I don't he burned any kind of book that will affect Third Reich or Humanity.
What kind of books he burned?
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kike tranny shit. That's it. What an evil, evil man. How dare he save us from their insanity for nigh on 70 years. What a terrible human being, trying to stop bodily mutilation and soul tearing.
>tranny shit
After fall of Third Reich, nobody write that shits in half 20th century?
When is the next book burning?
the book burning is mentioned on there
Thanks Portugal user. caralho this is really fucked up.
shit that we should be burning now
He burned shit by Bolshevik Jews.
Institut für Sexualwissenschaft was one (book on sexology and gender)
:^) the world is progressively more fucked up but internet is a nice distraction for everyone
Can someone spoonfeed some reading link about Weimar.
I can't google anything, most link if find are censored deleted for some reason.
bdsm manuals and rightly so. people worship books as if any book burning is a crime but books are just people's words. they can be 100% destructive shit and often they are
eric salten was a known pedophile
>eric salten
*felix salten
he burned the gay and tranny shit the jews were pushing
> shit that we should be burning now
strangely they also burned all quiet on the western front.
>The actual progression of events amounts to little more than a graphic, unapologetic description of the reckless sexuality exhibited by the heroine, all before reaching her 14th year. The style bears more than a passing resemblance to the Marquis de Sade's The 120 Days of Sodom in its unabashed "laundry list" cataloging of all manner of taboo sexual antics from children’s sexual play, incest and rape to child prostitution, group sex, sado-masochism, lesbianism, and fellatio.
yep, that's the guy who wrote bambi
the Nazi party wanted the people ready for war, All Quiet is anti-war. therefore they didn't like All Quiet
What is 21st century book burning?
this shit is actually a decent redpill to bring up when any supposed right winger brings up nazi book burning as modern left wing practice. if they call themselves rightwing but still disavow the nazis burning degenerate tranny shit, they are not your ally.
Weimer Jews were absolute degenerates. They had complete control over Germany's social scene and media. They were glorifying all kind of degenerate behavior and the culture was totally falling apart. Porn, pedophilia, trannys, homosexuality, drugs, you name it. All normalized and totally OK under the Weimar Republic.
The books the Third Reich burned were all of the media and literature of these degenerates. It was symbolic of the German people rising above the trash.
Of course, the people who got to write the history conveniently leave out all of these details and simply leave students with the idea that Germany was throwing away perfectly good literature and educational material so it could dumb down its population and take control.
Since we were not taught accurate history we are, apparently, doomed to repeat mistakes. Except this time, the stakes are far greater. Everything that was happening in Weimar Germany has been happening to the West. They just took their time with this one. Now degeneracy, drugs, anti-family, anti child, and anti white sentiments are multigenerational. Generation, x, millenials, and generation Z don't think twice about seeing chopdicks and drugged out coke whores shoehorned into every available media presentation. They actually believe in the "Patriarchy", think that all races are exactly the same, and that it's acceptable for people to openly criticize and call for the degradation of white people.