck your girl and enjoy it more too!
If injustice has been cast upon you, a man of standing reacts by defending the innocent from suffering the same injustice.
I've stopped fapping age ago because it's so demoralizing to masturbate and know it could've been so much better, NoFap doesn't bring back your 20,000 nerve endings, nor does it sensitize your glans that have taken so much abuse, dryness and friction with the fabric of your clothes, no foreskin to protect it from the elements
How do you defend the innocent from a genital mutilating cult? It's hopeless