Graduated today. Not particularly noteworthy except I saw my dad for the first time in about 4 years. I see my mum more often, about once or twice a year - she comes to visit, but alone. He was always quite distant when I was growing up, mostly too busy working to keep the family afloat financially. I was really nervous to see him again after all this time. The first thing he did was shake my hand and slap me on the back. I saw in his face an unbelievable amount of pride and respect for me (I'm the first person in my immediate family to have gone to university). After the ceremony me, my girlfriend, my mum, and my dad went to have lunch and we caught up for a good few hours, laughing and reminiscing. They eventually had to catch a train back home, but before they left, my dad shook my hand again and said "Well done mate. I'm so proud of you". In the end, I don't really care about my degree. My father's pride and respect is worth so much more.
I lost mine the year before last (cancer). We'd only just made up after having not spoken in a while. Make the most of him lad, you'll miss him when he's gone.
Hunter Bennett
Threadly reminder that out means out.
Michael Ortiz
Anyone seen that Channel 4 advert about the moon landings?